FE’s Guide to Prepping – Field Ethos

By Mr. Pink

Ink by the barrel has been spilled by preppers on blogs and in magazines on how to prepare for the end of the world. We’re not doing that.  

Buuutt … seeing what is going in the Ukraine right now—a potential looming cyber-attack on US banking and energy sectors, a possible nuclear meltdown or maybe just a good old (quaint) cold war-style ICBM attack (I hope I can still duck and cover) we felt a realistic Field Ethos Prepper Guide was in order.  Even though basement ninjas try, nobody can prepare for every eventuality, but you can be well prepared with some basic items. To wit: here is the official FE preppers list:


There is no better prepper item to stockpile than hard alcohol.  One, you need it to live. And two, if you are one of those rare folks (like our own Allen Bolen) who doesn’t need it to live, you can always trade it for less life-giving-support items like food or shelter. 

Our stockpile favors quantity over quality. We buy as cheap-as-possible vodka, gin and whisky. Think McCormick, Dickels and Canadian Reserve—bend over and look on the bottom shelf. Buy in plastic ½-gallon Jug O’ Fun sizes. Pick up cases when passing through Wyoming, Colorado or Florida–it’s some of the cheapest in the country. Contrary to popular belief, booze does have a shelf life so be sure to consume and rotate stocks on a regular basis. 

(Pro-tip: Also buy a bottle of the most expensive shit imaginable. When things really get bleak, nothing says resignation like cracking open a bottle of Pappy’s you’ve been holding onto for years. It’s our version of Jed Eckert pulling the pin on a hand grenade and letting Toni wait for the Russians to come.)


Whether you currently use tobacco or not, tobacco is a wise investment as a barter stock. Our guess is when the first mushroom cloud appears on the horizon, just like game laws, your moral high ground and thoughts of consequences will go out the window as you pull a bare butt Camel from the foil top. Cartons of smokes and a few rolls of chew keep well in the chest freezer, and your only regret will be not buying more when you could. 

(Pro-Tip: Nothing says freedom like a Jesse Ventura-sized chaw in the cheek when getting ready to kill aliens or commies.)

Guns and Ammo 

Of course, firearms are a key Field Ethos stockpile. Admittedly we may own too many for practical use and may have even made ourselves a target for looters. As Jason Vincent once said to a prepper neighbor, “I only stock enough ammo to come and take yours.” It’s a worthwhile point. So stock enough to take care of you and yours and keep quiet about it.  No one should know you have 10,000 rounds of 7.62 x 39 stashed in the crawlspace. While of course you want plenty of ammo for a primary long gun and pistol, don’t overlook 22LR hollow points.  The little rimfire kills more game (and people) than bubonic plague, and 1,000 rounds can be tucked in a day pack.

And that’s it. You’re welcome.