kare11.com | Prepping your home for the cold – KARE

ST PAUL, Minn. – A lot of people are dreaming of a white Christmas, but snow and cold can be a nightmare for homeowners, especially those who are unprepared.

This year, that may be even more crucial, with a chilly forecast and a record number of travelers. Triple-A estimates 107 million Americans will spend next week out of town. Less snow than usual may make flights and a drive easier, but it also won’t keep things like septic tanks warm.

“Christmas Day itself has not been this cold in 21 years,” said KARE 11 Meteorologist Sven Sundgaard. “And in a lot of places, the grass is exposed so less snow is less insulation.”

That means your furnace is the only thing preventing a frozen house and bursting pipes, so experts say you have to have safeguards. Bernie Von Ruden of Air Quality Systems in Hopkins, says a wireless thermostat is the best insurance you can buy since it can alert your smartphone if the temperature drops in your house. He suggests never turning your heat down below 60 degrees, saying a home can freeze in a hurry.

That’s also why experts say you should shut off your water main, saying a simple valve turn can ensure your house won’t flood.

“At least that way in the event you have the pipes freeze you’re not going to have water gushing out of the pipes,” said Chad Krinkie of The Snelling Company in St Paul.

And don’t forget maintenance. You really want to get cheapest viagra in canada to where you can go to dinner or participate in a hobby together. This is one of the most embarrassing health cialis tabs 20mg problem for male entities. Fortunately, with the the cheapest viagra help of methods for natural penis enlargement, the problem of erectile dysfunction can be treated for an enhanced sexual pleasure. His specific viagra price interest is in driving industry improvements through the regulatory modernization frameworks of FDAs 21st Century Modernization and ICH Q8 – Q10. Pull out your furnace filter and replace it if you can’t see light through it. Clogs can make a furnace shut off. And ask a professional to service it each year.

“Get them checked and check up on them,” said Krinkie. “Because of mechanical stuff—just like cars—they break down. So you’re going to want to have a plan.”

Along with all those precautions, remember there’s nothing like a friend, family member or neighbor to keep an eye on your house. Asking someone to stop by while you’re gone to check on your home may give you the best peace of mind.

© 2017 KARE

Local chefs prepping to serve over 1,000 people | Living … – Press of Atlantic City

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ATLANTIC CITY — You could tell something fishy was going on Tuesday morning at the Atlantic City Convention Center.

And for hundreds of homeless and struggling people in the region this holiday season, that was a good thing.

The pungent smell of fish wafted from the convention center’s kitchen, where about 15 volunteers were cutting up large slabs of raw tuna and stacking them on baking sheets.

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The fish will be served to more than 1,000 people Friday.

Spectra by Comcast Spectacor Executive Chef George Fisher, his staff and a team of volunteers, including casino chefs and members of the Professional Chefs Association of South Jersey, are preparing meals for nearly 500 homeless people at the Atlantic City Rescue Mission and 500 others at the Salvation Army on Texas Avenue. Preparations will continue through Thursday.

About 1,500 pounds of tuna, donated by Viking Village in Barnegat Light, was being carved into tuna steaks Tuesday. On Wednesday, the group will slice about 700 pounds of ham donated by Rastelli Meats. In addition, Spectra is donating 80 gallons of chicken pot pie, which will be prepared Thursday.

For the rest of the meal, Golden Nugget Atlantic City donated 250 pounds of green beans, Tropicana Atlantic City donated mashed potatoes and stuffing, Minos Bakery in Pleasantville is providing dessert and Valenti’s Italian Bakery, also in Pleasantville, is donating dinner rolls.

Fisher said it will be nice for local families in need to have a hearty meal for the holidays.

“We get to go home to a nice house, widescreen TV, microwave and a family and a warm house,” Fisher said. “To see these people that may not have family members and may not have a nice meal, for us to make a nice meal for them means a lot. We’re feeding close to 2,000 people.”

Dara Heston, kitchen manager for the Atlantic City Rescue Mission, said the mission would not be able to cook such a large amount of food.

“We have a lot smaller kitchen. We don’t have the capacity to cook as much as they do as quickly,” Heston said. “It’s nice to have so much help. It’s really awesome.”

Michael D’Angelo, a member of the Salvation Army Advisory Board and executive pastry chef at Spectra Food Services & Hospitality at the convention center, said it’s also nice to provide those in need with a premium menu for the holidays.

“It’s a fantastic feeling to really step up and give these folks a great meal. We feed them every day, but it isn’t always this high quality of a product. This fresh tuna, the ham, the chicken pot pie: Everything is fresh, everything is nice. It’s restaurant-quality food that they’re getting for Christmas,” D’Angelo said.

