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Bulk buster: Thin your wallet for more comfort and greater efficiency
I always carry survival gear on my person. But how do you add anything to an already overflowing wallet? Do you need to invest in a new one? Before you buy anything, put your current wallet on a bulk reduction plan.
by Leon Pantenburg
My wallet was way too thick, and sitting too long on a chunky wallet contributed to lower back pain. During lengthy sessions behind the computer keyboard, I would take it out of my hip pocket and leave it on the desk or in my briefcase.

Your wallet can be part of your survival gear. The challenge is choosing which one is going to work best for you.
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Security-wise, this was not a good situation. Also, a large, thick wallet in your back pocket is a “Take me! Take!” invitation to a pickpocket.
But I wasn’t doing anything about this until my adolescent dog chewed up my wallet. Since I had to buy another anyway, I decided to start by reducing and slimming down my wallet stuff. What is a necessity?
My wallet survival gear is not bulky. It includes a signal mirror, a piece of charcloth, firestarter and a ferrocerium rod for starting fires. Altogether, this take up as much space as two or three credit cards. My other wardrobe gear is carried in other places, with convenience being the top priority
I checked several sources for wallet-thinning advice, and after a couple months, this has worked for me.
Prioritize your cards: The national average person carries 16 cards every day, and I had close to that. Some of these are necessary: driver’s license, concealed carry permit, student ID, and insurance and debit cards etc. Figure out which are used daily, and leave them in the wallet. Weekly cards – give it some thought. Monthly cards should stay at home. Put these with your checkbook.
Another idea is a write down the numbers of some of these less-popular cards and take that along. Can you access your hardware, grocery store club account or AAA card by a phone number? Then that’s all you need. Some, like my library card, need to be scanned to be used. It needs to go along.
Think about which cards are really necessary for your daily life. I’m down to six cards, and have a list of the other numbers I might need.
Remove receipts regularly: This was another neglected area for me. I need to save receipts for both of my jobs, and they add up, especially when you never think to file them. An envelope, placed near the table where I empty my pockets, now organizes receipts.
Reduce cash carry: How much cash do you really need to have along? Nowadays, I can access my account from an ATM across the country as easily as I can from the one in the hallway next to my office. Most of my purchases are with a debit card. Unless you’re traveling or need cash for daily transactions, you can probably reduce that bulk.
If you use and need the folding stuff regularly, consider using a money clip and carrying the bankroll in a front pocket. It will keep bystanders from seeing what you’re worth.
Carry a stack of cards: Most wallets have pockets for individual cards. If you use these pockets in the way they are intended, you’ll add a layer of material between between item. Stack your cards and put them in one pocket. As long as you don’t store magnetic strips next to other magnetic strips, you should be OK.
Get an effective wallet: Here’s the fun part. Do I get a “tactical” type wallet because of my outdoors activities, or a skinny front pocket wallet for my urban needs? More on that later.
But thin down your wallet stuff before making any decisions.
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Holiday gift ideas: Make an effective, functional solar lamp for under $7
Everybody should have an emergency lighting plan. And the holiday season is fast approaching, and you need some inexpensive, useful gift ideas for those preppers – and non-preppers – on the list. This solar lamp project could kill several birds with the same stone.
by Leon Pantenburg
Nobody wants to sit in the dark when the power grid goes down. An effective, safe source of light will be greatly appreciated as a gift, or as an addition to your emergency lighting plan.
Here’s what you need to complete this emergency lighting project:
- Chandelier shades/globes: These are generally really cheap, because you need at least four to outfit a chandelier. When one has to be replaced, it may be hard to find an exact duplicate. Then, the other shades may be donated to the local recycle store. Shades have a variety of shapes and glass style, and all you need is to find is two that will fit together at the wide part. I got my last shades for 50 cents a piece at the local ReStore.
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- Solar accent lights: These lights are recharged by the sun, and you may have some in the garage leftover from this summer’s garden. If you have to buy them, the standard wand shape lights will probably cost less than $5 each. During the off season, you’ll probably find a sale.
- Glue: You’ll need something that bonds glass. I used LIQUID NAILS® Adhesive, and it has held up well.
Assembly is simple: Just glue the two wide parts of the shades together and let the adhesive cure. Find another type of chandelier shade and use that for the base. Insert the accent light in the top and the lamp is ready to go.
Now, before you rely on these lamps for emergency lighting, there are a few considerations:
- Bright sunlight may be needed to fully charge the light. During a storm or gloomy day, there might not be enough sunlight to re-charge the battery. The packages on some of the lights claim they will produce light for eight to ten hours, but that seems optimistic to me.
- Cold weather can affect the battery. The colder it gets, the less effective the battery will be, and subsequently, the less light will be produced. You may need to place the lights inside in a warm window in direct sunlight to recharge them.
- It will probably take several of the lamps to adequately light an area. But one makes a nice nightlight, and that can be a tremendous moral booster in an otherwise dark house.
These solar lights are intended to be a supplemental system. But they can be valuable, because when they work, you can save on finite light sources like batteries, candles or lamps. They can also be used in sealed areas, since they don’t emit carbon monoxide like open flame lights do.
And think about this – a recycled solar lamp makes a thoughtful gift that could prove to be invaluable. Best of all, seeing a cool recycled lamp might encourage a non-prepper to start thinking about getting better prepared.
And who knows – that might be the best gift you can give.
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Storage food recipes: Avocado curry with chicken
by Karla Pantenburg Moore
Normally I post recipes that use just canned, dried or storage goods. But sometimes it’s best to think outside the box and use what you have on-hand. Try something different to keep your taste buds alive.

