How do you chose a firearms system for preparedness? This book can help you get started.

By Leon Pantenburg

Suppose you know nothing about firearms, but have decided to add some to your preparedness tools. You’re starting from ground zero, and need to build a practical battery for self defence, security, target shooting and possibly hunting.

These three long guns are good, reliable choices for the beginner with no experience.

The Ruger 10/22 (top), Remington 870 pump action shotgun and Remington 700 bolt action rifle are my choices for the beginner. (Leon Pantenburg photo)

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Where do you start?

Well, the first suggestion is to take a hunter safety course, even if you don’t intend to hunt. Don’t even think about buying a firearm until you know how to handle it safely and have a way to safely secure it. Your state fish and game or sheriff’s departments can recommend valid instructors and programs.

What should you buy? That is where Survival Guns: A Beginner’s Guide, by Steve Markwith can help.

Markwith served two combat tours with the U.S. Army, and is a NRA Bullseye, combat pistol and shotgun competitor. He is also a NRA certified Pistol, Rifle and Shotgun instructor.

Markwith’s approach is to educate and help the newcomer decide what will be the best firearms selection, based on the individual’s personal circumstances, priorities and abilities. He does a great job of distilling conventional wisdom down into focused and manageable concepts and topics.

Personally, I loved the book. It always nice to have your personal opinions (Check out the firearms post about the top three guns for beginners)  re-enforced by an expert. IMHO, the first three firearms you need are a .22 rimfire rifle, shotgun and centerfire rifle. Once you get those, you can worry about pistols and black rifles.

Markwith agrees with that philosophy. The book helps the reader make some very basic choices, such as what gauge for a shotgun, caliber for a centerfire rifle, or design of a .22 rifle.

He also clears up some of the jargon us enthusiasts take for granted, such as ballistic coefficient, calibers, firearms actions etc.1 guns

Markwith also writes in a clear, concise style that is easy to understand. While he obviously has the technical  background, he never gets so into details and minutea that he loses the reader.

The most common firearms question I get is the “Where do I start” one. Reading Survival Guns would be a good place to start.

The experienced shooter can learn something, and a beginner can get the nuts-and-bolts foundation they need. This book belongs in your preparedness/survival library.

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