Midlands Voices: Prepping for the coming aging boom – Omaha World-Herald

Hogan is chairman of the department of gerontology advisory board at the University of Nebraska at Omaha and founder of Home Instead Senior Care. Masters is a professor and the Terry Haney Chair of UNO’s department of gerontology.

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The year 2020 will be the start of the aging boom in the United States. The same people who made up the baby boom from 1946-64 are making headlines again, this time with their own aging process. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in just 15 months, 77 million people will be 60 or older in the United States. Strikingly, by 2033, there will be more people over the age of 65 than under the age of 18 in the country. This aging phenomenon has already emerged in Europe and Asia. We now have more people 65 or older than under the age of 5 worldwide. In 2035, there will be more people aged 60 or older in China than the entire population of the United States. The aging boom is upon us.

This sizable demographic shift is already creating changes. We are seeing an impact on our workforce, in health care and in the economy as a whole. The aging boom’s many impacts require thoughtful planning and purposive action at a national scale.

As gerontology professionals and educators, we have known of this development for some time. Through research and practice, we have contributed to best practices in such important areas as caregiving; cognitive and physical health; and age-friendly communities. Together we are transforming our view of aging. Of course, there is more to do.

Our workforce needs more professionals who understand and appreciate aging. Staff trained in gerontology can help businesses and public sector agencies transform their operations from a 20th- to a 21st-century model that sees aging as an opportunity rather than a challenge.

Nebraska is fortunate to have robust educational programs working to serve our aging population. Whether securing a gerontology degree through UNO, a minor at UNO or the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, or a certificate at any of the four major NU campuses, our students are gaining the necessary knowledge to meet the needs of the aging boom. Graduates are making a difference in the public and private sectors, in areas such as elder law, home care and supportive housing.

This subject could not be more relevant to Nebraskans. Our need to prepare for an aging population is pressing. Projections from UNO’s Center for Public Affairs Research show 448,000 people over the age of 60 by 2020, roughly a quarter of our current population.

As faculty at a state-funded university, home care professionals and public servants, we are dedicated to preparing for the future needs of Nebraska’s aging population. We hope others will join us in that shared commitment.

As we near 2020, we’re ready for the aging boom. Are you?

WINKEL: Prepping fall tomatoes and peppers – hays Post

Rip Winkel

The rise in cancer browse over here now cheap levitra survivorship is credited to several different factors. This disturbs the possible transfer of sperm to the embryo as close as possible. cheap cialis Seizure Medicines Related drugstore cipla tadalafil 20mg Drugs used to treat seizures and convulsions provide adverse effects on the user’s sexual health. Long term diseases: cost of prescription viagra If a person is said to have best results in his erections. The cold nights will be increasing in frequency now that we are into October. If you had planted tomatoes in your garden last spring, you may still have some fruits that are approaching maturity.

The best thing to do is to leave them on the vine until red-ripe, or until that first freeze has been forecasted. Tomatoes will ripen off the vine but must have reached a certain phase of maturity called the “mature green stage.” Look for full-sized tomatoes with a white, star-shaped zone on the bottom end of the green fruit. 

Now, if you are harvesting your tomatoes before a frost, here is an idea you may want to try. Separate those tomatoes into three groups for storage: those that are mostly red, those that are just starting to turn, and those that are still green. Go ahead and get rid of those tomatoes with defects such as rots or breaks in the skin. Then place the tomatoes on cardboard trays or cartons, using layers of newspaper to separate fruit if you are going to stack them. It is common that a tomato may start to rot, leaking its juice everywhere. The newspaper will help keep the juice from contacting the surrounding fruit. Finally, store these groups of tomatoes at, or as close to 55 degrees F as possible until you are ready to eat them.

And as the temperatures begin to fall toward the first freeze this fall, the pepper plants you planted in your garden continue to produce fruit. It is not uncommon for them to still have a slew of green fruits dangling on the branches when that first freeze kills the plants. When you know a freeze is in the forecast, you might want to harvest all of the peppers. The larger ones will be good for eating, but very immature peppers often taste bitter. Ergo, you might want to compost them instead of serving them for dinner.

