So you want to customize that brand new leather knife sheath, but don’t want to spend a lot of time doing it. Here’s a way to wet form a sheath that is quick and easy.
By Leon Pantenburg
I have a lot of leather general-purpose knife sheaths, and generally, they work very well. Since they have to fit a variety of similar-sized knives, the general-purpose need to be relatively generic. Once the sheath has stretched and shrunk in the proper places, it probably will fit like a glove.

I wet-formed this leather sheath on my new Lon Humphrey Sterling. It was easy, and took hardly any time or effort.
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But think about it: You’ve just invested in a high-end or custom knife, and you want a sheath that REALLY fits. And you don’t want to wait a long time. Aside from ordering a custom leather piece, what can you do?
I saw this post and had to try out this technique of wet-fitting a leather sheath. You probably have all the materials you need in your kitchen.
I took my latest Lon Humphrey Sterling and followed the directions. It worked like a charm, and I’m deciding which knife/sheath combination to do next.
Want to wet form your own leather sheath? Here are step-by-step directions from KnivesShipFree.
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