While chefs were slicing down tuna steaks Tuesday, Linda Mackin was shaving down roast beef on a side table.

Mackin is not one of the many professional chefs who are volunteering. The Harrah’s Resort employee is just a local volunteer who wanted to help a good cause.

“There are so many people out of work. There are families that are hungry, and they just need all the help they can get this time of year,” Mackin said.

Prepping For Power Outages – Hackaday

When the mains power goes, we are abruptly brought face-to-face with how many of the devices and services we take for granted rely upon it. Telephones for instance, where once they were attached to the wall by a cable, now they are a cordless device with a mains-powered base station. Your cellphone can fill that gap, but a modern smartphone with a battery life of under a day is hardly a reliable long-term solution. Meanwhile modern heating systems may still burn gas or fuel oil, but rely on an electric pump for circulation. Your kitchen is full of electrically-powered white goods, your food is preserved by an electric refrigerator, even your gas cooker if you have one will probably expect a mains supply.

When the power goes out we might say that we instantaneously travel back a couple of centuries, but the reality is that our ancestors in 1817 wouldn’t have been in the same mess we are, they had appropriate solutions to surviving a wickedly cold winter when electricity was still something of a gleam in [Michael Faraday]’s eye. In short, they were prepared in a way most of us are not. That’s a shame, so let’s take a closer look sensible modern preparedness.

The City Versus the Countryside

If Hackaday did Christmas cards, this might be one of them.
If Hackaday did Christmas cards, this might be one of them.

This is being written from a very small English village, one that lost its electricity for a significant time a few days ago in a snowstorm. Overnight we had a modest fall of several inches of damp heavy snow that lay thickly in windless conditions, bringing down plenty of tree branches, and the 11kV supply to our transformer. Readers from colder countries are free to exercise their mirth at this point. (But your weekend’s Hackaday stories might have been in jeopardy, had we not fairly speedily set up the necessary backup systems to continue.) You can spot the people who’ve not lived in our village for long on snowy mornings: theirs are the houses with no lights on.

Take a drive away from town down a few snow-bound country lanes if you’re not cowed by a few inches of the white stuff, and you’ll find the farming community safe and warm with the lights on, we’d like to think checking Hackaday over an ADSL line that temporarily has a 1:1 contention ratio.This isn’t because they’re the type of people who keep a basement room full of rifles and tins of beans in readiness for the Apocalypse, instead years of experience living at the end of very long chains of power lines have taught them what it’s necessary to keep handy for the inevitable power cuts.

The most basic requirement of heating without electricity is something you’ll inevitably find satisfied among the farming community with a wood burning stove of some kind. At Chez [List] it’s a room heater filling a large fireplace, but the stereotypical British farm kitchen has an Aga or similar solid-fuel cooker drying the Wellington boots and thick socks as it cooks the midday meal. If you’re a long-time rural dweller without an Aga then there will be a couple of orange propane cylinders at the back of the house for the gas range that performs the same function.

Just a few of the bits and pieces that come out to fight the power cut.
Just a few of the bits and pieces that come out to fight the power cut.

Wood and gas heaters and cookers are invariable, used whether electricity is at hand or not. To adequately replace the lost electricity for everything else requires a diverse collection of equipment, bits and piece amassed over the decades and kept in storage just for these moments. A wired phone from the 1980s that takes the place of our DECT base station, a battery radio, a variety of lighting devices, a pile of mains extension leads and multiway adaptors, a deep-cycle accumulator, a pair of solid-state inverters, and a small two-stroke generator. An hour after the power has gone, and we’re well-lit, our fridge is keeping the Christmas turkey frozen, and the Internet is back. Hackaday’s scheduling is saved!

From a Bit of Wax and Some String to Lithium Ions

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The simplest power-cut lighting device is the humble candle, of which we keep a box or two in the cupboard just in case. Unless you are after a Dickensian vibe though it’s fair to say that better alternatives exist. A variety of sturdy farmer’s lanterns ranging from an older model with a lead-acid gel-cell and a car headlight to a lightweight modern lithium-ion LED model are first to be pulled out, swiftly followed by the usual array of LED flashlights. Bright light and long battery life still seems magical, for someone raised in the days of dim incandescent flashlights with zinc-carbon cells.

In the first instance when it comes to lower-power mains devices, we have a couple of mains inverters ready. Not particularly high-quality ones, cheap sandcastle-waveform 300 and 600 watt units. They are hooked up to things like the ADSL router, my laptop, and the family TV. A small farm has deep-cycle lead-acid accumulators charged and to hand for electric fencers, that happily supply these loads and can be readily recharged with the right charger from the car or the tractor.

