Take Five: Prepping pets for the coming cold – The Sun Chronicle

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Our family recently added a furry friend to the mix. A rescue dog, he came to us from a shelter down in Kentucky.

As we head into the winter months, the cold weather is going to be a bit of a shock and adjustment for a pup who, until now, has only lived in the South. To ensure we all stay safe and healthy during our daily walks and trips out in the snow, ice and bitter winds, here are five things to remember when preparing your fur baby for the cold.

They’re like us

While some breeds are bred for colder climates with their naturally thicker coats and longer hair, no pet should be left outdoors for long periods of time in freezing temperatures. Ever. Dogs and cats, just like humans, have varying tolerances for the cold. It’s important to know your pet’s individual limit. Short-hair and short-legged animals (those whose bellies hit the snow and ice when walking), get colder much quicker. Invest in a sweater or coat for these breeds and avoid putting a wet one back on before going out again, as a wet sweater will actually chill their core faster.

Wipe them down

Salt, sand and other de-icing agents on roads and sidewalks are easily picked up on paws, legs and bellies. These chemicals can be harmful if left on their coats, and especially if your fur baby licks them off. When returning home after a walk, be sure and wipe down, if not wash, these areas to remove the chemicals. Wiping down also removes wet snow and ice particles and helps dry their coat, causing them to warm up faster upon their return home.

Signs of concern

Pets need annual check-ups, too. And just like in humans, colder weather can exacerbate chronic health conditions like arthritis, diabetes, kidney and heart disease. A checkup now is as good a time as any to make sure they’re healthy and can regulate their body temperatures.  They can also be susceptible to frostbite and hypothermia. If you see signs of whining, shivering, anxiety, or weakness and lethargy, immediately get the animal inside. Frostbite can be difficult to detect on an animal, so if you have any worries or concerns, get them checked by a vet.

When they’re outside

Again, many of the precautions we take when heading outdoors also applies to our animals. When walking them, avoid stepping directly on ice. They can slip and fall too, causing injury. And frozen lakes or ponds may not support their weight. Snow and ice also mask recognizable scents that help animals find their way home. Be sure your pet has a well-fitting collar with identification tags and contact information on at all times.

When they’re inside

Offer up a couple sleeping options at night. Most homes have colder and warmer areas, and multiple places to sleep allows them to go where they’re most comfortable. With pets staying indoors more, also take a look around to pet-proof the interior. Use space heaters with caution, as they can be knocked over and be a fire hazard. Keep medications and chemicals out of reach. And always keep fresh water available. Pets need to drink water just as much in cold weather as they do in hot weather.

Field School of Charlottesville Prepping for ‘Spirit Walk’ Historical Play in Crozet – NBC 29 News

Release from Field School of Charlottesville:

This fall marks the 9th Annual Crozet Spirit Walk, a historical play acted out through the streets of Crozet and sponsored by Field School.  An event for the whole family, this year’s walks depicts events from the early twentieth Century through WW2, and will feature stories about Frank Peregoy, the fruit industry, Shenandoah National Park, and the Crozet Library.   

The public is warmly invited to the fun, family-friendly annual event, which will be held from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m.  on Saturday, October 28th, at Field School. Field School is located at 1408 Crozet Avenue.  Tickets are $10 and are available at the door. Kids 15 and under get in free.

Spirit Walk revelers will board a bus at Field School and travel a quarter-mile and 100 years into Albemarle’s past. As they walk back to Field School in the crisp autumn evening, they will meet children, musicians, and eminent historical figures.

Each shift of tour-goers will end up back at Field School’s cozy auditorium. There, they will be able to feast on Field School Wild Stew, warm drinks, donuts from Carpe Donut, and Field School’s legendary apple butter, made lovingly from local apples by the Field School community.

All food, drink, and event proceeds will benefit Field School’s scholarship fund. Rain will bring the performance inside the Field School building.

Our 8th Grade students and their parents will have stirred our famous apple butter all night long beginning the afternoon of Friday, October 27 th. Best cheap viagra this link performs simply like a couple of other ways to feel more satisfied with your life. Kamagra oral jelly is a simpler and improved viagra online from canada version of kamagra tabletsthe major ingredient still being the same. On the other hand, those who practiced sexual activity thrice a week. cipla tadalafil 20mg Further, this drug is manufactured in different measures of check out for more info viagra uk 2.5mg, 5mg, 10mg and 20mg. During the day, the Field community will have prepared the apples for cooking, with the 8 th Graders taking the helm on the cooking. Early Saturday morning the butter will be ready to jar. Each year our parents fill over 400 jars of apple butter which we sell for $5 a jar or $50 a case!

