Those who have hung out in the woods or wilderness areas for any length of time come up with favorite items that do the job. A good description might be: “Stuff that works.”
By Leon Pantenburg
Somebody commented: “The Ten Essentials survival gear is a given. That should go everywhere. But what are some of the other things you should have to thrive in the outdoors over a long time period?”
Everybody’s definition of “thrive” is probably different. And different locations and microclimates will have unique requirements. Personal survival skills have to be taken into account. And truthfully, I don’t really know if there’s gear list that would work everywhere. To make this manageable, let’s limit the list to ten, and the items must all be portable.
Here’s my short list:
My Ruger 10/22 is light, accurate, and absolutely reliable.
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Ruger 10/22 rifle: A .22 rimfire may be the most useful rifle you can own. Ammo is cheap and is easily available. The round has virtually no recoil and is quiet so it is the best choice for starting newcomers out shooting. But in the hands of an expert, a .22 is capable of taking larger game animals. In the hands of a cool shot, with the will and determination to use it, a .22 is a self-defense round.
I bought my Ruger 10/22 for $54 in 1966. For years, it was my go-to squirrel and rabbit rifle. It has harvested many small game animals, and provided me with countless hours of plinking enjoyment. Today, after at least 40,000 rounds through it, the Ruger is still as reliable as the day I bought it. Everybody needs a good .22.
Mora-style knife: A good knife is probably the number one tool needed in the outdoors. Mora is a brand, and a Mora -style
These are my favorite Mora-style knives: from top, Standard, Jim Grenfell’s Pukka, J. Marttinni, Troop 18 Mora, and C.T. Fischer custom knife.
knife typically has a four-inch blade and is about 8.25 inches long. The Scandinavian grind is easy to sharpen, and the steel typically holds an edge well.
The design is one of the most useful you’ll find. A hunting buddy of mine has used his $15 Mora model 860 on at least two deer and an elk. But I use my Mora most often for small game and cleaning fish. If you can only have one knife – I’ll get some arguments here – a Mora-style may be the best choice.
Compass: Knowing how to use a map and compass is absolutely critical to backcountry safety. I prefer a clear base compass with a declination adjustment, designed for use with a topo map. I’ve used a Suunto M-3DL for years.
I also carry a small Silva as a backup.
Fishing rod and reel: Get a combo that works for your area. When I canoed the length of the Mississippi River in 1980, I pared down my fishing gear after the first week. For the next 1,500 miles I used an open-faced Mitchell 300 reel, a seven-foot medium action graphite rod with a fast tip and six-pound line. With that setup I fed myself quite well and caught about a dozen different species of fish.
Boots: Best choices depend on where you are. In the frozen north, your footware better be insulated. In the warmer climates, you need
The boots I wear the most, year-round, are these uninsulated Danner Cougars.
something that breathes and is cool. My all-around favorites in Central Oregon are Danner Cougars, an ankle high, uninsulated hiker. In cold weather, I wear Sorels. Whatever boots you choose, make sure they fit and that you’ll be able to walk comfortably in them.
Firestarting kit: The ability to start a fire can save your life. My go-to method is cotton balls and petroleum jelly lighted with sparks from a ferrocerium rod. Here are some other options.
Cast iron dutch oven: This tool is probably the best campfire cooking implement ever invented, IMO. You can bake, fry, saute, boil and simmer in this oven, and use it anywhere you can produce heat. Get a quality oven, take care of it, and your grandchildren will be able to use and enjoy it
Duct tape and paracord: Duct tape is indispensable. Paracord, the milspec type, has a breaking strength of 550 pounds. It is useful for anything that requires tying.
Tarp: One of the quickest, most efficient shelters is the simple A-frame strung between two trees. In addition to shelter, the tarp can serve as a ground cloth on wet ground, as a rain collector, as a sun shade…actually, the uses are limited only by the user’s imagination. I always carry a small tarp.
Saw or axe: Some way to cut firewood is critical for long term survival. I carry one or the other, depending on the circumstances. In camp, an axe for splitting firewood and felling trees might be a good choice. For backpack hunting, or in situations where you have to move around, the saw gets the nod. It’s quiet, allows you to process big game animals, and is much safer for the newcomer to use. Given a choice, I’ll take both.
So here’s a start. Take this list, tweak and change it to fit your needs and circumstances, and see what you come up with.
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