Appliance Power

Get warm on cold days, by starting a tiny two-stroke that hasn't seen action since the summer!
Get warm on cold days, by starting a tiny two-stroke that hasn’t seen action since the summer!

Running a fridge or a deep freezer from a cheap inverter is not a sensible course, so if the power cut starts to stretch into several hours, out will come the generator. As luck would have it a faulty carburettor stopped us using our primary choice this time, so out came my cheap-and-nasty 800W two-stroke machine and a festoon of extension leads. It’s great for the occasional camping trip in the summer, but not my first choice because its voltage regulation can be a bit haywire. You soon learn to ensure it has a light bulb plugged in as a load before you connect any appliance you care about, and a plug-in mains voltmeter becomes an essential accessory as you watch the voltage sail past the 300V mark when nothing is connected to it.

Our telephone exchange is in a neigbouring village, and like all such buildings it has a back-up power system to maintain an essential service during power cuts. It must have some form of power management preservation schedule, because a few hours after the start of any power cut it turns off the ADSL service and we lose our internet connection. Thus the final part of our power cut coping strategy involves a mobile phone temporarily fitted with a data SIM and placed as a wireless hotspot in the one upstairs windows that gets a decent quality signal. We can fix our power problems, but the parlous state of British rural wireless coverage is beyond us.

Tell Us How You Have Prepared for Power Outage

So, you’ve had a description of life in a typical British village in a damp and cold December, and yes, you’ll have raised a grin at our lack of weather-resilience as a nation. Farming and rural communities everywhere have the same we-can-fix-this mentality though, so once you’ve replaced our 230V mains electricity and BS1363s with your local variant maybe there could be something in our power-cut-readiness that could still be of use. More to the point, what do you do when the power goes out in the middle of winter where you are? It’s a constant of life as a Hackaday scribe, that whatever we do is instantly eclipsed by far more amazing work by our readers, so some of you will have this situation completely sorted. The comments are open, tell us how you did it.

Prepping your car for holiday travel – KWCH

WICHITA, Kan. (KWCH) AAA predicts a record-breaking number of Americans will travel this holiday season. Travel predictions are up 3 million people compared to last year.

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Frank Acevedo spends most of his day discussing motorcycles but he also knows a lot about car batteries

“Cold weather and batteries…it’s fine. Just take time to maintain it. Go over some of the terminals, make sure that there’s no corrosion on it,” says Acevedo.

Before you hit the road like millions of others this holiday season.
Acevedo has some advice to make sure you don’t wind up stranded with a dead battery.

“If it does need battery’s acid, that it’s filled.”

Acevedo says hot weather is harsher on car batteries than cold weather.
The cooler weather can further drain a weak battery.

“It’s just going to show a higher rate of effect in colder weather.”

So it’s best to know how to jump-start your car.

“Just make sure that you know how to jump-start your vehicle, maybe carry a jump starter box. And know where the positive and negative connections are at on the terminals inside your vehicle, especially in an emergency situation on the side of the road or something like that.”

Acevedo says the jump starter pack he uses is not only safer because you don’t have to ask strangers to help you with a jump but it’s also okay to use for all kinds of vehicles.

“This can actually jump start your car. It can jump start trucks, motorcycles, just about any vehicle.”

AAA also has a few more tips they suggest before you head out the door. Some things you can do right now.

Make sure your vehicle is up to date on maintenance. You can also start looking at your route right now and plan around any closures or busy roadways you might not be familiar with.

Corporate Tax Pros Already Prepping for Tax Reform – Forbes

The tax bill currently making its way to the President’s desk contains no shortage of complicated details. At roughly 500 pages, the bill contains hundreds of changes to the U.S. tax code, re-configuring everything from individual income tax brackets to the individual mandate requiring every American to carry health insurance. But the real star of the show is corporate tax.

President Trump campaigned vigorously on a plan to cut the corporate tax rate from its current 35% to 15%, and the Congressional bill gets pretty close to that goal by bringing the corporate tax rate down to 21%. It also contains special provisions that let U.S. companies repatriate their foreign earnings back into the U.S. It can start to cause harm to tissues causing ED or disfigurement of viagra 25 mg http://davidfraymusic.com/project/gramophone-names-fantaisie-a-may-editors-choice/ the organ. Kamagra soft tablets: This form contains 100mg sildenafil citrate to levitra 10 mg cure impotence. Furthermore, there are side effects of some manifestation of levitra online order sexual brokenness. The Bushmen, who live off the land, would cut off part of the hoodia stem and davidfraymusic.com get viagra australia eat it an hour before the love making session. at a reduced tax rate.  Accordingly, the corporate tax is one of the few areas of the proposed tax reform that left and right agree would produce benefits for big businesses.

