Is it time to join the 'preppers'? How to survive the climate-change apocalypse – The Guardian

The Guardian

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Is it time to join the ‘preppers‘? How to survive the climate-change apocalypse
The Guardian
also offer dire threats to civilisation as we know it. You might not want to panic just yet, but you might decide that it is time to join the “preppers” – people who are secretly preparing to abandon modern life when the apocalypse, in whatever

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Survival Knife Review: The Swiss Army Knife Classic?

Elk Lake, Oregon is one of the major re-supply places for hikers on the Pacific Crest Trail. Every year, a handful of through hikers will attempt to walk border-to-border on the trail. They generally start in Mexico in April, and start trickling in to the Elk Lake Resort about August. They need to get to the Canadian border before the snow flies.

by Leon Pantenburg

I was eating lunch at the resort two years ago, and noticed a young lady trekker at a picnic table. She was loading her pack for the next section. She had opened her re-supply box, sliced a chunk of cheese, opened several large packages and cut a shoelace, all with her tiny, Classic Swiss Army knife.

The tiny Swiss Army Knife Classic can do just about everything you need a pocket knife to do.

My wife’s Victorinox Classic model Swiss Army knife is a good choice to accompany a large sheath knife as a survival combo.

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The Classic had been her only knife for nearly three months on the trail.

“It’s all you need,” she commented. “I have to go lightweight and I don’t carry an ounce that isn’t needed.”

For lightweight hikers, who go long distances with minimal equipment, a Classic may be a reasonable choice. On a trail like the Pacific Crest or Appalachian, you’ll seldom be isolated from other hikers for very long if you need help.

If you’re out on a dayhike with a large group of well-prepared hikers, you may not use a knife at all. But (DANGER!!! DANGER!!! SURVIVAL COMMON SENSE ALERT!!!) that doesn’t mean you don’t need a knife.

Get separated from the group, off the beaten path in the backcountry, or in some sort of wilderness survival situation and you may desperately need a real survival knife.

Calling a Classic a survival knife is quite a stretch, and I’d never carry that knife as my only survival tool. But it doesn’t matter where I am, or what I’m doing, if it is legal, I have a Classic with me.

In most areas, it is socially unacceptable to wear a sheath survival knife with your dress or business suit. But at 2-1/2 inches long, a Classic is virtually un-noticeable. (Don’t try to take one on an airplane or into a courthouse! The Classic does show up on metal detectors!)

If an emergency develops in an urban, business office environment, maybe all you’ll have are the survival tools on you. And I’d much rather have a

Runners should carry a few basic items in a lightweight survival kit which should include a Swiss Army knife Classic.

These items are lightweight, easily-carried and could save your life if you’re injured while running. From left: handwarmers, cell phone, flashlight, Swiss Army Classic knife, Boy Scout flint stick, whistle, and firestarter.

tiny knife, than no knife at all. A Classic can be an important part of your survival gear.

Here’s what you get with a Classic:

  • The best tweezers in the world: The value of this is easily seen when you get a sliver in your finger gathering firewood. If you go outdoors with kids, this feature alone makes the knife worth owning!
  • Toothpick: Removes annoying food debris from your teeth.
  • Scissors: Great for cutting anything. I’ve used mine at weddings, in the office, on campouts and for trimming unruly facial hairs. I’ve used the tiny scissors to cut bicycle tubes, Moleskin, ribbons on packages, duct tape and bandages.
  • Blade: The 1-1/2 inch blade can be sharpened easily, and cuts well for its size and design. In an emergency, the tiny blade will probably work much better than a sharp piece of glass, broken beer bottle, or jagged rock cutting tool that you have to improvise.
  • Fingernail File: For a survival situation manicure? Actually, tear the corner of a fingernail in the backcountry and you’ll be really glad you have some way of filing off that jagged edge!
  • Low cost: A Classic is cheap. In Hawaii, I bought a Classic for $12 and used it for a week. I presented it to the baggage handler as we boarded the plane for the mainland. At one post-Christmas sale at a major department store, Classics were going for $3 each. I bought all they had. Watch for sales and you can get really good deals. Classics make great gifts, and could be a great prepper barter item.

Here’s a tip to add one more tool. Take a Dremel tool and grind the end of the file so it fits the hinge screw of your glasses. Nobody ever has a glasses screwdriver when you need one!

Outdoors, depending on the terrain and activity, I may take several different knives that are used for special tasks. As an overall survival and big game hunting knife, I use a Cold Steel SRK.

For upland and small game hunting and cleaning fish; camp chores such as whittling wiener sticks, spreading peanut butter, peeling potatoes and chopping onions, and other mundane tasks, I generally carry a Frost Mora knife.
For everyday carry, either in my pocket or a belt pouch, I prefer a thin, two-layer thickness knife with multiple tools, such as a Swiss Army Tinker.

Occasionally, I’ll take along a multi-tool. My favorite over the last ten years has proven to be the Leatherman Wave.

The SRK Cold Steel and Mora survival knives are good choices for an all-around wilderness survival knife.

The Cold Steel SRK (top) and Mora knife are good choices for all around use. Combined with a Swiss Army Classic, they can provide a good survival tool kit.

When it comes to weight, the Classic is the lightweight champ, tipping the postal scales at one ounce. The Swiss Army Tinker weighs 2.5 ounces; a Frost Mora also weighs about 2.5 ounces (5 ounces with the six feet of duct tape wrapped around the sheath) and the SRK is 8 ounces, with 2.5 ounces of duct tape on the sheath.