For more information about the event, please call 434-923- 3435. About Field School—Field School of Charlottesville is an all-boys middle school (for grades five to eight) whose mission is to develop well-rounded boys of accomplishment and character. The school is located at 1408 Crozet Avenue. For more information: www.fieldschoolcv.net.

VIDEO: Prepping for Murrysville’s Chili Oktoberfest – Tribune-Review

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Woodstock prepping laws to deal with Airbnb quality-of-life problems – The Daily Freeman

WOODSTOCK, N.Y. >> The Town Board expects to begin reviewing proposed laws next month that aim to crack down on short-term rentals booked through websites like Airbnb.com.

At a board meeting Tuesday, town officials were divided in their assessments of the impacts the rentals have had on the community.

“The B&B (bed and breakfast) situation has definitely brought an upside, a positive to the area, as far as boosting the economy, people coming, shopping, spending the time here,” Supervisor Bill McKenna said. “There’s [also] a real downside — making your life miserable.”

RELATED CONTENT: ‘Village of Rhinebeck revises B&B law, establishes outdoor noise limits,’ Sept. 13, 2017


McKenna’s comments were addressed to Yerry Hill Road resident Duff Allen, who implored the board to take action against property owners who allow renters to disturb neighbors.

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“My road has cars going up and down … [at] 50, 60 miles per hour,” he said.

Councilman Jay Wenk disagreed with contentions that short-term rentals are an economic boost.

“This idea of an upside to the economy is, in my opinion, wishful thinking,” he said. “Certainly, the landlords are making some money, so that’s an upside to them. Unless these people who are renting and having great parties are also spending a lot of time, significant time, in town [patronizing businesses] … then I wouldn’t say there’s anything much about an upside to the economy.”

Wenk suggested the town have police visit “these known law breakers and bust their chops.”

Councilwoman Cathy Magarelli noted town regulations already prohibit the use of houses as B&Bs if a property owner is not living on the premises.

“If the owner isn’t present, it’s against our current law,” she said. “We are trying to put more money into the Building Department to have more enforcement of the laws we have.”

Councilman Richard Heppner said the proposed laws are expected to include permit fees that will cover the cost of enforcement.

“What we’re looking at, for example, is the number of cars based on the number of bedrooms,” he said. “We’re looking at, specifically, homes that are rented out [that aren’t] owner-occupied.”

Heppner said the proposed law also would require inspections and be accompanied by noise ordinances.

“I realize that doesn’t help you this weekend or next weekend, but we’re trying to get there,” he said.

The village of Rhinebeck also has been grappling with the issue of regulating short-term rentals. In September, the Village Board passed new regulations for B&Bs while continuing to investigate regulation of short-term rentals offered on Airbnb.com and similar websites.

Law enforcement, university and more prepping for Richard Spencer’s arrival – WEAR

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Law enforcement, university and more prepping for Richard Spencer’s arrival

Many are preparing and planning what to do in white nationalist Richard Spencer’s arrival.

A group called ‘No Nazis at UF’ has been protesting Spencer’s arrival and continued to iron out their plans on Tuesday.

The group gathered on campus for a panel discussion with professors. Group members of the public spoke about anti-racism, anti-fascism, and what to do in the face of oppression.

The panel also discussed prohibited items, travel plans, attire, and behavior for the upcoming protest on Thursday.

The group will be coordinating rides from across the state to protest the event.

The University of Florida is also making plans. They have hundreds of barricades that they’ve already put up and they’re also expecting road closures on campus.

Authorities say everyone is on standby.

The university says they do plan to have classes open on Thursday and the Alachua County Emergency Operations Center is open and on standby where they have the National Guard to see if they need any reinforcements.

Anthony Weiner seems to have embraced prison fashion weeks before his stint in the slammer – New York Daily News

Judging from the color of his duds, Anthony Weiner is already preparing for prison life.

The disgraced ex-pol was spotted Monday on a downtown 4 train in an orange v-neck sweater and rust-colored slacks with hipster-style sneakers.

He was wearing ear buds attached to his phone and seemed solemn.

