I’ve been trying to cut back on eating wheat, and the results have been gratifying. But it is challenging to replace my favorite foods that are wheat based. Here’s one for the recipe file.

by Leon Pantenburg

As a guy with heart disease, I do research on the topic. The most recent thing I’ve been experimenting with is severely limiting or eliminating gluten in my diet.

eating corn cakes

Top these corn cakes with butter and maple syrup for a delicious breakfast.

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So I was pleased when a friend sent me this recipe for gluten free corn cakes. I had all the ingredients in my storage food, and whipping up a batch was quick and easy. The recipe makes some delicious pancakes. Top them with butter and maple syrup, and you might forget they’re a healthy food!

Gluten Free Corn Cakes

1 egg

1/4 tsp baking soda

1/2 c oat flour

1/2 c Greek yogurt

2 tsp vinegar (I used apple vinegar, because it was handy on the shelf.)

1/4 c cornmeal (Yellow was used, because I had the most of it.)

Combine all the wet ingredients in a bowl. Stir in the baking soda, flour and cornmeal until is was just combined.

Let sit five minutes, then fry on a hot griddle. This recipe makes about 5-6 medium-sized corn cakes.

Check out this traditional recipe for Hoe Cakes.

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