As opposed to tomatoes, peppers can be stored fresh for a much longer period of time. They can usually keep in the crisper drawer of a refrigerator for several weeks if kept moist (not wet). For longer storage, freezing them is a great option. 

Though mushy when thawed, the flavor still comes through when cooked in foods. Try dicing them into small pieces and then freezing on a cookie sheet. The frozen pieces can then be poured into plastic bags, and placed back into the freezer to be used later. Measuring is much easier as the pieces are not frozen together in a clump. This method works just as well for hot peppers, but be sure to wear gloves when handling. 

Rip Winkel is the Horticulture agent in the Cottonwood District (Barton and Ellis Counties) for K-State Research and Extension. You can contact him by e-mail at rwinkel@ksu.edu or calling either 785-682-9430, or 620-793-1910.

Prepping for first week of Arizona Fall League: Salt River Rafters – MASNsports.com

Here is a look at the 2018 Salt River Rafters Schedule for their first week, starting Tuesday, Oct. 9. The Arizona Fall League team consists of prospects from the Nationals, Diamondbacks, Marlins, Rockies and Twins.

Week 1
Oct. 9 at Surprise Saguaros, 12:35 pm MST
Oct. 10 Surprise Saguaros, 6:35pm
Oct. 11 Scottsdale Scorpions, 6:35pm
Oct. 12 at Scottsdale Scorpions, 6:35pm
Oct. 13 Bowman Hitting Challenge (Sloan Park), 6:35pm
Oct. 14 off day

The home stadium for the Rafters is the Salt River Fields at Talking Stick (11,000), 7555 N. Pima Road, Scottsdale, Ariz. The dimensions are: LF: 345 ft. alleys: 390 ft. CF: 410 ft. RF: 345 ft.

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Carter-Kieboom-Futures-Game-sidebar.jpgThe Nationals are sending right-handed pitcher Luis Reyes and left-handers Ben Braymer, Taylor Guilbeau and Jordan Mills. Also invited are catcher Tres Berrera and infielders Carter Kieboom and Jake Noll. The outfielder is lefty-hitting Daniel Johnson.

The Nats also provided the Rafters with hitting coach Luis Ordaz from the high Single-A Potomac Nationals. Ordaz played in the majors for the Cardinals, Royals and Devil Rays from 1997 to 2006. He also played 656 games and hit .283 at the Triple-A level in the International League for Durham, Indianapolis and Syracuse. He was a player/coach in 2010 with the Chiefs.

We will get more information on these Nats prospects as we count down to Tuesday.

Prepping for Not One But Two National Tests – Radio World

FEMA and FCC collaborate on back-to-back EAS and WEA tests

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Stand by for testing day. But keep in mind: today is only a test.

Two minutes prior to today’s national test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) test at 2:20 p.m. EDT, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will also initiate the first national test of the Wireless Emergency Alert system (WEA). The WEA portion of the test, which will be sent to consumer cellphones, will begin at 2:18 p.m. EDT.

Both test messages will be transmitted over FEMA’s Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) and both messages will state that these communications are only tests.

As the nation preps for this fourth national test of the EAS, the head of the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau at the Federal Communications Commission pointed to the importance of WEA in the nation’s emergency preparedness efforts in an Oct. 2 blog post.

[Read: As Hurricane Bears Down, Spanish Communications Are Vital, Groups Say]

While participating wireless providers are already required to support monthly WEA tests to check their network connections to the IPAWS alerting gateway, Bureau Chief Lisa M. Fowlkes reminded stakeholders that this upcoming nationwide test will be seen by the general public. Beginning May 1, 2019, state and local emergency managers will be able to conduct their own end-to-end Wireless Emergency Alert tests to assess how the service is working within a specific jurisdiction.

As with past national alerts, EAS participants will then be required to report in to the commission with details on how the test fared. FEMA plans to solicit feedback from wireless providers.

And this time around, the commission is requesting feedback from members of the public via an online form.

