You can only live about three days without water. Here’s some new info about improvising water purification systems in the wilderness, and how well these work.

by Leon Pantenburg

I always carry some sort of water purification system in the backcountry, regardless of where I’m going. One of my favorite systems is the LifeStraw, because of its light weight and portability. Some sport bottles have a built-in filtering system. These work great if you are certain there are water sources in the areas you might be traveling in.

But suppose you don’t have a filter, or it broke. Or you run out of water purification tablets – what then?

This Central Oregon high desert spring is the only water source for miles. The water will require clarification and purification before using.

This desert spring is the only water source for miles. The water will require clarification and purification before using.

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There are many ways of  improvising water purification systems in the wilderness. But how well do they actually work?

This  excellent post from Survivalology 101 brings up some interesting information from The Norwegian School of Winter Warfare.

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