
Wonder how to cook all that storage food? Check out this free cookbook drawing.

by Leon Pantenburg

So you have your storage food – now what will you do with it?

preppers cookbookTess Pennington,  founder of ReadyNutrition.com, a prepping website based out of Houston, Texas, has some suggestions. About 300, to be exact. Her latest book  “The Prepper’s Cookbook” came out recently, and it’s already getting some attention. (Check out my review!)

Our Prepper’s Cookbook drawing in the past couple weeks was so popular we’re going to give away another copy to some lucky person who wants to know how to utilize their food storage.

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If you have already subscribed (And Thank You very much) just send me an email at survivalsenselp@gmail.com and say: “Hey Leon, enter me in the cookbook drawing!)

 Get your own copy!