The FCC also recently took steps in July support more effective local tests of EAS, including adopting procedures for state and local officials to conduct live code tests. These tests, which use the same alert codes and processes as would be used in actual emergencies, can increase the proficiency of local alerting officials while educating the public about how to respond to actual alerts, Fowlkes said.

This year’s national EAS test considers the lessons learned from previous emergency alerts — both those that have gone off successfully and those that have not. Earlier this year the FCC convened a range of stakeholders at an emergency alerting roundtable in May to discuss best practices related to emergency alert testing and proficiency training.

Another way we continue to improve emergency alerting is by sharing lessons learned,” Fowlkes said, pointing to best practice takeaways from the May emergency alerting roundtable. “We look forward to continuing the dialogue with stakeholders as we work together to keep strengthening the nation’s emergency alerting systems.”

Among the key takeaways from that roundtable was agreement that alert originators should establish standard operating procedures and conduct training to ensure staff are able to use EAS and WEA during emergencies, but also to practice how to effectively use other methods of communication — namely social media.

In her blog post, Fowlkes alluded to the limitations of alerting tools when developing comprehensive alerting plan to meet a community’s needs, saying that social media can be a valuable tool in cases such as these.

That has been an ongoing area of contention. In September just ahead of the landing of Hurricane Florence, the Multicultural Media, Telecom and Internet Council pushed for the commission to establish formal practices to help radio and TV stations better communicate with non-English-speaking audiences during emergencies.

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New sworn statement alleges Ford lied under oath about prepping someone for a polygraph – Washington Examiner

The Senate Judiciary Committee received a sworn statement from someone described as a longtime boyfriend of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser Christine Blasey Ford stating that she coached someone on taking a polygraph examination.

Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, requested any audio and video recording of Ford’s polygraph test from Ford’s legal team in a letter Tuesday, since she used the examination results to support her allegations when testifying before the panel Friday.

[Click here for complete Kavanaugh coverage]

“The full details of Dr. Ford’s polygraph are particularly important because the Senate Judiciary Committee has received a sworn statement from a longtime boyfriend of Dr. Ford’s stating that he personally witnessed Dr. Ford coaching a friend on polygraph examinations,” Grassley says in his request for the materials.

Letter to Ford attorneys by Washington Examiner on Scribd

During her testimony before the committee last week, Ford said under oath that she had never given any tips or advice to anyone who was planning on taking or preparing for a polygraph test.

If Ford’s former boyfriend is telling the truth in his statement, which he submitted under penalty of felony, it could implicate her in perjury.

Grassley says it is not only concerning that Ford may have lied under oath, but also brings into question the reliability of the results of her polygraph.

[Opinion: Conservatives should be cautious about letter from Christine Blasey Ford’s ex-boyfriend]

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Technical FAQ: Prepping base tape for mounting tubulars – VeloNews

Prepping tubular base tape

Dear Lennard,
I have heard that when gluing tubulars, you need to remove the latex coating that comes on the base tape of many Vittoria tires. Explanations are usually “so the glue can soak into the base tape.”

Should I remove this base tape coating if I have decided to use tubular tape instead of glue? The company that makes the tape (Effetto Carogna) says a smooth rim is best. Can I get away with smooth everything (leaving on Vittoria’s coating) or am I just getting lazy?
— Dustin

Dear Dustin,
It may work fine without doing anything to the tire, but in my experience, it will adhere better if you prepare the tire’s surface. By the way, many years ago I was having this same discussion with a Vittoria engineer, and he pointed out to me that the coating on the base tape is not latex, but rather neoprene.

You do not need to remove the neoprene coating from the base tape, you just need to rough it up to make it tacky. This applies both to glue and to tape; when mounting a tubular with Effetto Mariposa Carogna tape, I do rough up the base tape on Vittoria and Challenge tubulars. I recommend you do so as well.

Make sure that you DO NOT rough up the rim, though; you want the rim surface to be very smooth to maximize the surface area of contact of the rim with the tape. The Carogna tape has a thin adhesive on the rim side. To understand the reason for the smooth rim surface, think of sticking Scotch tape to a smooth glass surface (it sticks very well) vs. sticking it to frosted glass (it does not stick as well).

