PAWS & More Prepping for Annual Online Gift Auction –

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Gramps is a 12-year-old male bully blend available for adoption from PAWS & More in Washington.

PAWS & More Animal Shelter in Washington has your holiday gift shopping taken care of with their annual online auction.

The shelter has curated gift baskets and other items for the public to submit their bids onto their Facebook page. Shelter Director Amber Talbot says this is the second-largest annual fundraiser for the nonprofit, “It’s a really fun event and again there are items for everyone. We have items for kids, for adults, grandparents, outdoorsmen, any type of item. A lot of people some years think it’s just pet-related items because we’re the shelter, but it’s items of any kind. So definitely check it out, it’s a great event.”

The auction will be open November 23-28, and gift donations can be dropped off at the shelter by the end of business hours today. Winning bidders can then pick up their items during the holiday open house from noon-4 p.m. December 4th. Listen to Talbot during today’s Halcyon House Washington Page on air and at