Now that both House and the Senate have reached a final deal on the tax bill, some significant changes to the tax code should be imminent.

But sweeping changes like this do not happen overnight, and the task of actually implementing these tax reforms within the tax function of a major multinational corporation is a mammoth undertaking that will affect everything from earnings forecasting to capital expenditures to global trade strategy.

So how do the tax professionals at those big businesses feel about the plan and what are they doing now to prepare? I recently had the opportunity to find out at our annual customer conference, where I asked the gathered group of 1,700+ tax and tax technology professionals that are responsible for corporate taxes and trust taxes what they thought about the U.S. tax reform plan and how it was already impacting their business planning. Appropriately enough, the conference took place just after the House plan had been introduced and as the Senate plan was about to be unveiled, so the group was in the throes of digesting how the reforms might impact their companies.

Even though they still don’t know what the final tax bill will look like, the majority of tax pros (70%) are already taking steps to prepare for the change. Among them, 13.9% are modeling the impact of the reforms on their companies, 5.1% are explaining the nuances of the different proposals to their executive leadership and boards of directors, 0.8% are lobbying policymakers, and 49.7% are engaged in some combination of these. That still leaves, 30%, however, who are taking a wait-and-see approach.

To get some further insight on these findings, I spoke with Nathan Andrews, a partner with Deloitte Tax LLP and national Practice leader for Deloitte’s Tax Management Consulting practice, who attended the event and has been having many of these types of conversations with his clients.

How are Giants prepping for Eagles’ QB change? – Giants.com (blog)

Nick Foles will start for the Eagles on Sunday after Carson Wentz was lost for the season due to injury:

EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. – The Philadelphia Eagles have the NFC’s best record at 11-2, but their season has not been a smooth and uninterrupted sail.

Like all teams, the Eagles have lost their share of important contributors to injury. Among those currently on injured reserve are running back Darren Sproles (who was hurt in a victory against the Giants on Sept. 24), left tackle Jason Peters, linebacker Jordan Hicks, special teams star Chris Maragos and kicker Caleb Sturgis.

To their credit, the injuries haven’t slowed down the Eagles. Most of those players were hurt during a nine-game winning streak that ended two weeks ago in Seattle.

But Philadelphia’s ability to withstand absent players will be tested as it hasn’t before. When they face the Giants on Sunday in MetLife Stadium, the Eagles will play for the first time in two seasons without quarterback Carson Wentz, who tore his left ACL last week in a victory against the Rams in Los Angeles. Wentz leads the NFL with a franchise-record 33 touchdown passes and is one of the leading candidates to be voted the league’s MVP.

Now, it’s Nick Foles’ team. The backup quarterback took over last week and his play will largely determine if the Eagles advance to their first Super Bowl in 13 years.

“They’ve had a lot of success this year, so I don’t imagine they’re going to change a whole lot of things up scheme-wise,” Giants linebacker Devon Kennard said. “They might tweak a few things here or there, cater it to their quarterback. But we’re expecting them to come out and do what they do best, and what they’ve been doing all year.”

That’s not exactly good news for the Giants. Philadelphia leads the NFL in scoring (31.1 points a game) and is second in rushing (143.0 yards a game). The Eagles have six different players who have caught at least two touchdown passes, including one with eight (Alshon Jeffery) and two with seven apiece (Zach Ertz and Nelson Agholor).

Can Foles keep it going? He’s thrown only 14 passes this season, 10 last week after Wentz left the game.

Philadelphia coach Doug Pederson said the Eagles re-signed Wentz so they would have a backup who could go in and win games if something happened to Wentz. And something happened.

“They operate offensively like clockwork,” Giants interim head coach Steve Spagnuolo said. “They’ve got weapons on the outside. The tight ends are, they got enough of them to worry about, obviously, and add in another running back (Jay Ajayi) to a group of running backs that are really good and it’s running back by committee. You got to be aware of which running back is in the game. It changes how they attack you running the football a little bit differently and certainly with Carson Wentz there, you put on the tape. I said this before, he’s like Houdini. He made all kinds of something out of nothing. That’s what he’s really good at. But the system that Doug runs down there is taxing on you defensively from a standpoint of you have to stop the run, so everybody gets heavy on their toes, and yet they got a really good play action pass game. I read somewhere where they weren’t connecting on a lot of those shots that they took, but I see a lot of them they do connect on. Those are the ones that we’re concerned with.”