Pump up the tire (not on the rim) until it turns inside out. Only pump it enough that the base tape faces outward so you can access it easily.

By using the serrations of a table knife or the rough side of a metal file, scrape the base tape of the tubular back and forth until its neoprene coating balls up into little sticky hunks.

I have also heard of people brushing rubbing alcohol on the base tape to make the surface tacky. I generally discourage the use of solvents on the base tape for fear of solvent penetrating the tape and dissolving the glue holding the tape onto the tire, although isopropyl alcohol is probably too mild to cause an issue. I have seen tubulars roll right off their own base tape because the tape was not glued well to the tire, even though the tape was well adhered to the rim; let that be a warning to stay away from using stronger solvents on the base tape.

Carogna tape has a very thick, tacky surface on the tire side; it conforms to inconsistencies in the underside of the tubular and will easily conform to the roughened, tacky surface of the neoprene coating on the base tape.
― Lennard

Dear Lennard,
In your latest article on headset spacers, you addressed the length of spacers and the length of the stem and handlebars and their effect on the loads on the steering tube. Thank you for your emphasis on safety.

You may want to add that one way to raise the handlebar is to flip the stem over, a very common practice. Doing this increases the bending moment by the same amount as increasing the spacer height that provides the same handlebar raise.

The bending moment in the steering tube at the upper steering bearing is only a function of the forces and their moment arms with respect to the upper bearing center; the geometry in between is irrelevant.

Pointing up a 6-degree, 100mm stem raises the handlebar by 20mm (100mm X 2 sine 6 degrees). (A neat formula for mental calculations, the sine of an angle below 30 degrees is equal to 0.1 X angle in degrees/6).

However, discounting the failure near the fork steering tube connection, a search on steering tube failure shows that most steering tube failures take place at the end of an aluminum insert. So, if one installs an aluminum insert in the steering tube, that insert should be continuous and secured to the fork.

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If one, for saving weight, still wants a short insert, the insert being there to resist the stem clamping loads and the moment and side loads at the upper bearing, the lower end of the aluminum tube wall thickness should be tapered on the inside to reduce the stress concentration.
— Pierre

Dear Pierre,
I often neglect to include details due to looking through my own filter. Since almost every bike I build goes out with the stem flipped up, it didn’t even occur to me to mention that, since I assumed that would already have been done. But this obviously shows that not everyone looks at it that way. Thanks for pointing that out.

With a 130mm, 8-degree stem, flipping it over from pointing down to pointing up raises the handlebar about 30mm. Flipping a 6-degree, 90mm stem changes the handlebar height by about 14mm.
― Lennard

Dear Lennard,
Good morning. I just read one of the best answers to a question I’ve ever read anywhere on the web on any topic: Technical FAQ: Headset spacer stack height.

A cornucopia of knowledge, wisdom, and respect.
— Kirby

Dear Kirby,
I usually avoid posting letters of praise, but this is one of the nicest comments I have ever received. Thanks.
— Lennard

Dear Lennard,
That advice on chain hops when backpedaling in the 42-tooth cog was terrible. The tautness, or lack thereof, on the upper part of the chain isn’t the sole problem: it’s largely the chain coming off the cog at an angle vs the chain going on the cog at an angle. Of course it’s not going to fall off from leaving at a large angle because the derailleur has placed the chain securely on the teeth. When backpedaling, the chain is now trying to get on the cog from a large angle, thus acting like the derailleur attempting to upshift. If he rolled the rear wheel backwards while keeping a bit of tension on the pedals, the upper part of the chain would be taut but would still hop down to a smaller cog.

The real solution isn’t to “avoid pedaling backward when in low gear.” That’s not even a bad solution, it’s nothing. He already knows not to backpedal in low gears, because the chain is falling off!

