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“); $spagination = flexSlider.find(“.spagination”); SPagination.Init($spagination.get( 0 ), { size: slide_obj.count, // pages size page: 1, // selected page step: 3, // pages before and after current cb: function(p){ flexSlider.flexAnimate(p-1, true); } }); } } } function gtx_gallery_slide_before(slide_obj){ var slide=slide_obj.animatingTo; $active_slide=$all_slides.eq(slide) ; slideshow_ad_loaded = false; $active_slide.children(“.gtx-ad-container”).html(”); gtx_mixpanel_track_slide( slide_obj ); changeURL(parseInt($active_slide.attr(“data-attachment_id”))); //THUMBS SYNC – PAGINATED THUMBNAIL NAVIGATION if($thumbs!==”” && navigation == “paginated_thumbs”){ var right_item=$slider.find(“.slides li[data-i=”+(slide +1 )+”]”).attr(“data-i-only-pics”) if( right_item!= “”){ $thumbs.find(“li.gtx-thumb-img”).removeClass(“flex-active-slide”); $thumbs.find(“li.gtx-thumb-img[data-i=”+(slide +1 )+”]”).addClass(“flex-active-slide”); $page=$thumbs.find(“.slides>li”).has(“li[data-i=”+(slide +1 )+”]”); $thumbs.flexAnimate($page.index(), true); } } } function gtx_gallery_slide_after(slide_obj){ var slide=slide_obj.animatingTo; $active_slide=$all_slides.eq(slide) ; if($active_slide.hasClass(“gtx-ad-slide”)==1){ $slider.delay(100).queue(function(){ $(this).addClass(“gtx-gallery-loading”).dequeue(); }); $ad_container=$active_slide.children(“.gtx-ad-container”).first(); addAdInto($ad_container,{slide:slide_obj.animatingTo +1}); //Force arrows to be shown when on mobile and when the slide is an ad if(mobile_mode){ $slider.find(“.flex-direction-nav”).show(2000) } } else { //Force arrows to hide when on mobile and when the slide is not an ad if(mobile_mode){ $slider.find(“.flex-direction-nav”).hide(“fast”) } } //THUMBS SYNC if($thumbs!==”” && navigation == “thumbnails”){ var right_item=$slider.find(“.slides>li[data-i=”+(slide +1 )+”]”).attr(“data-i-only-pics”) if( right_item!= “”){ $thumbs.find(“li.gtx-thumb-img”).removeClass(“flex-active-slide”); $thumbs.find(“li.gtx-thumb-img”).eq(right_item -1 ).addClass(“flex-active-slide”); $thumbs.flexAnimate(right_item-1, true); } } if(typeof(googletag) != “undefined” && googletag !== null){ //REFRESH ALL ADS var tmp_now=new Date().getTime(); var last_refresh_diff= tmp_now – last_ad_refresh; // Check if we loaded the ad in and thusly don’t need to refresh if(refresh_all_ads && !slideshow_ad_loaded){ googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.pubads().refresh(); }); last_ad_refresh=tmp_now; } else if( $.isArray(ad_slots_refresh) && last_refresh_diff > 1000 && ad_slots_refresh.length){ //Refresh some ads googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.pubads().refresh(ad_slots_refresh); }); last_ad_refresh=tmp_now; } } //LAZY LOAD range=5; var $slides_to_hanle=$all_slides.slice(slide, slide + range +1); if(slide – range >= 0){ $slides_to_hanle=$.merge($slides_to_hanle, $all_slides.slice(slide – range, slide )); }else{ $slides_to_hanle=$.merge($slides_to_hanle, $all_slides.slice(0, range )); $slides_to_hanle=$.merge($slides_to_hanle, $all_slides.slice(range * -1 )); } if(slide + range >= $all_slides.size()){ //handle first slides $slides_to_hanle= $.merge($slides_to_hanle, $all_slides.slice(0,range)); } $slides_to_hanle.find(“.gtx-image-container[data-background]”).each(function () { var src = $(this).attr(“data-background”); $(this).css(“background-image”, “url(“+src+”)”).removeAttr(“data-background”); }); adjustNavHeight(); if( typeof SPagination !== “undefined” && flexSlider.find(“.spagination”).length>0 ){ if(SPagination.page != slide+1){ SPagination.page = slide + 1; SPagination.Start(); } } } function gtx_gallery_thumbs_set_backwards(){ backward_pos = $thumbs.find(“.gtx-thumb-backward”).position().left; backward_width = $thumbs.find(“.gtx-thumb-backward”).width(); backward_right_pos = backward_pos + backward_width; container_width = $thumbs.find(“.flex-viewport”).width(); fully_visible = backward_right_pos 8){ gtx_gallery_thumbs_set_backwards() } } function gtx_gallery_thumbs_after(slide_obj){ if(slide_obj.count > 8){ gtx_gallery_thumbs_set_backwards() } } function gtx_gallery_paginated_thumbs_start(slide_obj){ gtx_gallery_paginated_thumbs_lazy(); if(false && slide_obj.count > 8){ $thumbs.find(“.flex-control-nav.flex-control-paging”).removeClass(“flex-control-paging”).addClass(“g-pagination”); } if(slide_obj.count > 8){ $thumbs.find(“.flex-control-nav.flex-control-paging”).hide().after(“”); $pagination = $thumbs.find(“.spagination”); SPagination.Init($pagination.get( 0 ), { size: slide_obj.count, // pages size page: 1, // selected page step: 3, // pages before and after current cb: function(p){ $thumbs.flexAnimate(p-1, true); } }); } } function gtx_gallery_paginated_thumbs_before(slide_obj){ var slide=(typeof slide_obj == “object” && slide_obj.animatingTo ? 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img_path = match[1] : “”; mixpanel_args[ “image path” ]= img_path; mixpanel.track(“image viewed”, mixpanel_args); } }catch(err){ console.error(“error”, err); } } //Add a callback on ad render googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.pubads().addEventListener(‘slotRenderEnded’, function(event) { var slotName=event.slot.getSlotElementId(); if(typeof adslots[slotName] !==”undefined” && !event.isEmpty){ $slider.clearQueue(); $slider.removeClass(“gtx-gallery-loading”); } }); }); jQuery(“#gtx-gallery-slider-312446”).flexslider({ animation: “slide”, pauseOnHover: true, prevText: “”, nextText: “”, slideshow: false, controlNav: true, init: gtx_gallery_slide_init, start: gtx_gallery_slide_start, before: gtx_gallery_slide_before, after: gtx_gallery_slide_after }); if(mobile_mode){ $slider.find(“.flex-direction-nav”).hide(); } });
SMITHFIELD, R.I. (WLNE) – With the start of Phase 2 Monday, comes the reopening of hair salons. Many of which have been prepping for weeks.
When we last checked in with “Twirl” Hair Salon in Smithfield, the owner was looking for detailed information from the state about Phase 2 health and safety requirements.
She says that guidance finally came this past Thursday evening. She says she tried to plan ahead as much as possible despite the unknowns and she can now say she’s excited and will be read to reopen on Tuesday.
“We didn’t know – you know – how many people could be in the building, so therefore we didn’t start booking clients because we didn’t know how many customers we could have. We didn’t know how we were going to be able to book staff, so that was really difficult. And we also didn’t know what services we were going to be able to provide.” Said, Sarah Turcone, Owner of Twirl Hair Studio.
She says they’ll be operating at about 30 percent capacity in Phase 2, but they may be able to increase that capacity by providing services in a tent outside the building.
Appointments are already filling up.