What will you do for entertainment on long, dark nights when the power grid is down? Music might be just what is needed.
by Leon Pantenburg
The Great Depression was devastating for farmers in the Midwest. My grandfather, Peter Pantenburg, lost the family farm about 1930, and briefly, the entire family was homeless. What kept them from going on the road ala “The Grapes of Wrath“ was my great-grandfather Charles Hallowell, and his daughter Alice Johnson.
Charles was a fiddler and Alice was a pianist, and together they played any gig they could get. They made enough
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money performing at bars, dances, parties and other social gatherings to keep the entire family together and in Iowa until times got better.
There’s a reason music has always been the center of most social gatherings. I think humans are hardwired to appreciate rhythm, and music evolves naturally out of that. I also believe that music is a natural stress reliever, and that it can have a soothing effect on troubled times. And what church service is complete without music?
Music can invigorate, soothe, inspire and calm. It can be the focal point of a fellowship gathering, and a way of getting people together who otherwise don’t have much in common.
And the point here is: When there is no electricity, what will people do to stay entertained and mentally stimulated? Reading is great, if you have books, but that can be a solitary activity that doesn’t do much for social interaction.
If music is not part of your preparedness plan, give it some thought.
Singing is the probably the easiest music for everyone. And acappella music is wonderful – it is so simple anyone can participate. But sounding good takes some practice and hard work!
The next step could be improvising instruments from common items.
These traditional percussion instruments are essentially free to make, and were mainstays at dances and social events on the frontier.
- Spoons: Just hold them by the stems so the bowls can strike against each other. Anybody can play the spoons. To be good with them takes some practice, though!
- Washboard: You’ll need one for washing clothes anyway, and all you need are some thimbles on your fingers to make some sounds. Here’s how to play one.
- Comb: Put some cellophane or paper over the comb and hum into it, kinda like a kazoo.
- Washtub bass: You can adapt the standard washtub used for laundry into a pretty decent bass with the right accessories. Here’s how to make one.
Kazoo: If you can hum, you can play a kazoo. They’re great to get beginners started, and for breaking the ice at parties. Don’t pay more than a buck for one.
Harmonica: Long a frontier standard, and a favorite of soldiers, hikers and of anyone who needed a lightweight instrument, a harmonica provides the classic soundtrack for a campfire.
Other instruments can be as eclectic as your musical tastes.
The next step is to form a band. The band can be a polished ensemble, or a group of people who get together to jam. Check out the regional

The Thorn Hollow String Band plays old time music at the High Desert Museum in Bend, Oregon. Band members volunteer their time.
preferences of the area you live in. A polka band in the midwest, for example, or a country band in the southeast, are guaranteed moneymakers. Find people of similar tastes, and get together to play on a regular basis.
Then, start playing gigs. During the Depression, people were broke, but they still packed the bars. Your band, like my great-grandfather’s, could turn out to be quite profitable. It might even provide a livelihood, or way of making extra income when everything else has gone to hell.
Regardless if you’re preparing for the apocalypse, or just want to play for fun, music can be a vital part of your preparedness equipment and skills. And until a disaster happens, you can have a lot of fun practicing!
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