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SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – Few events in KELOLAND seem to officially ring in the holiday season like the Parade of Lights, now only four days away.
Raven hasn’t had a float in the Sioux Falls Parade of Lights for a few years, but in 2018, that changes.
“We really had some team members step up this year that said we want to be in the parade, and we have this balloon left over, and we have a vision for it, and so they were really instrumental in making that vision come to life,” said Lisa McElrath, corporate communications and marketing manager with Raven.
For the parade’s purposes, this is an ornament.
“A ten-foot sphere, we actually made it to test some primer for some of our paints,” said Joy Hyronemus, supervisor with Aerostar, which is part of Raven.
“It’s basically just a sphere that we had one of our in-house team members design, he’s an artist for us full-time, and so he put his spin on it, and turned it into kind of a traditional ornament,” McElrath said.
“My involvement is helping decorate the float, make sure it looks all pretty for Friday night,” Hyronemus said.
The 2018 Parade of Lights is Friday at 7:30 p.m. along Phillips Avenue in downtown Sioux Falls.
“It’s a fun event that families can be involved in, and all that good stuff,” said Jessica Quinlivan, business analyst at Raven.
“We’re really excited to have a spot in the Parade of Lights,” McElrath said. “Raven has strong roots in our community, we’ve been here since 1956, and we want to keep that involvement going and keep it strong.”
If you can’t make it downtown for the parade, you can watch it from your computer or tablet at keloland.com, where you can also find our Home for the Holidays page.