The Giants know Foles from his first stint in Philadelphia (2012-14), when he twice faced them. On Oct. 6, 2013, he relieved Michael Vick and completed 16 of 25 passes for 197 yards and two touchdowns in an Eagles victory in MetLife. That season, Foles threw 27 touchdown passes and only two interceptions. On Oct. 12, 2014 in Lincoln Financial Field, Foles started against the Giants and hit 21 of 34 passes for 248 yards, two touchdowns, and two interceptions.

“What I witnessed when Nick Foles went in last week, for the number of plays there in the fourth quarter, was they didn’t skip a beat,” Spagnuolo said. “He obviously prepares really well as a backup. He must be a true pro, because he stepped in there and it didn’t look like they changed very much. The bright light with its multi-layer ZERO (ZUIKO Extra-low reflection Optical)lens coated half the effects of levitra price regencygrandenursing.com ghosting and flaring which is compared to similar conventional coatings. However, scientific research studies are always underway in an attempt to gain further evidence of its effectiveness, more and more parents are looking into having longer tadalafil best price lasting orgasms and derive maximum satisfaction from their sexual life because of the problem of erectile dysfunction in them. As for parents taking antidepressants, it is safe for them to buy and consume this medicine to brand viagra for sale overcome their erectile issues. A healthy diet to keep diabetes cialis viagra on line at bay includes ones that is high in fiber. They operated very similarly. He made a couple good throws, but the one at the end of the game on third down, I thought, was exceptional.”  

“Nick Foles – he’s a great quarterback, as well, and he’s done a lot of great things in this league,” Kennard said. “I think he’s definitely capable. But Carson was playing at an MVP-type of level. So I don’t know if Foles is going to be able to do that well, but hopefully not. Not this Sunday at least.”

 *In 1999, Spagnuolo was in his first season as an assistant coach with the Eagles under Andy Reid. That year, Philadelphia selected quarterback Donovan McNabb second overall in the NFL Draft. But Reid started the backup quarter for the season’s first nine games – Doug Pederson.

“The biggest compliment to Doug is that Andy Reid takes the head job in Philadelphia – Andy was with Doug in Green Bay – and he wants Doug to be the quarterback to start things off,” Spagnuolo said. “I know we drafted Donovan and the whole deal, but Doug came in and you talk about character and work ethic and all of the things surrounding being the starting quarterback with the second pick of the draft right behind you. He handled it with class, he’s a class man. To me, I’m happy for Doug and the season he’s having. He’s done a terrific job down there. I enjoyed working with him in 1999, and I’m happy to see his success this year.”

*The Giants might be short on experienced safeties on Sunday. Today, they declared backup Nat Berhe out with a hamstring injury. Starter Landon Collins – an All-Pro last season who has not missed a game in his three years with the team – did not practice today and is doubtful with an ankle injury.

“He’s a tough guy,” Spagnuolo said of Collins. “He wants to play. We’ll see what happens when we get to Sunday, because tomorrow is just a jog-through.”

The Giants today signed safety Ryan Murphy off their practice squad. He takes the roster spot that opened when offensive lineman Justin Pugh was placed on injured reserve yesterday.

Murphy, 6-0 and 216 pounds, has spent the entire season on the Giants’ practice squad. A 2015 seventh-round draft choice of the Seattle Seahawks, Murphy did stints on the Denver Broncos practice squad in 2015 and 2016. He has never played in an NFL regular-season game.

*The Giants listed three players as questionable: cornerback Brandon Dixon (heel/hamstring), and wide receivers Roger Lewis, Jr. (ankle) and Travis Rudolph (hamstring).

*Spagnuolo said he doesn’t yet know if cornerback Eli Apple will be inactive for a fifth consecutive game.

“We’ll see where the roster goes right now,” Spagnuolo said. “I’m kind of doing the numbers of the 46 (active players) and it’s flowing, but we’ll figure it out by Sunday. And I certainly would not want to say anything now anyway to the opposition.”

*The Giants and Toyota, in partnership with the United States Marines, will hold their annual Toys for Tots drive at MetLife Stadium when they host the Eagles on Sunday. Fans are encouraged to bring new, unwrapped toys to any of the collection vehicles and volunteers located at each entrance to the stadium prior to the game. Uniformed Marine Corps Reserves will be on hand to assist in collecting these gifts.

Modell’s Sporting Goods has donated $2,500 worth of sports equipment to the cause and will hand out coupons for select Nike products to all fans who donate a toy. Coupons are redeemable at Modell’s locations only. All gifts collected during the drive will be donated to Toys for Tots, the premier community action program of the United States Marines. Over the last 50 years, the Marines have distributed over 272,000,000 toys to children across the country during the holiday season.

