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RICHMOND TWP., Pa. – Are you ready for the roundabout?
“When encountering a roundabout for the first time, it could be quite a challenge if you’re not used to it,” said Chief Steven Stinsky, Fleetwood Police Department.
Fleetwood police and PennDOT are providing training sessions and offering information online about driving in roundabouts.
“Here at the Fleetwood Grange, on the 28th of February, we’re going to have an information session for anybody in the local community, for anybody who wants to successfully negotiate a roundabout,” said Stinsky.
Both session are on February 28 from 1 p.m. until 3 p.m. and another from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m.
As for the roundabout in the works in Richmond Township, Stinsky said he wants to get drivers prepared.
“At the intersection we’re talking about there, at 662 and 222, high volume of traffic, somewhere around 26,000 cars a day or so, and that results in a lot of backup along the way,” Stinsky said. “Right now, they’re in a phase of construction where they’re improving some of the shoulders and things like that.”
Fleetwood’s police chief said crews expect to be finished with the roundabout at the end of July. Meanwhile, he’s getting information, like how pedestrians and cyclists should approach a roundabout, out to the public.
“Well, there should be crosswalks to allow for pedestrian traffic, if they’re incorporated into the design,” Stinsky said. “Bicyclists who negotiate a roundabout should either do so as a vehicle or as a pedestrian.”
You can find more information on the Fleetwood Police Department Facebook page.