
Ever run across people who seem impervious to cold? It could be a case of mind over matter.

by Leon Pantenburg

I was raised in the Midwest, and the winters get seriously cold. Temperatures of -30 below zero are not uncommon, and some of the winter storms can have windchill temperatures of  -60 below.

My favorite time of year for camping is in the winter. But you have to know how to handle the cold!

My favorite time of year for camping is in the winter. But you have to know how to handle the cold!

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As a student at Iowa State University, I hung out with a group of avid winter campers. Every year, the first big storm coincided with the first winter campout. A pine forest near campus was the camping area. My personal record for Iowa cold weather camping was a night where the ambient temperature hit -10 degrees. That didn’t include the windchill.

But I’m not one of those cold tolerant people. I can only function in frigid weather with good equipment.

But my dad, and most of the farmers I knew, seemed to have metabolisms like penguins. My dad worked outside all the time, and he rarely wore more than a zip-up insulated hoodie with a light jacket over it. He wore rubber galoshes over his work shoes to keep his feet warm, and Dad’s hands were protected with inexpensive cotton work gloves.

Dressed like that, Dad could work outside all day in all but the coldest weather.

There are people who get used to the cold and in the above video, “Dr. Popsicle” explains the phenomenon. I have no intention of researching this further – I’m sticking with the right fibers and layers in my clothing! Check out the video below to learn what fibers are best for your winter warmth needs.