This is storage food? You probably have most of the ingredients in your pantry. (Photo Karla Pantenburg Moore)
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This recipe starts out with a very basic curry sauce. It’s delicious even without the avocado. The full
recipe uses fresh ingredients. You add whatever is in your pantry.
The veggies may be fresh or canned. Add meat if you have it. Served over steamed rice, it makes a very filling meal. I don’t know any Preppers who don’t have a supply of rice on hand!
2-3 TBSP. Green Curry Paste (3 is really spicy)
Garnish with fresh basil and avocado.
For more survival and off-grid cooking tips, check out and please follow: Survival Pantry

Karla Moore
Karla Moore is a professional soaper, accomplished Dutch oven cook, prepper and avid do-it-
yourselfer. She is the author of “Survival Pantry” blog, and walks the preparedness talk. Karla, and her husband Warren, live on a small farm outside Gilbert, Iowa.
The Moores have a large garden and several fruit trees, and Karla cards, spins and dyes wool, sews, cans, preserves food and makes cheese. In season, she and Warren are avid mushroom hunters.
Karla owns and operates “Heart of Iowa” soapworks. She started making soaps for her own personal use, and started her business in April, 2000. Karla has very sensitive skin and is allergic to the detergents used in most commercial soaps. Her experimentation, and earlier training as a cosmetologist, subsequently lead to a special line of soaps designed for people with allergies or similar skin conditions.
Today, Karla sells soap products all over the world and offers a complete line of scented and specialty soaps, shampoo bars, and custom blends. Karla specializes in soaps for people with allergies and teaches soapmaking, spinning and knitting classes. She enjoys visiting with both beginner and experienced soapers.
Karla’s idea of a good time is hosting a large family gathering at her farm, where she and several of her siblings team up to feed a crowd of friends, neighbors and relatives, using Dutch ovens and off-grid cooking methods!
“Prepper” Chicks Phasing Out Anti-Government Militia-Men? –
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Survival comfort food: Mocha coffee mix from storage foods
I was really sad when my favorite “Double Dutch Chocolate” coffee mix was discontinued. So, always up for a challenge, I decided to try to make my own version. You should have most of these ingredients already in your pantry.

Familiar comfort food can be a survival necessity. This coffee drink can be easily made with storage foods. (Photo: Karla Pantenburg Moore)
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by Karla Pantenburg Moore
Mocha Coffee Mix
1 1/2 cups non-fat Dry Milk
3/4 cup Powdered Sugar
3/4 cup Powdered Creamer
1/2 cup baking Cocoa (I used Dutch Processed)
1/3 cup Instant Coffee (reg or decaf)
1/4 tsp. salt
2 rounded TBSP. Malt Powder
Sift ingredients together. Store in an air-tight container in a cool pantry.
Mix 3 rounded tablespoons mix into a mug with boiling water. Stir well.
It tastes better when sipped out of an Artisan mug…
For more survival and off-grid cooking tips, check out: Survival Pantry

Karla Moore
Karla Moore is a professional soaper, accomplished Dutch oven cook, prepper and avid do-it-
yourselfer. She is the author of “Survival Pantry” blog, and walks the talk when it comes to preparedness. Karla, and her husband Warren, live on a small farm outside Gilbert, Iowa.
The Moores have a large garden and several fruit trees, and Karla cards, spins and dyes wool, sews, cans, preserves food and makes cheese. In season, she and Warren are avid mushroom hunters.
Karla owns and operates “Heart of Iowa” soapworks. She started making soaps for her own personal use, and started her business in April, 2000. Karla has very sensitive skin and is allergic to the detergents used in most commercial soaps. Her experimentation, and earlier training as a cosmetologist, subsequently lead to a special line of soaps designed for people with allergies or similar skin conditions.
Today, Karla sells soap products all over the world and offers a complete line of scented and specialty soaps, shampoo bars, and custom blends. Karla specializes in soaps for people with allergies and teaches soapmaking, spinning and knitting classes. She enjoys visiting with both beginner and experienced soapers.
Karla’s idea of a good time is hosting a large family gathering at her farm, where she and several of her siblings team up to feed a crowd of friends, neighbors and relatives, using Dutch ovens and off-grid cooking methods!
Video: How to find dry firemaking tinder in wet weather
The ability to start a fire under survival conditions can save your life. The inability can cost your life.
by Leon Pantenburg
There is an interesting firemaking paradox where I live in Central Oregon. In the summer, it can be very hard to keep from making a fire in the woods. During the winter, it is probably going to be very hard to get a fire going.
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But Murphy’s Law states that the more desperately you need a fire, the harder it will be to get one started. If you get wet during a sleet storm, fall in a stream or need a fire to fight off hypothermia, you need a fire ASAP, and you need to know where to find dry tinder and small sticks.
Assuming you have a trustworthy fire ignition system, and some reliable firestarter, you are ready to get started. But the missing component may be the small DRY tinder, twigs and bark to take your survival fire from the ignition stage to where the flame is big enough to start burning intermediate sticks.
Generally speaking, if the weather is bad, you need to look for dry tinder on the dry side of the tree. This is easily found: just find the area that is out of the wind and rain.
- Find tiny, dry twigs and sticks. Ideally, they should snap crisply. Gather at least enough to fill your hat. Then double it.
- Peel off outer bark and remove the dry inner bark.
- Find bigger, dry sticks you can whittle down to fine tinder the size of a match stick.
- Gather bigger pieces of firewood.
If you have a reliable ignition system, you should be able to get a fire going quickly.
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