Here’s a quick, easy breakfast meal to take backpacking.
by Leon Pantenburg
I’ve always liked the taste of the rolled oats. When I was a kid growing up on a farm, my mom used to make a big pan of oatmeal for breakfast on cold Iowa mornings. The cereal was filling and stuck with you until lunch.
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This backpacker oatmeal dish is quick, easy and delicious, since you tweak the ingredients to your taste! (Pantenburg photo)
Ever since a bout with heart disease in December of last year, though, my eggs in the morning have been replaced with some variation of oatmeal with walnuts and other fruits and grains.
Oatmeal is low in both calories and fat, and high in fiber, according to, which makes it handy for weight loss, since it can fill you up early in the day and prevent overeating. Oatmeal is also nutrient-rich, providing many essential vitamins and minerals.
Some specific nutrients found at high levels in oatmeal include manganese, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium and thiamin. Oatmeal also contains compounds called avenanthramides, which function as antioxidants in the body.
Oatmeal is a great breakfast for backpackers or outdoorspeople, so here is an easy recipe to make at home and enjoy out on the trail. Try this for breakfast, and it should help fuel a vigorous morning.
Backpacker Oatmeal
In a quart heavy-duty Zip-Lock-style plastic bag combine:
1/2 cup quick oatmeal
I TBS walnuts
1 TBS roasted pumpkin seeds
I TBS flax seeds
1 Tbs sunflower seeds
your choice of Craisins, raisins, dried fruit
1-2 TBS freeze dried pineapple
2 TBS dried milk
1-2 TBS natural cane sugar or granulated honey.
I generally toss in however many nuts and seeds I feel like – adjust seasonings to taste. Seal the bag and put it in with your food in your backpack. When you’re ready to eat, just add about a cup or so of boiling water and , stir. (Cooking tip: Pour the boiling water directly on the oatmeal, so things rehydrate quicker.) Re-seal the bag and let it sit a minute or so until the oatmeal is ready.
Cleanup is a snap – just reseal the bag when you’re done eating and pack it out. This meal is quick, easy to put together and delicious.