How to choose the right grind for your bushcraft/survival/preparedness knife

The grind of a blade will determine what jobs it does well. These choices work for me. Here’s how to choose that best grind for your knife. by Leon Pantenburg I  can break down my blade grind preferences to three: convex, scandi (or flat) and sabre (double bevel). These do everything I need quite well, …

Handle design | Most important part of choosing a survival/bushcraft knife?

What’s more important on a working knife handle – the material it’s made of, or the design? For my money, the first decision should be how well the handle fits your hand. by Leon Pantenburg Use a knife for very long and you’ll develop definite opinions about ergonomic handles. To start with “ergonomic” isn’t the …

Wonderful wool | Check out the reader feedback!

Judging from the reader response, there are a lot of wool enthusiasts/fans out there! Here are some of the comments we recently got after publication of “Five reasons to get a wool pullover sweater for wilderness survival.” The C.T. Fisher Nessmuk knife comes shaving-sharp with a quality sheath. If someone is allergic to the sildenafil …

Review | The Bark River Gunny Hunter – Perfection in a practical knife?

  by Leon Pantenburg I was not paid to do this review. is a sponsor, but the company did not supply either of the knives used in this review and field testing. I learn a lot from readers and conversations about gear. I ran into a Texas big game guide a few years …

Stuff that works | Five reasons to get a wool, pullover sweater for wilderness survival

My wool sweater has kept me warm for going on 30 years. Here’s why I still use it, even when I have access to many other modern materials. by Leon Pantenburg Here’s a few instances where my pullover sweater has worked really well: My red wool sweater has served me well for almost three decades. …

Ten best reasons for winter camping

The best camping season, IHO, starts when the snow flies. Here’s why you should consider winter camping. by Leon Pantenburg In July, 1981, I hiked north along the Mississippi River in Louisiana. I was headed home after an end-to-end canoe trip of the big river the previous year. I decided to follow the example of …

Ten things to look for in a survival/bushcraft knife

Everyone has different ideas about what they need in a  survival/bushcraft knife. Here’s my preferences. by Leon Pantenburg One of the most popular posts on the YouTube channel is Survival knives: Five things to avoid when choosing a survival/hunting knife. These knives are carried by the elk hunters I hunt with. The designs and …

How to stake down a tent securely in deep snow

How do you keep your tent from blowing down in heavy winds, when you’re on top of deep snow? This simple technique works really, really well. by Leon Pantenburg The Boy Scout winter campout that night  looked like something from the Russian Front in World War II. The wind blew steadily, causing horizontal gusts of …

Prepare for the monster storm in four hours

So here’s the scenario – the monster storm is on the way and expected to hit the east coast Friday. You haven’t prepared for such a disaster, and there is a good chance the power will go out. What can you do, right now, to prepare your home and family for the blizzard? by Leon …

Five tips for accessing the water stored in a water heater during an emergency

You have a large reservoir of potable water in your house, just waiting to be tapped. Here’s how to use the reserve stored in the water heater when an emergency happens. by Leon Pantenburg The disaster that hit closest to home to me was Hurricane Katrina. My relatives live in Mississippi, but even being a …