
One of the big complaints about bladder style water systems is that after a while, they can start tasting musty. Here’s how to prevent that.

By Leon Pantenburg

Here’s a great way to keep your bladder style water hydration system from attracting mold and mildew: store it in your freezer.

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Find a system for carrying lots of water and use it. If you store your hydration system in a freezer you can forget about mold!

Find a system for carrying lots of water and use it. If you store your hydration system in a freezer you can forget about mold!

I heard about this idea from a fellow shopper at REI. I was looking at the complex assortment of brushes and tools for cleaning bladder hydration systems, and complaining about how hard it was to keep my kids’ hydration systems fresh.
The shopper claimed to have used the same hydration system for 10 years, and said because it is always stored in the freezer, he doesn’t need to clean anything.

Freezing has no effect on the plastic, as long as the bladder and connecting hoses and valves are emptied. So I went home and tried it. I made sure all the water was out of my Camelback system and stuck it in the freezer.

I’ve been storing my Camelback  and other types of hydration systems  in my freezer for the past three years, and this tip works



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