Emergencies involving blood loss could occur anytime and anywhere, and you must be ready to deal with them.

by Leon Pantenburg

I was not paid to do this review, and SurvivalCommonSense.com has no sponsorship or advertising  relationship with Doom and Bloom™.

Probably the best time investment I ever made was to take a 20-hour Wilderness First Aid class required by the Boy Scouts for adult leaders. I used those skills twice, and I’m convinced the class saved me from having a massive, possibly fatal, heart attack. (Here’s the rest of that story.)

This Bleeding Control Kit contains the latest, most up-to-date tools for stopping bleeding.

This kit contains the latest, most up-to-date tools for stopping bleeding.

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Stopping bleeding is a first aid skill that can’t be underestimated. From industrial accidents to natural disasters to terrorist attacks, lives are lost because someone can’t stop hemorrhaging. Often you only have seconds to get bleeding under control.

That’s why you might consider adding the First Aid Bleeding Control Kit by Doom and Bloom™. The kit  is compact, lightweight, and has the equipment necessary to save a life in any circumstance.

Over the past several years, Doom and Bloom™ has emerged as probably  the most respected website for emergency preparedness medicine.

Joe Alton, M.D., aka Dr. Bones, is a physician  and fellow of the American College of Surgeons and the American College of OB/GYN.

Amy Alton, A.R.N.P., aka Nurse Amy, is an Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner.

Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy are highly trained and experienced medical professionals.

Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy are highly-trained and experienced medical professionals.

Together, they’re the authors of the #1 Amazon bestseller in Survival Skills and Safety/First Aid “The Survival Medicine Handbook,” well-known speakers, podcasters, and YouTubers, as well as contributors to leading survival/homesteading magazines.

I ran into the duo at the Mother Earth News Preparedness Expo in Albany, Oregon recently. I had appeared on one of their podcasts, and really enjoyed meeting them face-to-face. (Check out our interview – Survivalcommonsense comes on about 8:30 into the podcast.)

This was before the Orlando shooting tragedy, but I was already interested in some sort of a bleeding control kit.

The idea for this specific kit came about, Amy said, because of the potential for injuries where stopping bleeding quickly is a dire necessity.

Contained in a bright, easy-to-open Mylar bag, this kit contains materials proven to be highly effective in controlling bleeding, she said,  including the SWAT tourniquet, compression dressings, gauze bandages, bandage scissors, and special hemostatic (blood-clotting) pads.

Most impressive, from my layman’s point of view, are the directions. These are included on waterproof 8.5 x 11 two-sided paper. They are simple, step-by-step numbered instructions that correspond to the numbered items.  Images of the item to be used and demonstrations of the required action, are along side the written instructions. This creates easy-to-follow steps, Amy said, with little chance of error.

“Anyone can use this kit, even someone who doesn’t speak English, “Amy said.

The instructions are presented in a way that is intuitive to non-medically trained people, she added, such as teachers, law enforcement officers, students, homeowners, parents, and employees.

The Doom and Bloom Bleeding Control kit can help stop traumatic blood loss.

The Doom and Bloom Bleeding Control kit can help stop traumatic blood loss.

This kit weighs 14 ounces and is approximately 6 x 9 inches. Several can be packed into an average medical bag or pack.
Here’s what is in the kit:

1 BANDAGE SCISSORS/SHEARS (to cut away clothing and expose wounds)

1 H&H COMPRESSED GAUZE 4.5 inches X 12 feet


1 SWAT (stretch, wrap and tuck) TOURNIQUET

2 CELOX-EMS 4 X 4 INCH HEMOSTATIC (blood clotting) PADS

1 MYLAR BLANKET (To keep victim warm) 52 inches X 84 inches

1 H&H COMPRESSION BANDAGE (Used over gauze to provide pressure directly on wound)

1 RED PLASTIC BAG (For waste disposal, or could be used as an improvised chest seal)


This kit is one of those products I don’t want to try out, and I can’t think of a way to realistically field test it. In such cases, I rely on the proven experts, and get their feedback.

I trust Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy for their educated, common sense approach to emergency and preparedness medical emergencies. If you are setting up a first aid kit (And everybody should!) go with proven gear.

And go to your local Red Cross, community college or somewhere and take a basic first aid class. This is one preparedness skill you REALLY don’t want to learn on the job!

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