Carry a Classic in addition to any of these larger knives, and you have an effective multi-tool set. In and of itself, the Classic is an inadequate survival knife. But combined with a larger knife, the knife will prove to be worth its weight in gold.

So get a Classic and add it to your survival or prepping gear. As happened to me, you’ll go from wondering what good the dinky little knife could be, to wondering how you got along without it.

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Position Players Report Date Prepper 2014: The Outfield – Bleeding Yankee Blue (blog)

Bleeding Yankee Blue (blog)

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Disaster preparedness: The lesson learned is ‘get ready for the next storm
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Urban camoflauge: Blend in if you have to walk home after a disaster


You just got off work, something happens and you hit gridlock on the highway. In this scenario the best choice is to abandon the car, take your Get-Home bag out of the trunk and walk.  Can you blend in with the rest of the unprepared people so you don’t become a target for robbers or muggers? Here are some fashion tips.

by Leon Pantenburg

About half of my outdoor wardrobe is in some pattern of camouflage. Where I live, in Central Oregon, several patterns of camo are needed, since I hunt the desert, pine forests and deciduous forests all in the same season. When waterfowl season comes around, another pattern is needed.

But wilderness camouflage is one of the worst choices for staying under the radar in an urban setting.  Wearing cammies during a disaster is like wearing a sign saying “Look at me! Look at me! I may be a prepper with a lot of cool things you don’t have!”

My 5.11 Taclite Pro Pants don't look all that tactical. If I wear a long overcoat, the pants won't attract attention. My Merrill hiking shoes are drab and look like normal business casual footware.

My 5.11 Taclite Pro Pants don’t look all that tactical. My Merrill hiking shoes are drab and could pass for normal business-casual footware.

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Predators look for someone who stands out in a crowd. The best idea is to have survival tools along, but appear to be just another unprepared commuter.

Here’s how to dress for success.

Fabrics: A 100 percent wool business suit is going to keep you much warmer in a wet, cold area than 100 percent cotton camouflage. Don’t buy any potential survival garment without understanding the fabrics in it. Avoid cotton.

Design: As far as I’m concerned, the more pockets in a pair of pants,  the better. But that doesn’t necessarily include pants in an urban survival setting.

Here are some things to think about when dressing for urban survival.

Shoes: Get sturdy, dark-colored insulated snow boots or walking shoes. Scuff a little dirt on them so they don’t draw attention for being too shiny.

I walked through several inches of slush one afternoon in downtown Manhattan to catch a train. I was wearing my L.L. Bean Maine hunting boots, a suit and an overcoat. Probably 98 percent of the people on that street were wearing inappropriate footwear, most noticeably  a women in mesh stockings and stiletto heels.  My feet were warm and dry, and I could have walked several miles in those conditions with no trouble.

Socks: Synthetic or wool. Many dress socks have a nice blend in them that will also help keep your feet warm.

Underwear: Don’t want to get too personal here, but get the cotton away from your skin. There are any number of synthetic undergarments.

Shirt: Get a good synthetic blend for the climate and conditions. A 100 percent cotton dress shirt might be the best choice if you have to walk during a heat wave. But a synthetic blend will probably be a better overall choice. Long sleeves will provide some warmth and sun protection.

Pants: Make good fabric choices with discreet tactical styling. Dark pants blend in easier. If you wear a long overcoat, that should cover up any pockets that might give you away as being prepared.

Tie: Whatever. You’ll probably leave it in the car.

Overcoat: I commuted to downtown Washington D.C. for years in all sorts of weather, and frequently had to walk several blocks in rain, snow and/or sleet. Get a long trenchcoat in a neutral light khaki color. You’ll look like most of the commuters walking home. The long coat will cover the rest of your clothing and all anyone will see is your shins and shoes.

I bought my first London Fog trenchcoat in 1987 and wore it for years as a raincoat/winter coat. It has an excellent liner, which will keep you warm when the rain turns to snow. My son talked me out of my original trenchcoat when he moved to rainy Portland, Oregon. I bought another London Fog at a local thrift shop for $15. It will serve me well for the next 20 or so years.

If you live in the Midwest or more northern parts of the country a hooded parka is the standard. Go with what the natives wear.

Gloves: Black, warm and nondescript. I like fleece gloves. They’re light, warm and comfortable.

Hat: I walked several blocks in the pouring rain one morning in downtown Washington D.C. with the rain dripping down my neck and soaking my shirt collar and tie.

Once. After that, I got a medium-brimmed wool hat for rainy days. It looks sorta like a

My hunting day pack is not a good choice for blending in an urban environment.

My cammo hunting day pack is not a good choice for blending in with an urban environment.

businessman’s hat/fedora, but has the added benefit of shedding rain and keeping my head warm. In colder climates, get a wool beanie, stocking cap or whatever the locals wear.

Get home bag: The stuff you need is another topic. But consider what is the local standard. In D.C. everybody carried a brief case-type pack. In Oregon, messenger bags are the rage. Near any high school or college campus, backpacks are common. See what the locals use, and plan accordingly. Whatever you use, make sure it is large enough to carry everything you need.

A good definition of camouflage is the ability to blend in. Consider your circumstances and surroundings, the weather potential and plan accordingly. The goal is to get home safely, not make a fashion statement.

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