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DAVENPORT, Iowa (KWQC) – Scott County Engineer, Jon Burgstrum, says rain before snow makes it much more difficult to prep roads.

(Illinois DOT)
“Basically it’s trying to keep the roads as safe as possible and keep the ice off of them if we can,” he said. “Typically, if it was snowing now we would just be plowing the snow off and not putting so much material down because depending on how the wind blows we’d just be scraping the salt right back off the roads, so we wait until they’re clear then we put the salt down.”
When it’s snowing it’s much easier to plow each road, but snow after rain can lead to road conditions difficult for plows and cars.
“The transition from rain to snow is always tricky because the snow will stick to the water that’s already on the road,” said Burgstrum. “If it doesn’t get cold real fast it will stay wet and get real slushy, and it’s harder to get off that way and harder on the traffic as well.”
He says they use non-treated salt and rock to help with the rain clearing off the roads.
“You can lose some of the effectiveness of pre-treatments during the rain, there’s a definite benefit to pre-treatments when you’re not going to get a rain like that it can be very helpful,” he added. “We don’t use the pre-treatment we use a rock, salt, and sand combination. The rock-salt stays on the road a little bit better during the rain if it’s turning to ice.”
He wants everyone to remember be cautious, plows are cars too and it can be just as dangerous for them.
“Yeah we have a big truck and yeah we can put chains on but it’s still slippery and our guys still have to be safe and watch out for all the little guys – big truck, little car, not a good match. The best safety advice is if you don’t have to go, don’t go, and stay home.”