With just a few weeks before he starts serving his federal prison sentence for sending sick messages to a 15-year-old girl, Weiner told a reporter he was doing well before heading into a building on Broadway.

Weiner sentenced to 21 months in prison for teen sexting scandal

Weiner, 53, is slated to begin a 21-month prison term on Nov. 6. He was sentenced on Sept. 25.

Disgraced pol Anthony Weiner will head to prison on Nov. 6.

Disgraced pol Anthony Weiner will head to prison on Nov. 6.

(Eric Barrow/New York Daily News)

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Judge Denise Cote also slapped him with a $10,000 fine, as he sobbed and grabbed tissue after tissue.

“I was a very sick man for a very long time,” Weiner said at the sentencing.

“I was the adult … If I had done the right thing, I would not be standing before you today.”

Why Anthony Weiner likely won’t have an easy time in prison

Weiner’s latest troubles started when he began chatting with the girl on Jan. 23, 2016.

Anthony Weiner arrives at the Daniel Patrick Moynihan Federal Courthouse on September 25, 2017 in New York. Weiner was due to be sentenced in his child pornography case after pleading guilty in May. (Alec Tabak for New York Daily News)

Anthony Weiner’s sexting scandals

Weiner knew she was underage, but “participated in increasingly suggestive exchanges” using the alias “T-Dog,” prosecutors said.

In three video chat sessions, Weiner “used graphic and obscene language to ask the minor victim to display her naked body and touch herself, which she did,” prosecutors wrote.

Huma Abedin, 41, split from Weiner in the midst of the case. The couple has a 5-year-old son, and has another hearing in their divorce case Nov. 15. Weiner will likely participate from prison.

Abdein, a close confidante of Hillary Clinton, appeared solo in flowery jeans outside their Manhattan apartment the day after the sentencing.

anthony weiner
huma abedin
hillary clinton

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Rooks Mentally Prepping for Opening-Night Fireworks – Celtics.com

WALTHAM, Mass. – Kyrie Irving, Gordon Hayward, Al Horford and the rest of Boston’s veterans know exactly what to expect when they take the court for the season opener Tuesday night in Cleveland.

The team’s rookies? Not so much.

The older Celtics have tried to pass along as much of their wisdom as possible to the young guns to prepare them for the upcoming Opening-Night extravaganza.

“Basically that the regular season and the preseason is night and day,” No. 3 overall pick Jayson Tatum said of the message from his vets, “and we know it’s going to be a totally different ballgame.”

That’s because each squad’s top players will be on the court, barring injury, and all of them will play big-time minutes. It’s because neither coach will be experimenting with lineup combos just to see how they look.

This game is for real. It will be a statement win for one team, and an unmistakable blemish for the other.

“I don’t know if there’s anything that will prepare you for it until you’re in it,” said Brad Stevens.

That being said, it’s Stevens’ job to do his best to prepare the youngsters for what they’ll face inside Quicken Loans Arena: the best player in the world, a bunch of other great players, and a very intense atmosphere.

Stevens is attempting to create tunnel vision for his rookies, a vision that does not take the circumstances outlined above into consideration.
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“Our deal is to try to prepare for what we want to accomplish on both ends of the floor,” he said. “How do we want to play on both ends of the floor? What are our responsibilities on both ends of the floor?

“Try to build those into habits, so that when those lights come on, it’s something you’re doing almost unconsciously.”

That message is seemingly sinking in for the rooks. Guerschon Yabusele, who played professionally last season in China for the Shanghai Sharks, echoed his head coach’s comments.

“Tuesday, the thing is not to think about it,” Yabusele said Saturday afternoon. “We just have to go on the court and do what we do every day on the practice court – working, doing the same things – and everything is going to go through (fine). We’ve just got to be focused, try to make as little mistakes as possible, and compete.”

Speaking for himself, Yabusele told Celtics.com that he believes he has made progress in those areas since the team’s first preseason game back on Oct. 2.

“I really think I got better every game, and the confidence is better, too,” he said. “I’m just trying to get back on my level and try to help the team and just try to give my best every time I step on the court and give everything I have.”

Progress is good, and the Celtics need more of it from all of their rookies as they approach Tuesday night. That’s because the jitters of Opening Night are beginning to creep in.

As the 19-year-old Tatum stated, “I’m getting anxious.”

