Real, successful survival stories tend to be a little boring, because a prepared person is probably not going to end up in a life-or-death struggle. Read what this young man did right.

by Leon Pantenburg

Most publicized survival stories tend to be dramatic. Otherwise, where would the entertainment value be?

But truth be told, a well-prepared outdoorsperson will not have a lot of drama when faced with a survival situation.

Wilderness area, Oregon Cascades.

Every year, hunters get lost in wilderness areas. Thirteen-year-old Clayton Jones got lost and  spent an inconvenient night out , versus a life-and-death survival situation. This was as a result of his survival skills and gear.

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Clayton Jones, 13, spent 27 hours on his own in the woods on Oct. 19, 2014 after getting separated from his father and grandfather during a hunting trip. His dad teaches wilderness survival classes, and Clayton apparently paid attention.

Here’s what Clayton did right:

STOP: Clayton assessed the situation and made an action plan.

He didn’t panic. After 12 hours lost as the sun started to set, Clayton planned to spend the night. He didn’t continue on in the darkness, risking serious injury. He  built a fire and found shelter.

Clayton had a fully-equipped survival kit: Clayton’s survival kit included food, water, rain gear, gloves and a knife.

He used his survival skills:

To read the entire story and view the video, click on 13-year-old hunter found after being lost overnight.

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