Dr. Disrespect
Credit: Twitch
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Two weeks ago, Guy “Dr. Disrespect” Beahm was banned from Twitch for streaming inside the bathrooms at E3 in violation of state law, Twitch policy and possibly other laws, considering there were minors in the bathroom when he broadcast his stream. His channel is now back online following a 14-day ban, and while he hasn’t started streaming again, he’s clearly prepping for a comeback.
The ban never seemed like a big deal for Disrespect, who posted an E3 recap video shortly after the event and has been making jokes about things on Twitter ever since. That’s probably because a 14-day ban doesn’t feel like a whole lot more than a slap on the wrist for the popular streamer, and could even wind up being beneficial to his brand.
I’ve contacted Twitch for comment and will update with any new information.
This won’t be Disrespect’s first comeback stream. He took a leave of absence from streaming after marital trouble stemming from his infidelity. His comeback stream broke Twitch records at the time with 387,000 concurrent views (this was before Ninja’s rise to prominence), so arguably the whole thing worked out pretty well for him. It’s hard to not see shades of that this time around: a 14-day ban is arguably a financial loss for Disrespect, but it could easily be offset by a massive comeback stream paired with the publicity that comes along with a fresh round of headlines. In the world of Twitch, drama means views.
Many warn that events like this can wind up reinforcing toxic culture on Twitch rather than doing anything to warn others against this sort of behavior. The message seems clear: large streamers are allowed to violate Twitch policy without much in the way of genuine consequences. It’s hard to imagine we won’t see other streamers pulling similar tricks in the future, with Disrespect is toeing the line to find out where the boundaries are.
Dr. Disrespect is one of Twitch’s most popular streamers, and represents a non-insignificant chunk of the site’s engagement, which is the watchword for all social media these days. And as with other platforms like Youtube, Twitch seems reticent to do anything to stem that tide of views, leading some to accuse the platform of letting its most popular users dictate the terms of their use rather than conforming to the rules most other users have to abide by. Youtube recently made headlines by de-monetizing commentator Steven Crowder for targeted harassment.
It would have been a tough business decision for Twitch to ban Disrespect permanently or for a much longer period of time, but the decision not to sets the tone for the site. This will be even more important as Twitch gains mainstream popularity and enters into new arenas, with political figures like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders turning to the streaming website as a new avenue of engagement. It remains to be seen whether the company will be able to repair its toxic image as it grows, or indeed if it will even give it much effort.