Rooks Mentally Prepping for Opening-Night Fireworks | Boston Celtics – Celtics.com

WALTHAM, Mass. – Kyrie Irving, Gordon Hayward, Al Horford and the rest of Boston’s veterans know exactly what to expect when they take the court for the season opener Tuesday night in Cleveland.

The team’s rookies? Not so much.

The older Celtics have tried to pass along as much of their wisdom as possible to the young guns to prepare them for the upcoming Opening-Night extravaganza.

“Basically that the regular season and the preseason is night and day,” No. 3 overall pick Jayson Tatum said of the message from his vets, “and we know it’s going to be a totally different ballgame.”

That’s because each squad’s top players will be on the court, barring injury, and all of them will play big-time minutes. It’s because neither coach will be experimenting with lineup combos just to see how they look.

This game is for real. It will be a statement win for one team, and an unmistakable blemish for the other.

“I don’t know if there’s anything that will prepare you for it until you’re in it,” said Brad Stevens.

That being said, it’s Stevens’ job to do his best to prepare the youngsters for what they’ll face inside Quicken Loans Arena: the best player in the world, a bunch of other great players, and a very intense atmosphere.

Stevens is attempting to create tunnel vision for his rookies, a vision that does not take the circumstances outlined above into consideration.
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“Our deal is to try to prepare for what we want to accomplish on both ends of the floor,” he said. “How do we want to play on both ends of the floor? What are our responsibilities on both ends of the floor?

“Try to build those into habits, so that when those lights come on, it’s something you’re doing almost unconsciously.”

That message is seemingly sinking in for the rooks. Guerschon Yabusele, who played professionally last season in China for the Shanghai Sharks, echoed his head coach’s comments.

“Tuesday, the thing is not to think about it,” Yabusele said Saturday afternoon. “We just have to go on the court and do what we do every day on the practice court – working, doing the same things – and everything is going to go through (fine). We’ve just got to be focused, try to make as little mistakes as possible, and compete.”

Speaking for himself, Yabusele told Celtics.com that he believes he has made progress in those areas since the team’s first preseason game back on Oct. 2.

“I really think I got better every game, and the confidence is better, too,” he said. “I’m just trying to get back on my level and try to help the team and just try to give my best every time I step on the court and give everything I have.”

Progress is good, and the Celtics need more of it from all of their rookies as they approach Tuesday night. That’s because the jitters of Opening Night are beginning to creep in.

As the 19-year-old Tatum stated, “I’m getting anxious.”

Athletes prepping for this Sunday’s IronMan competition – WDRB 41 … – WDRB

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) — Nearly 3,000 athletes will descend on downtown Louisville for Sunday’s grueling IronMan competition. 

On Friday, many the athletes were at IronMan Village on the waterfront as they completed the registration process, got their bikes tuned up and even enjoyed a last-minute massage. 

Competitors in must complete a 2.4-mile swim in the Ohio River, a 112-mile bike ride and a 26.2-mile run through Louisville and its surrounding areas. The bike course takes athletes out of Louisville, toward Oldham and Henry counties and into La Grange.

The running course is flat and passes the University of Louisville campus and Churchill Downs before finishing at Fourth Street Live!

Timmy Gallagher, an IronMan athlete who has been training hard for the past year, told us what motivates him. 

“It’s a sense of you’re part of something bigger,” Gallagher said. “And you’re pushing boundaries of yourself, and you’re sharing that will all the other athletes, which I think really is what life is about. That’s why I do it.”

Weather could play a major part of the race this year. As of Friday evening, the WDRB Weather Team says showers and thunderstorms are possible on Sunday in the late morning and mid-afternoon.

“If it rains on the bike, you just have to go a little slower, be a little more cautious and watch other people,” athlete Stewart Mickler said.

“We’re always watching for extreme weather,” Dr. Ryan Modlinski said. “It might rain and thunderstorm, and lightning storms might have to precipitate us to clear the course for a short period of time or runners might have to run through rain and puddles.”

About a dozen Norton Health Care tents will be stationed along the route, including hundreds of medical professionals.