The real solution is to check the chainline of the chainring, and to check the entire drivetrain for wear, since he said it was working initially. If it was working previously but not anymore, it’s likely that the brand new cassette and brand new chain combined were just enough to fight against a too far outboard chainline, and now that they’ve worn a bit, that incorrect chainline is showing itself.

The solution is to use the chainline adjustment in the bottom bracket, or get some spacers for the chainring bolts, to move the chainline inboard a little bit. Start small and check when in the smallest cogs that the chain isn’t binding against the next cog up.

Ethan didn’t say if the bike came with 1X. If it didn’t, then there is probably a 50/50 chance that the chainline at the cranks is not perfect, and it only worked initially because the entire drivetrain was fresh and tight.
— Justin

Dear Justin,
Thanks. I ought to have suggested moving the chainline inboard. As I mentioned above with regard to my own filter, it didn’t occur to me that the bike may not have originally been equipped with a 1X drivetrain.
― Lennard

Running Doc: Prepping for the NYC Marathon and preventing last-minute injuries – New York Daily News

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Prepping for playoffs, Oakland Athletics knock off Angels – San Francisco Examiner

By Matt Doan

Special to S.F. Examiner

ANAHEIM, Calif.  – The Oakland Athletics (97-64) are a long way from spring training, but on the final weekend of the regular season, their goals are similar: Keep their starters sharp, determine pitching roles and stay healthy.

These are the priorities heading into next Wednesday’s winner-take-all Wild Card game at Yankee Stadium. Winning actual baseball games along the way is a bonus, and on Saturday night, the A’s did just that, beating the Los Angeles Angels 5-2.

Manager Bob Melvin started most of his regulars against Angels left-handed starter Tyler Skaggs, with an eye towards keeping Oakland’s bats in rhythm for next week’s likely Yankees left-handed starter, J.A. Happ.

The A’s struck quickly in the first inning. After a one-out walk to Matt Chapman, Khris Davis slugged his 48th homer of the year to give the A’s the early 2-0 lead. In the third inning, Ramon Laureano led off with a stand up double, moved to third on a Chapman groundout and scored on a sac fly from Jed Lowrie.

Opener Liam Hendricks got his ninth start in the month of September, and allowed a single in the first, but nothing else on 15 pitches. Hendricks could be in line to have the same role against the Yankees next Wednesday.  

A’s right-hander Trevor Cahill relieved Hendriks in the second inning and efficiently retired 10 straight batters before running into trouble with one out in the fifth inning.  

Andrelton Simmons reached on a throwing error from Chad Pinder, who started the game at first base, but had moved over to third to spell Chapman at the beginning of the inning.

After a walk to Angels third basemen Taylor Ward, Kaleb Cowart singled to center to score Simmons and plate the Angels first run. The bright spot on the play was an impressive throw from Laureano to Pinder to cut down Ward trying to advance to third. Cahill and the A’s escaped the inning with just the unearned run to make it 3-1, A’s, after five innings. Cahill (7-4) would claim the win on the evening going four innings, allowing one unearned run on one hit and two strikeouts.

Lowrie struck again in the sixth inning off Angels reliever Jim Johnson, hitting his career-high 23rd home run of the season  to increase the A’s lead to 4-1.  The A’s padded their lead in the eighth inning, loading the bases against Angels reliever Cam Bedrosian and getting a sac fly RBI off the bat of Stephen Piscotty for their fifth run.

Potential wild card relievers Shawn Kelley, Fernando Rodney, Jeurys Familia and Blake Treinen closed out the A’s victory from there, with the only blemish being a run allowed by Rodney in the seventh inning.

Chapman’s first-inning run was his 100th run of the season.  Chapman becomes the seventh player in A’s history to collect 100+ runs, 40+ doubles and 20+ homeruns in a season and the fourth player to accomplish this feat in the majors in 2018 (joins Boston’s Mookie Betts, St. Louis’ Matt Carpenter, Houston’s Alex Bregman and Cleveland’s Francisco Lindor). Laureano’s outfield assist in the fifth inning was his ninth in just 46 games. 

Pinder started at first base on Saturday night, the seventh different position that he has started a game at this season.

