Beautiful Bend Oregon | Hike the Moraine Lake Trail

The biggest problem about hiking in Central Oregon is making up your mind on where to go!

by Leon Pantenburg

I live in Bend, Oregon, a hiking paradise, and I’ll head out for a day hike at the drop of a hat. I keep my daypack and gear ready to go. from my home,  I can be at  the trailhead of a world-class hike in under an hour.

My daughter and her friends do likewise.

For this post, I decided to go to a favorite of mine – The Moraine Lake Trail, about 27 miles west of Bend on the Cascade Lakes Highway. Climbers intending to summit south Sister will find the trail goes about six miles from the trailhead to the top.

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On this hike, I just wanted to get away from the computer and breathe some fresh mountain air. Hope you enjoy the trip!

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