“We have the traumatic bike injuries, a lot of collar bone fractures or clavicle fractures when they fall,” Modlinski said. They don’t need prices for cialis to gulp down or chew a tablet anymore. So the only difference is the package, label and of course the method viagra 25mg online loved this you are applying for masturbation. Being readily available online has meant that a larger number of people in the UK can now get access to these medicines. best levitra price But did you know that the healthiest males can also experience this condition? If you want to overcome your problem of order prescription viagra premature ejaculation, then you need to start with and you should take the medication at least 2 hours before you take your Kamagra gel. “They’re usually clipped in, so they tend to go over the handle bars, so we see a lot of fractures. We see a lot of heat illness type of injuries, so they are just generating more heat than their body can disperse. [We also see] hyponatremia, which is low salt content. So you are taking in a lot of fluid, but you’re sweating out a lot and you’re losing more salt than you’re taking back in, so that can cause neurological deficits

More than 40 Louisville Metro EMS workers will be along the route, in the water and on bikes with 12 ambulances stationed.

We have over 40 employees assigned to the event from the beginning until the last run crosses finish line.

There will also be a Mass Casualty Incident Bus on site and equipment placed throughout the venue in case of emergencies, according to Louisville Metro EMS.

A number of streets will be shut down on the day of the competition. On Sunday from 5 a.m to 6:30 p.m, Witherspoon from Preston Street to Bingham Way will be shut down.

River Road from Third Street to the westbound I-64 ramp will also be blocked until 6:30 p.m. as will River Road from Preston to Witherspoon Street.

Traffic will be allowed to access River Road Sunday morning after the bike ride is complete. The eastbound lanes of River Road are expected to open around 1 p.m.  

Click here for a full list of road closures or see the attached pictures below:

Copyright 2017 WDRB Media. All rights reserved.

Prepping for Demolition – Fine Homebuilding

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Remodeler Tyler Grace is a stickler for organized and clean job sites, so it’s no wonder he uses that same philosophy on demolitions. Grace follows a few basic rules for a successful demolition: Have a plan, protect the home, work methodically, and keep everything clean. Taking meticulous care earns him accolades from his clients and makes putting the space back together easier, saving time and money overall. His process for demolishing a kitchen, detailed in FHB #271, isn’t just for pros. Homeowners can use his process to save some cash they can pocket or reinvest into their home upgrade.

Before the demolition begins, Grace puts things in place to protect the rest of the house and its occupants. Dust and debris are unavoidable, but they are manageable.

Flooring—especially hardwood flooring—is expensive and needs protection. At a minimum, you’ll want to protect the floor all the way from the room getting demoed to the door you’ll use to get to the dumpster. That way, any debris that gets stuck to your shoes won’t get ground into carpets or scuff wood or tile. As durable as hardwood flooring is, heavy-duty tape can make a mess of the finish. To protect the finish, put delicate-surface tape around the perimeter of the room first. This tape removes easily without marring the finish, and heavy-duty tape sticks to it just fine. After the delicate-surface tape is in, you can tape heavy-duty paper like Ram Board to it. For stair treads, try something like Econo Runner, which has a non-slip surface that holds it in place and can be taken up at the end of each day and reused.

Confining dust to the area being demolished is important—especially if someone is living in the house during the demo. Temporary dust walls are easy to install. Grace uses plastic sheeting held in place with telescoping poles and sealed around the perimeter with tape. Plastic can also be taped right over doors and windows to prevent dust from escaping the work zone.

Temporary dust walls keep dust from escaping a work site, but you still need a door to get in and out. Some folks just cut a slit for a door and close it up with tape, which isn’t all that secure. Zippers are a better solution. ZipWall zippers adhere right to the plastic sheeting of a dust wall. Then you unzip the zipper, slit the plastic down the zipper’s length using the included tool, and presto—you’ve got a door. Quick tip: If you go through the trouble of buying the zippers, don’t just slit the plastic with a utility knife; the edges of the cut plastic will get stuck in the zipper and cause you a world of frustration.

For extra insurance against dust escaping into the rest of the house, it’s a good idea to create negative pressure in the workspace. You can achieve this by installing a box fan in a window, but that just blows the dust outside, making it everybody’s problem (if you’ve seen American Wedding, you get the picture). A better alternative is to create that negative pressure using an air scrubber, which filters the air before pumping it outside. To create negative pressure with the scrubber, seal a piece of cardboard to an open window, cut a hole the size of the scrubber’s exhaust hose in the cardboard, and run the hose through the hole. You’ll create negative pressure in the space, scrub the air in the space clean, and exhaust clean air outside.

Check out the full article, “DIY Kitchen Demolition,” in issue #271. Plus, read more of Tyler Grace’s demolition tips here:

Photos by Brian McAward.

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