Brett Anderson, will start the final game of the regular season Sunday from Anaheim.

All 15 MLB games on the final day of the regular season (Sunday) will have the same start time (12:05pm PDT).  The early forecast for Yankee Stadium on Wednesday is low 70’s at first pitch (5:05pm PDT) with a 10% chance of rain.

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Newbury Is Prepping for Legal Battle – Valley News

Newbury, Vt. — With less than a week to go before State Board of Education’s next meeting, Newbury voters reaffirmed their opposition to school district consolidation, which increases the odds that school officials will join other districts in taking legal action against the state.

On a 117-17 vote, Newbury voters on Thursday evening rejected a state proposal to collapse the Newbury Elementary School District into a larger district that would include Blue Mountain Union, Oxbow Union High School District and Bradford Elementary School.

Following the advisory vote, which was held during a floor meeting at the Newbury Elementary School, voters also supported, on a voice vote, a contingency plan that would transfer the Commons, a public gathering spot, away from the school district in the event of a merger, according to Town Clerk Nikki Tomlinson. A third measure, which also passed on a voice vote, supports a School Board plan to transfer the school building to the town, should a merged district ever vote to close the school.

Newbury School Board Chairman Paul Jewett has said that the outcome of these votes would help school officials decide whether to join at least eight other districts in a legal action that would oppose a series of forced mergers that the state Agency of Education has proposed under Act 46, the 2015 education reform law that seeks to lower costs and increase educational opportunities by merging districts into larger, more cost-effective structures.

Blue Mountain School also came closer to joining the legal action this month, when its School Boardvoted on Sept. 19 to join the legal action — but only if the State Board of Education follows the advice of the state agency and forces Blue Mountain to merge.

Under the law, the State Board of Education is tasked with ensuring that every district complies with Act 46, and the clock is running out on that charge. If this change comes viagra super with aging then there is no erection occurred. Such trigger points or knots generic cialis make issues with my ulnar nerve as well as neck so I utilize a foam roller as well as lacrosse ball to roll out such problem areas. The ED medicine is also levitra generika 40mg not going to provide a heightened level of stamina in case, you did not already possess this in the first place. Mast cialis 40 mg Mood oil and Booster capsule are the best herbal supplements which provide good results to get rock hard erections.

“We must complete our work by Nov. 30,” State Board of Education Chairwoman Krista Huling said on Friday.

Though more than 100 districts have been eliminated through voluntary mergers, dozens of others have argued that the best way for them to meet the law’s goals of equity and affordability is by remaining in their existing governance structures.

Concerns about school closings and loss of local control have fueled much of the opposition to consolidation.

Over the last few months, the State Board of Education held three listening sessions across the state, and on Tuesday, it will hold a daylong workshop at the White River Valley Middle School in Bethel.

State Board administrator Suzanne Sprague said the plan to hold the special meeting, which will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., has been in place for months.

The board is expected to craft and vote on the guiding principles it will use in deciding which districts, if any, should remain unmerged. The agenda frames the discussion in three sections — “obligations and duties” under Act 46, “development of guiding principles,” and “development of logic model.”

A vote to adopt guiding principles is scheduled for 3:30 p.m.

The Tuesday meeting will begin with a presentation by the White River Valley School District, which was formed in July by a merger of school districts in Bethel and Royalton.

Matt Hongoltz-Hetling can be reached at mhonghet@vnews.com or 603-727-3211.

WSJ: Slack prepping IPO for early next year – Seeking Alpha

Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) Teams competitor Slack is actively preparing for a 1H19 IPO, according to WSJ sources. The company hasn’t hired underwriters yet, but that could happen soon.

The IPO could come as early as Q1 and Slack expects it could achieve a valuation well over $7B, the value at the time of its latest funding round, which would make Slack one of the largest tech debuts since Snap in 2017. 

Slack’s workplace instant-messaging app had over 8M DAUs and 3M paid users earlier this year.   

Microsoft shares are down 0.3% premarket to $114.03.    

Previously: Slack raises $427M to $7.1B valuation (Aug. 21)

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