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Pregnant Delaware woman dies from H1N1 flu
The death of a 33-year-old expectant mother from Smyrna, Delaware, is the third flu-related death of the 2013-2014 flu season, according to a statement posted on Tuesday, to the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) Facebook page.

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Pregnant Delaware woman dies from H1N1 flu –

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Pregnant Delaware woman dies from H1N1 flu
The death of a 33-year-old expectant mother from Smyrna, Delaware, is the third flu-related death of the 2013-2014 flu season, according to a statement posted on Tuesday, to the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) Facebook page.

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Biomass backpacking stove review: Check out the SilverFire Scout


Looking for a way to cut backpack weight? Or a practical stove for an emergency kit? A biomass stove might be what you need, and here is one worth considering.

by Leon Pantenburg

The SilverFire Scout is a lightweight, compact biomass-fueled stove designed for backpacking.

The SilverFire Scout is a lightweight, compact biomass-fueled stove designed for backpacking.

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 The concept of using biomass to fuel a stove is one whose time has come, IMO, and the designs just keep getting better.

A biomass stove, for  newcomers, is fueled by twigs, pine cones, smaller sticks etc. Essentially, you can grab a handful of material and have plenty of fuel to boil water and cook a meal. The stoves don’t require much fuel, and there’s no need to carry bulky, heavy fuel canisters or containers.

I  like the SilverFire biomass stoves. I’ve tried and tested the DragonPot, Hunter and Survivor stoves and now the Scout. (Check out the video reviews) Overall, I’ve found the whole product line to be well-made, affordable and durable.

Here are the SilverFire® Scout specs:

  • Stove height assembled:  6-3/4 inches
  • Diameter:  5 inches (The same size as a DVD!)
The Scout lights easily and burns sticks, twigs and various forest debris.

The Scout lights easily and burns sticks, twigs and various forest debris.

  • Collapsed:  2 -1/2 inches
  •  Weight:  12 Oz
  • Construction:  All stainless steel
  • Combustion design:  TLUD (Top Lit Up Draft) stoves are the product of extensive laboratory research.  Also known as Wood Gasification Stoves, a well tuned TLUD mixes hot flu gases with primary and secondary preheated air, resulting in clean combustion.
  • No moving parts, no electronics.
  • Low emissions and low fuel consumption.
 Since I’m outdoors  frequently,  I was very interested in how this new product would work as a backpacking stove. I unpacked the Scout in my kitchen, looked it over, then went outside to see how it works.

 An uninsulated enamelware cup with no lid was used to test boil times. The wind and cold temperatures added to the challenge. All things considered, the stove performed very well.

Here’s what I liked:
  • Easy assembly: The stove fits together easily and is very solid when assembled. It comes with a nylon bag for storage and carry.
  • Compact: It disassembles into a small, easily packed unit. It doesn’t take up much space in your pack.
  • Protective ash plate: The ash plate below the combustion chamber is sturdy and appears rugged. It should last a long time, and does an excellent job of containing ashes.
  • Lack of smoke: Frankly, I would have been very surprised if the damp, crappy sticks didn’t smoke. But the materials burned very cleanly, all things considered.  As it was, the fire started quickly,  and was soon producing heat. From the time the fire was lighted, to when it was ready to cook, was a few minutes.
  • Few ashes: After boiling water and burning for a while, there were only a couple tablespoons of ashes. The combustion design appears to be very effective.
    After boiling water and burning the Scout stove, there were very few ashes left.

    After boiling water and burning forest debris in the Scout stove, there were very few ashes left.

 What I didn’t like as much:
  • The three folding pot tab rests appear sort of fragile. I didn’t have any problems, and don’t anticipate any with normal use. But I ask a lot from my stoves, and a gallon pot of stew or a 12-cup coffee pot might get put on it. I might be a little leery of putting too heavy a pot on a Scout.
  • There’s no provision for cooking with a small container. You couldn’t heat a Sierra cup or a small diameter container on the Scout without improvising some sort of grill. That’s not a deal breaker for me, but it might be for some minimalists.
A couple years ago on a backpack trip, I cooked two complete meals and brewed tea on my biomass stove with the wood chips picked up from around a stump. My cooking setup for that trip weighed under a pound, and it handled any cooking needs easily.
Biomass stove designs just keep getting better and better, and the Scout is among the best. If you’re considering going with a biomass stove for your next outing, take a look at the Scout (Buy one here) – it’s a good piece of equipment.