Since the late 1970’s, the Giants have participated in this program and hosted an annual Toys for Tots drive, helping to bring the joy of Christmas to children across the tri-state area. Once again, the Giants ask their friends and fans to join the team as we assist our neighbors in need.

FAU, Navy, Miami and Memphis prepping for home bowl games – FOXSports.com

BOCA RATON, Fla. (AP) Sometime late Friday afternoon, Florida Atlantic will load up its luggage and head south to the hotel that will house the Conference USA champions for their bowl-game preparations.

It’ll be a 4-mile drive.

The comforts of home await the Owls this weekend as they get ready to play in the Boca Raton Bowl, and they’re hardly the only team in America that won’t be seeing a new part of the country as part of the postseason perk package. FAU, Miami, Navy and Memphis are playing bowl games on their home fields, and five other teams – six if Georgia makes the College Football Playoff title game – will play bowls in their home states.

”A chance to stay home is really special, basically to have another home game,” said FAU coach Lane Kiffin, whose Owls will essentially ”host” Akron in the Boca Raton Bowl. ”From that advantage, it’s really neat. Our players obviously at first were like, `Well, we don’t get to go anywhere.’ But then when they really looked at it, they realize, `Hey, we’re honored because we’re going to the best bowl that there is for our conference.”’

The Boca Raton Bowl is Tuesday, the first of the four de facto home games for some teams in this postseason. Navy is remaining in Annapolis, Maryland, for its bowl, the Dec. 28 Military Bowl against Virginia. Miami is headed to the Orange Bowl on Dec. 30, where Wisconsin awaits. And Memphis is off to the Liberty Bowl, set to meet Iowa State on Dec. 30.

Memphis had hopes of getting into a New Year’s Six bowl. When that didn’t happen after a loss to UCF in the American Athletic Conference title game, wide receiver Anthony Miller said going to the Liberty Bowl ”was the next-best thing.”

”I don’t mind,” Miller said. ”I just love the energy of being at the Liberty Bowl. I love being in Memphis. I love the fans. It’s my senior year. It’s my last year. I don’t think there’s a better way that I could end it.”

FAU hasn’t been to a bowl game since 2008, so its upperclassmen all will attest that being home for a bowl obviously is better than being at home with no games left to play. Navy had prearranged many of its bowl sites for the last decade or so, though now falls into the AAC mix – and the Military Bowl was thrilled to pit the Midshipmen against the Cavaliers, given how the campuses are roughly 150 miles apart.

Miami ended a decade-long bowl-victory drought last season, rose to No. 2 in the national rankings this season before dropping its final two games and has reveled in how that success re-energized the fan base. The Hurricanes fell out of CFP contention with losses to Pittsburgh and Clemson, but one last night at Hard Rock Stadium is more than a consolation prize for their seniors.

”It’s going to be somewhat of a home game for us,” coach Mark Richt said. ”It is our home stadium. Our fans have been phenomenal all year long. It’s been one of the best turnouts of fans, probably in the history of Hard Rock Stadium. … Even though we are home, in our home city, we know we’re going to get a chance to do some things we don’t normally get to do that the bowl will provide for us.”

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Florida International, SMU, Texas, TCU and Wake Forest are also playing in-state bowls. SMU is going only 28 miles to Frisco, Texas, for its game, Wake Forest is going 80 miles to Charlotte, and Texas coach Tom Herman is going back to Houston – his former home.

”I think it’s neat,” Herman said. ”It’s a city that my family and myself have called home on a couple of different occasions, at Rice (and) at the University of Houston. … It is a city that I have a lot of friends and people that I know back there, and I’m excited to bring our team out to Houston to play in front of them.”

The last time Wake Forest went to Charlotte for a bowl game, the Demon Deacons brought 30,000 fans.

”We expect that number to increase,” athletic director Ron Wellman said.

Miami isn’t staying at ”home,” per se. The Hurricanes are moving to a resort in Broward County on Christmas night for bowl week, part of the Orange Bowl’s contractual obligations. And even though Wisconsin and Akron both know they’re playing road games, leaving winter behind for a few days seems like a fair trade-off.

Kiffin doesn’t see a downside for his team, either.

”Miami used to want to do what? Go to the Orange Bowl,” Kiffin said. ”USC and UCLA want to do what? Go to the Rose Bowl. So it can be really special when it’s a premier bowl like this.”

AP Sports Writer Steve Megargee in Memphis, Tennessee, contributed to this report.

