Before you get stuck in the snow during winter driving, make sure you have the right gear along.

In this list, survival expert Peter Kummerfeldt gives a list of what you need to stay alive in your car in the winter.

Emergency Equipment List:
Cellular phone with charger
SPOT beacon
Four quart bottles of water
Three dehydrated meals
Other carbohydrate-based foods
Toilet paper
Tools: to include jack and spare tire
Road flares
Tow strap
Booster cables
Folding or breakdown shovel
Blankets or sleeping bags
Hand heater packets
Light sticks
Waterproof, windproof matches
Metal cup
Basic first aid kit
Additional clothing
Winter footwear (boot blankets)
Two empty cans (one for melting snow & one for sanitary purposes)
Sack of cat litter (use to improve traction)
Windshield scraper and brush
Spare personal medications
Flashlight and spare batteries
Portable radio with spare batteries
Emergency candles and/or small stove
Multi-purpose tool (Leatherman)
Ski goggles
Duct tape
Space blankets
Book to read
25 – 50 feet  of nylon cord
Chemical hand warmers

Peter Kummerfeldt has walked the talk in the wilderness survival field for decades. Peter grew up in

Peter Kummerfeldt

Peter Kummerfeldt

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Kenya, East Africa and came to America in 1965 and joined the U.S. Air Force. He is a graduate of the Air Force Survival Instructor Training School and has served as an instructor at the Basic Survival School, Spokane, Washington; the Arctic Survival School, Fairbanks, Alaska, and the Jungle Survival School, Republic of the Philippines.

For twelve years, Peter was the Survival Training Director at the United States Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado. He retired from the Air Force in 1995 after 30 years of service.

In 1992, concerned with the number of accidents that were occurring in the outdoors annually and the number of tourists traveling overseas who were involved in unpleasant and sometimes life-threatening incidents Peter created

He is the author of Surviving a Wilderness Emergency and has addressed over 20,000 people as the featured speaker at numerous seminars, conferences and national conventions.