Venison and Dutch ovens go together like peas and carrots. These recipes are delicious, easy to prepare and virtually foolproof. And, they’re delicious!  

by Leon Pantenburg

Cooking venison outdoors in a Dutch oven just seems so natural. After all, you’re celebrating a successful wild game harvest in the great outdoors, and what’s not to enjoy?

chicken fried steak

Chicken fried steak is a good way to cook a tougher piece of venison

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Great venison taste starts as soon as the animal is down. The more quickly the carcass can be gutted, skinned and cooled, the best tasting the  meat will be. (Click here to read about keeping your venison from tasting gamey.)

But once the meat is taken care of, how do you cook it? Cookbooks abound, but here are three proven, go-to venison recipes I have cooked many times.

High Speed Venison is probably my favorite go-to recipe. The ingredients go on every hunting trip, and many camping outings. It’s quick and easy to make

Chicken Fried Steak is another go-to recipe if you have a cut of tougher meat. The “chicken fried” part, I assume, comes from cooking the seasoned, tenderized meat like you would fry chicken. Serve with mashed potatoes, gravy, steamed broccoli and sourdough biscuits and you have serious comfort food!

Venison stew is one of those dishes that works best when it cooks slowly for a while. In hunting camp, a simmering Dutch oven of stew will be appreciated by hungry hunters who might be coming back to camp at different times. Have hot biscuits ready, and you’ll have happy campers.

Making stew is simple: Start with a good base, add favorite vegetables and whatever else might be needed to make a good mixture. Stew is the traditional dish to use tougher cuts of meat in, since the long, slow cooking will tenderize just about anything, Add biscuits or some sort of quick bread, and you’ll soon convert tired, hungry hunters into happy campers.

Leon Pantenburg is an avid Dutch oven cook, judge, teacher and a charter member of the Central Oregon Dutch Oven Society. Along with team mates Linda Stephenson and Michael Pantenburg, he has been a two-time finalist in the International Dutch Oven Society’s World Championships.

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