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Ultimate survival tips: Five ways to use aluminum foil as a preparedness tool


Survival tools don’t have to be expensive or hard to find. One example is  aluminum foil. I have a piece along in virtually all my survival kits. Here are five uses for aluminum foil in survival situations.

All these items, including a piece of aluminum foil, will fit inside this small tin. When fully loaded, the kit will weigh about four ounces, the same as an iPod

All these items, including a piece of aluminum foil, will fit inside this small tin. When fully loaded, the kit will weigh about four ounces, the same as an iPod

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by Leon Pantenburg

Some common, everyday items can do double-duty as survival tools. I don’t know how the pioneers ever got along without duct tape, WD-40 or paper towels. To that list I would add aluminum foil.

Here are some uses for foil  in your survival gear.

Cooking: Making foil wraps to cook over a campfire or lighted charcoal is one of the easiest ways to cook with aluminum foil. The technique is really easy, and for some dishes,  such as fish on a campout, a foil wrap is my preferred outdoor cooking method.

Food preparation with foil wraps is simplicity itself. For short day trips, all the cutting and dicing can be done at home. For longer trips, some recipes can be pre-made, wrapped and frozen. Insulate the frozen food well, place it in the bottom of your pack, and it should thaw out in time to make a fresh, hearty meal for the second night out.

To wrap the food, place it in the center of a rectangular piece of heavy duty foil, then bring the long edges together on top. Fold the long edge over once, then continue roll-folding until it’s snug over the food. There should be several inches at each open end that are clear of food.

All you need to make a foil dinner is aluminum foil, food and a heat source.

All you need to make a foil dinner is aluminum foil, food and a heat source.

Then, roll the ends in tightly, compressing the food and making sure that each end has at least three complete rolls. This prevents juices from escaping during cooking and gives you something to hang on to when turning the packet.

Sometimes, depending on what’s cooking, you’ll want to double wrap the packet. To avoid any leakage while transporting, put the completed package in a plastic bag. Then, when you’re done eating, put all the leftovers and used foil in the bag and carry it out. (Sounds like a tasty MRE, right?)

Cover the bottoms of your cooking pots: If you are cooking over an open fire, soot buildup is inevitable. But if you cover the bottom of the utensil with foil, before cooking, the soot will stay off the pot. Save the foil in a sandwich bag, and one piece can last a long time.

Fold into a drinking cup: Many primitive survival skills are related to making containers of some sort. Aluminum foil is a natural for making a waterproof cup. This skill can be invaluable if you need a small container to dip water out of a spring or sump.

Leave as a footprint register: Before you head out on an adventure, leave a note behind with a trusted person. Include in that  note where you went, when you’ll be back, what you’re doing, the license number of the vehicle and other information. Aluminum foil is part of this package, and all you have to do is step on a piece with your hiking boots on. Click  “Help Searchers Find You”  to find out how to leave a footprint register.

As a firestarter aid: I learned this trick from Survival Expert Peter Kummerfeldt. Take a pinch of cotton ball and petroleum jelly firestarter, place it on the foil top of a yogurt container, and light it. The foil material will keep the jelly from melting into the ground below, and make the flame last much longer. You can start a fire virtually anywhere using this technique. Check out the survival fire starting video!

You can also use a small piece of aluminum foil to SAFELY light a fire with gasoline. NEVER, NEVER,  NEVER  pour gasoline on an open flame or smoldering coals! An explosion is possible! Instead, make a small container with the foil,  put a tiny amount of gas in it, and light the fumes. Then build your fire with tinder, larger sticks and finally logs. There will be no danger of an explosion, and you will only need  a tablespoon or so of gas to get the fire started. (Check out the video below.)

Signaling device: At night, strips of foil can be displayed at eye level to catch a flashlight beam. This is really handy if you will be leaving your deer stand or need to find a trailhead after dark  by headlamp light.  You can also use a folded piece during the day as a signal mirror for search aircraft.

The items in your personal survival kit don’t need to be expensive, but they should be carefully chosen. Regardless of what is taken along, you need to practice with that item. Every piece of equipment needs to work for you.

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