Presser Points: Zimmer Seeing ‘Numbers, Not Faces’ in Prepping for Former Team – Vikings.com

EDEN PRAIRIE, Minn. – Vikings Head Coach Mike Zimmer will see some familiar faces on the visitors’ sideline at U.S. Bank Stadium Sunday.

Among them will be Bengals Head Coach Marvin Lewis, who is more than just a former boss of Zimmer.

“I love Marvin Lewis,” said Zimmer, who served as the Bengals defensive coordinator from 2008-13. “He’s an unbelievable person, great guy. Heck of a football coach. He’s done tremendous things there in Cincinnati.

This weekend will mark the first time Zimmer has faced his old team in the regular-season. “It happens,” he told Twin Cities media members of facing former colleagues and friends.

But Zimmer isn’t worried about personal feelings interfering with business.

“This is a game I see numbers, not faces,” Zimmer said.

If the Vikings claim their 11th win of the season Sunday, they will effectively clinch the NFC North division.

The Bengals (5-8) have missed the playoffs the past two seasons after appearing in the postseason five consecutive seasons.

“He’s had success,” Zimmer said of Lewis, who first started with the Bengals in 2003. “I think he’s a heck of a coach. He does unbelievable things in the community. I learned a lot for him. I’m happy for him.”

Here are four other topics Zimmer covered during his podium session:

1. Importance of roster depth

The Vikings have suffered some significant injuries this season, as have teams across the league.

Asked specifically about the importance of roster depth in the wake of having to fill in players, Zimmer acknowledged the difference it makes.

“Depth is extremely important. Quality depth,” Zimmer said. “This time of year you end up getting a lot of injuries. Knock on wood, we’ve been fairly healthy, and hopefully we continue to stay that way.

“We’ve had a lot of guys come in,” Zimmer added. “I think the longest one, well Case [Keenum] is obviously the longest one, but Rashod Hill has been five weeks. But for the most part it’s a game here, game here, two games, something like that.”

2. Offensive line and injury updates

Hill has consistently filled in at right tackle for Mike Remmers, who hasn’t played since before the bye.

At Carolina last Sunday, Hill ended up sliding to the left side when Riley Reiff suffered an ankle injury.

Hill struggled a bit after the transition, but Zimmer pointed out that he also faced a good rusher in Mario Addison.

“Those guys were good rushers,” Zimmer said. “Sometimes you have those games. This is an oral discount levitra no rx tablet and it contains similar name substance too. According to the Minnesota Men’s Health Centre (MMHC), the likelihood of erectile dysfunction (ED) increases with age. viagra canada cost A sexual health ailment, erectile dysfunction affects viagra sans prescription men physically as well as mentally. We understand that women deserve vibrant sex lives Check Out Your pharmacy store order cheap levitra as much as men do, and it is the one thing that I’ve noticed more frequently is that many people have to order online is no more or less significant than their arguments to use credit or debit accounts in a store, over the phone, or even if it takes them a while to return a phone call, not communicating with customers. Their crowd helped a little bit last week. All of that becomes a factor.”

When asked about getting players back in the lineup to play Cincinnati, Zimmer said he feels “pretty good” about it.

“I think we’ll get a lot of them back. I think we should get [Pat] Elflein back this week. I think we should get [Mike] Remmers back,” Zimmer said. “There’s a good chance of getting [Riley] Reiff back.”

 3. Prepping for the Bengals defense

Zimmer said that not much has changed since he led the Bengals defense.

He said it could actually be a disadvantage that he’ll have to consider because “they’ve heard everything I’ve ever said in a defensive meeting.”

“They probably know me a lot better than I know them,” Zimmer said.

Another familiar face he’ll be accounting for is defensive tackle Geno Atkins, whom Zimmer coached for three seasons (2010-13). But he pointed out that Cincinnati has a number of talented players on defense in addition to the five-time Pro Bowler.

“Geno is a great player – unbelievable strength, unbelieveable quickness, great kid, smart,” Zimmer said. “[Carlos] Dunlap is another heck of a rusher. [Carl] Lawson has [7.5 sacks] He wasn’t there when I was there, but Dunlap is a very long, good athlete. That defensive line is excellent.

“[Vontaze] Burfict is a great middle linebacker, comes out of his hips, very instinctive, fast, tough,” Zimmer added. “Vinny (Vincent) Rey was there when I was there, both safeties – [George] Iloka and Shawn Williams were there, [Dre] Kirkpatrick. There’s a lot of their defensive players that were there when I was there.”

4. A scheming philosophy

Zimmer said there’s “really a fine line” when it comes to what he shows teams schematically.

He said that it’s typical for teams to hide what they can from opponents, but ultimately it’s most important to be a fundamentally sound football team.

