What is SurvivalCommonSense? And why should you care?

SurvivalCommonSense.com was in the development stage long before anyone ever heard of the internet, reality TV shows or preppers. by Leon Pantenburg My wildest dreams never included editing a wilderness/survival website. But I’ve been an outdoors enthusiast as long as I can remember (Here’s my bio), and for years I was a Boy Scout and …

Water purification in the wilderness – what works, and what doesn’t

You can only live about three days without water. Here’s some new info about improvising water purification systems in the wilderness, and how well these work. by Leon Pantenburg I always carry some sort of water purification system in the backcountry, regardless of where I’m going. One of my favorite systems is the LifeStraw, because …

Survival gear: LifeStraw water filter review from SHTF blog

Home I’m a fan of the Life Straw water filter, and tested it extensively last summer on a backpacking trip. My friend Bob, “Jarhead Survivor” of the excellent SHTF blog,  recently checked the product out and here is what he discovered. – Leon   Well, I finally got a chance to try out the LifeStraw …

Video review: LifeStraw Portable Water Filter

Home  I’m always on the alert for ways to shave ounces from my backpack. Cutting water weight is one option, and the LifeStraw Portable Water Filter can really help. by Leon Pantenburg I started backpacking  about four decades ago and don’t intend to ever quit. But a complete knee replacement four years ago, and an …