So here’s the scenario – the power went out and you’re sheltering inside the house. Outside, the temperature plummets, the wind picks up and it starts to snow. It doesn’t appear that the power will be restored within the next few days. How will you stay warm and safe?
by Leon Pantenburg
Where I grew up in Iowa, this situation was not all that uncommon. It seems like every winter, there would be spell where a blizzard knocked out the electricity and we’d have to fend for ourselves on the farm.

When the power goes out, and the blizzard starts to rage, know what to do to stay safe and warm inside your house. (Pantenburg photos)
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But since this situation was expected, everybody had some sort of storm plan.
Keeping warm at my parents’ place was was not a problem. The farmhouse was heated with several oil burning stoves that didn’t rely on anything electrical. We also had candles and some kerosene lamps for lighting. The stove and oven were gas.
But for people with no experience with winter power outages, a power outage can be dangerous. If you live somewhere where the winters can get cold, be ready for this winter storm situation.
Here are some tips to prepare your house for a winter storm power outage.
Before the storm hits:
– On the outside: Cover the north side of the house with clear visqueen to seal off the wind. Pile bales of hay or straw around the foundation, if available, and stack them up as high as you have bales for. If it has snowed, shovel the snow up around the foundation for insulation. If it’s really snowing and blowing, shovel up snow as high as possible on the windy side of the house to slow down the wind, and reduce the wind chill.
– Hopefully, you will have double-paned windows that are insulated and well-sealed. If not, or you notice a draft around the edges, cover the windows on the outside with plastic.
– Don’t seal the house to be completely airtight! Carbon monoxide is a real danger with any heat source that relies on a flame!
– Let’s hope the water pipes have already been insulated! If not, that is one of the tasks that should be done before winter and cold weather!
Inside, make the best use of your resources.
– Close off the parts of the house you aren’t staying in. The idea is to have everyone in one room to conserve heat. Hang blankets over doors, and roll up towels to put at the bottom of doors and windows. Cardboard, cut to fit, is a great insulator, but it blocks the light. Stop the wind!

A single candle may provide enough lighting in some power outage situations. Check out thrift stores and garage sales for good deals.
– Lighting: Make the best use of light sources. Several people may be able to use the same light source simultaneously in activities such as reading around the same lighted candle.
– Don’t waste batteries. Schedule regular radio listening times, for favorite music programs. Or know where to find a show that gives an upbeat, positive spin to depressing, emergency situations. Get a hand-cranked lighting source.
– The drinking water should be kept some place where it won’t freeze.
– You should still be able to flush the toilet by pouring water in the commode tank.
– Do off-grid cooking in the garage, some well-ventilated area or outside. The carbon monoxide from lighted charcoal, a gas stove or propane cooker can be deadly in a closed, sealed area.
– Have lots of board or card games around. Many of them can be played around a single lighted candle. (During one memorable Iowa blizzard many years ago, my entire family played Monopoly for nearly three days straight! I went bankrupt several times!)
– Have a big selection of good books to read. Don’t rely on a Kindle! When the batteries die out, so do the stories. Find books that can be read aloud, and let the kids do some of the reading.
– Useful craft projects, that contribute to the overall well-being of the group, can be appreciated.
Nobody wants a power outage. But the right attitude and some preparation can keep the situation from becoming too bad. Besides, when it is all over, there will be all these war stories to tell. Who knows – maybe the enforced family time will have been beneficial!