In Minnesota, where abortion is still legal, is bordered by states where it is now banned. Planned Parenthood expects a jump in out-of-state patients seeking abortions in Minnesota. In preparation for that increase, clinics are recruiting healthcare professionals from other states.
Choosing to terminate a pregnancy. That’s no longer a right. In all 50 states, this map showing or performing an abortion is illegal effective immediately. That includes the Dakotas and Wisconsin. Republican led state governments in Nebraska and Iowa likely to move bill soon that will either restrict or ban the procedure. Our doors remain open. We intend to continue to be the good neighbor that we have always been to others in surrounding states planned parenthood today in full recruiting mode for its four clinics that provide abortions in Minnesota, all of them in the twin cities, there are three other independent providers, one in bloomington in one in Rochester and another in Duluth. We could take any support staff, any RN, any physicians willing to come to one of our states to help provide care the right to abortion in Minnesota codified by the state Supreme Court, which cited the state Constitution in its decision back in 1995 laws remaining on the books, generally requiring a 24 hour waiting period plus parental consent for minors. already data showing about 10% of patients getting abortions here Coming from out of state planned parenthood. Now projecting that will jump to 25% legal experts tonight warning that could provoke the next stage in this legal fight. It’s going to be in a bunch of different venues around nuanced questions. But the fundamental premise is you’re going to see a ton of lawsuits trying to make sure the women who are in those states without protections can’t get the care that they need in Minnesota