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The last big travel weekend of the summer is upon us and the Illinois State Police and the Illinois Department of Transportation are prepared.
Hundreds of thousands of people will hit the road in Illinois between now and the end of the day on Labor Day.
The State Police and IDOT are telling them to be safe.
IDOT Spokesperson Guy Tridgell said that means don’t text and drive, slow down, buckle up and never drink and drive.
“For two years in a row in Illinois, we’ve had over a thousand deaths on our roadways,” Tridgell said. “That’s some of the highest totals we’ve seen in a decade. Almost a third of those are alcohol-related.”
Tridgell said the State Police will be out in force throughout the holiday weekend.
“There is going to be a heavy focus of DUI patrols and some specialized checkpoints,” he said. “We’re going to be concentrating in the overnight hours, where we tend to see the highest rates of drinking and driving. That’s going to last throughout the weekend and be in communities throughout the state.”
Tridgell said IDOT will open construction zones, so the interstates are a bit easier for the holiday crowds.