A wilderness survival recipe should be tasty and easy to prepare under primitive outdoor conditions. This recipe has both those characteristics, and can be made over a fire using one cooking implement!

This is a good recipe for stretching when you don’t have much meat.

By Leon Pantenburg

My family loves stir-fried rice and this is a great survival meal that takes a minimum of  preparation and ingredients. You can use virtually any game meat, as long as it can be cut into thin strips.

This recipe is a particularly good choice if you don’t have much meat, but several people to feed. And it’s easy to stretch – just add more cooked rice, vegetables and/or meat or whatever you have. In such a case, the meat can become more of a seasoning that enhances the taste.

Some of the ingredients, such as the cooked rice, can be made the night before and put in a Ziplock plastic bag. Or, you can chop whatever onions or vegetables you’d like to include, and take them along in a Tupperware container.

When it’s time to eat, heat up a skillet or a cast iron Dutch oven over a campfire, and quickly saute and fry all the ingredients.

Wild Game Stir Fry

1/2 pound wild game meat, cut into short thin strips: (I like to marinade most game meat for several hours in  a mixture of 1 c milk, 1 egg, garlic powder and salt and pepper. This mixture will soak out the blood and “gamey” flavor in many cuts.)
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1 small onion, chopped
3 to 6 snow peas

salt and pepper to taste

2 tsp soy sauce

1/4 c water

1 small tomato, peeled and cut into chunks.

1 c cooked rice

In large skillet or Dutch oven, heat meat in oil over a high heat, stirring constantly, until the meat is browned. Push meat to one side. Add chopped onions, green pepper, and snow peas, and stir for abut two minutes. Add salt, pepper, soy sauce and water, stirring to blend all ingredients. Cover and simmer three minutes, Stir in tomato. Cook one more minute, or until the tomato is hot all the way through. Spoon over hot rice and serve at once.

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