“Regardless if it’s defense or offense, you have to be able to execute,” Zimmer said. “And if you start changing up a lot and can’t execute, then it’s not good. But, if you can change up and execute and do things right, then it can give you some advantages.”

Zimmer said that opposing teams have been scheming against Anthony Barr and the challenge he provides, especially when he’s sent in on a blitz.

“Sometimes it’s not about getting the sack, it’s to keep the quarterback in the pocket. Sometimes he may have a peel blitz on a back or something like that, so they have to be careful with how they rush,” Zimmer said. “There’s a lot of different factors that go on. Anthony has played very well this year, and I’m hoping that all of our guys play well these last few weeks.” 

Intel Reportedly Prepping Ice Lake for First Half of 2019 Launch … – Motley Fool

A little while back, noted tech leaker “chrisdar” indicated that chip giant Intel (NASDAQ:INTC) was planning yet another generation of products built using a derivative of its 14-nanometer chip manufacturing technology for the second half of 2018. 

Generally speaking, manufacturing technologies designated by smaller nanometer values tend to be denser and more power-efficient than technologies labeled with larger values (when comparing technologies from the same manufacturer). 

 A wafer of Intel processors.

Image source: Intel.

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Intel had originally planned to begin producing processors based on its upcoming 10-nanometer technology by the end of 2015 for launch in 2016, but the schedule was repeatedly pushed out. The company’s official stance is that it intends to begin shipping the first products manufactured using its 10-nanometer technology by the end of 2017, with volume shipments ramping up through next year. 

However, considering that a reputable leaker recently claimed that Intel is prepping a new product for the second-half of 2018 known as Whiskey Lake for high-volume notebook computers — a product that’s highly likely to be built using Intel’s 14-nanometer++ technology — it’s becoming clear that shipments of Intel 10-nanometer products in 2018 will be minimal. 

The good news is this: The same leaker that recently revealed Intel’s plans with respect to Whiskey Lake just posted some information about when Intel’s second-generation 10-nanometer product, known as Ice Lake, will become available. 

Ice Lake launches in first half of 2019

Per “chrisdar,” the low-power Ice Lake-Y chips for fan-less notebooks and 2-in-1 laptop/tablet hybrids and the Ice Lake-U chips targeted at mainstream notebook PCs are expected to go into production between the very end of 2018 to early in 2019 for system availability sometime between February and May. 

This means that when PC makers prepare new laptops ahead of the typical back-to-school selling season, they should be able to equip them with these new Ice Lake chips. 

Intel’s Ice Lake processors promise to bring significant improvements in performance, features, and power efficiency compared to preceding parts thanks to long-overdue changes in chip architecture, as well as the use of a much more efficient manufacturing technology to build the chips. 

Better late than never

Even with the significant issues that the company has had in trying to bring its 10-nanometer technology into production, the company has done a reasonable job of bringing out products built using derivatives of its older 14-nanometer technology to buy itself more time. 

Nevertheless, it’s clear that Intel is facing what seems to be unprecedented difficulties in trying to get products built using its 10-nanometer technology out the door. 

The rear-side of an Intel desktop processor.

Image source: Intel.

For some perspective, Intel’s 14-nanometer technology first went into mass production in the middle of 2014, with significant volume shipments of 14-nanometer product happening during 2015. It’ll have been about four years for Intel to go from building mass-market 14-nanometer processors to mass-market 10-nanometer processors.

Intel management needs to do an open and honest assessment of what went wrong with the development of this technology generation and roll those lessons into the development of its 7-nanometer technology and beyond to ensure this situation doesn’t happen again.

Orphaned sea otter pup prepping for Oregon Zoo debut – Pamplin Media Group

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 - This orphaned 2-month-old sea otter pup, known as "805," was rescued on the California Coast in October will join the Oregon Zoo's adult otters sometime in January.The public should get its first look in January at the Oregon Zoo’s new sea otter pup who was rescued several weeks ago on the California Coast.

Known as “805,” the pup was orphaned in Morro Bay Harbor in late October when he was less than two weeks old and picked up by the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s rescue and care program. He arrived in Portland Friday morning, Dec. 8.

“When they’re young they float like corks, but he’s learning to dive now and loves showing off,” said Oregon Zoo marine life keeper Sara Morgan, who traveled to Monterey last week to meet the pup and help prepare for his trip north. “He’s full of spunk, very squeaky and fun to be around. He also takes a lot of naps — that’s when he’s at his fluffiest.”

The new pup will join the zoo’s adult sea otters, Eddie and Juno, at the Steller Cove exhibit.