Law enforcement, university and more prepping for Richard Spencer’s arrival – WEAR

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Law enforcement, university and more prepping for Richard Spencer’s arrival

Many are preparing and planning what to do in white nationalist Richard Spencer’s arrival.

A group called ‘No Nazis at UF’ has been protesting Spencer’s arrival and continued to iron out their plans on Tuesday.

The group gathered on campus for a panel discussion with professors. Group members of the public spoke about anti-racism, anti-fascism, and what to do in the face of oppression.

The panel also discussed prohibited items, travel plans, attire, and behavior for the upcoming protest on Thursday.

The group will be coordinating rides from across the state to protest the event.

The University of Florida is also making plans. They have hundreds of barricades that they’ve already put up and they’re also expecting road closures on campus.

Authorities say everyone is on standby.

The university says they do plan to have classes open on Thursday and the Alachua County Emergency Operations Center is open and on standby where they have the National Guard to see if they need any reinforcements.