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The ten best Christmas survival gifts for the outdoors enthusiast


A perennially  popular post is the ten best gifts for an outdoorsperson. With Christmas coming, here are suggestions that dad, mom or any prepared adult will use and appreciate.

by Leon Pantenburg

One of the more popular topics on this site involves equipment. What should you buy, and what is junk? SurvivalCommonSense.com has reviewed a lot of different survival/preparedness products, and here are some we recommend.

1) The SurvivalCommonSense.com store went on line last year, and the response has been gratifying. New products are being added, so with this bit of  blatant commercialism, here are some hard-to-find survival kit items:

  • Wallet-sized waxed firestarter: This waxed cloth fire starter is invaluable for lighting a fire under difficult

    Visit the store!

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    conditions. This wallet sized set includes 3 strips. Each strip in the package is sized 1.5″x 5″ and individually packaged. The package includes complete instructions on how to use to light a fire.

  • Keyring survival kit: You can’t use equipment you don’t have along. This keyring kit is lightweight, reliable and convenient. View the keyring survival kit video.
  • Ferrocerium rod: These rods put out sparks at approximately 5,500 degree Fahrenheit, and can be used to light a variety of tinders, including my go-to favorite, cotton balls and petroleum jelly. (Check out the video on how to use a ferro rod.) Let the kids make up the cotton ball  firestarters, and dad, mom or some other significant adult will have a highly-effective survival tool with a personal touch.

2) Wallet: A valuable part of your personal survival gear is a a wallet. It should be roomy enough to carry some very basic survival items. But it should also be comfortable enough to  carry everyday. I checked out the T.H.E Wallet J.R. and the Maxpedition Spartan (at the time of publication, neither of these companies advertise on SurvivalCommonSense.com.) Both have strong points, and either is a good choice as part of your everyday survival gear. 

3) Biomass stoves: A stove fueled by biomass – sticks, twigs, natural flammable materials, just makes sense.  You don’t have to worry about running out of fuel, and there are no canisters or bottles to fool with. I checked out several stoves this year and recommend  the SilverFire Hunter, and the Solo Stove Titan. 

Platypus soft water bottles and Nalgene quart container. (Pantenburg photo)

Platypus soft water bottles flank this  Nalgene quart container.

4) Water: The LifeStraw portable water filter: I’m always on the alert for ways to shave ounces from my backpack. Cutting water weight is one option, and the LifeStraw Portable Water Filter can really help. Check out the review

5) Survival Knives: Please read the reviews before you buy anything!

Bear Grylls:   This product is NOT recommended, so please view the review before you invest.

Les Stroud:

Old Hickory paring knife:

Bokker Nordic:

Best fillet knife:

Cold Steel SRK:

Cold Steel Master Hunter:

Cold Steel Canadian Belt Knife

Leatherman Wave:

Top Five Choices for a deer hunting knife:

5) Kelly Kettle Trekker: Biomass-fueled outdoor implements are the way to go, IMO, and here is a great way to cook and  boil water quickly, using sticks, twigs and other forest debris. Here’s the video review.

6)Map and compass: A GPS is useful, but not without a map and compass!  Suunto M-3DL Compass

7) Mini BIC lighter: Butane lighters are fairly reliable for starting fires. But make a few simple modifications and additions, and you can make dad another unique survival tool. (The best place to get a pack of three mini BICs is the local WalMart). View the video on how to upgrade a butane lighter.

8) Books: “Surviving a Wilderness Emergency:“  This book, by wilderness survival expert Peter Kummerfeldt, is my go-to book for basic, common sense wilderness survival.

I met Peter several years ago at the Deschutes (OR) County Sportsman’s Expo after attending one of his seminars.  I sat spellbound through every presentation he did that day. Afterward, we chatted at his booth, and I bought a copy of  “Surviving a Wilderness Emergency.”  That night, after absorbing all the survival common sense, I  threw away several items of survival gear I’d carried for years.

9) Survival firestarters: During a backcountry emergency, you may stake your life on your firemaking tools. The Lightning-Strike is a system worth considering.

Please click here to check out and subscribe to the SurvivalCommonSense.com YouTube channel – thanks!

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Survival fire making videos: What fire ignition system should you carry?


In elk hunting, it’s always the idea of bagging one that sucks us hunters out in crappy weather into remote mountainous areas. The day was bitterly cold in Idaho’s Selway wilderness, the snow was knee deep and there were miles between us and the nearest road.

Being able to make a fire under adverse conditions can be critical to survival.

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by Leon Pantenburg

Back at camp, the first order of business was to start the fire. I took out my waterproof match container and tried to light a strike-anywhere match on the side. All the matches had been replaced a couple months ago, but not one of the 20 in the container would light. Then I tried my backup butane lighter. Because of the cold, it didn’t work either. Luckily, we had backup matches, and the fire was soon thawing us out.

Check out the survival firemaking videos below!

“So suppose one of us had gotten hurt and couldn’t move – what would we do to start a fire?” I asked my partner. We both agreed it could have been fatal.

That frigid hunt was in 1993, and for years, I experimented to find a reliable firemaking method.

In 2002, as part of a project for Boy Scout Troop 18 in Bend, Oregon, Dr. Jim Grenfell and I set out to find the ultimate, practical fire ignition method that would work for the average person.

Criteria to be tested were: ease of operation, ability to use one-handed (in the event of an injury), reliability, widespread availability, durability, practicality and ease of carry. We ruled out any items that seemed to rely on expensive, gee-whiz technology.

Over the course of the next several months, we laboriously tested and re-tested conventional firemaking methods. When something showed promise after initial testing, we turned the Scouts loose on it. If the method survived the torture test, we’d ask average outdoors people to try and then comment on the materials.

Here’s what we found:

A firebow may be as effective survival firemaking tool for a trained individual, but would not be a good choice for most people.

A firebow may be as effective survival firemaking tool for a trained individual, but would not be a good choice for most people.

Fire bow or other primitive wood friction methods were not even in the running. In a survival situation, even if you have the time and skills to make and use a fire bow, you’d first have to find the materials to build it. If rubbing two sticks together to fire was easy, or even just moderately difficult, the native peoples would never have developed ways to carry a live coal between camps!

The people who depended on the friction method for twirling up a fire carried their own specialized sticks with them. Even in a forest, you might not be able to find dry, suitable materials to build your kit.

Matches: Best case scenario: You should be able to make one fire with every match, right? That points out a real problem with matches: there is a finate number of them, and when they’re gone you’re out of luck. And what if you use all your matches to make one fire because of a low skill level?

Every brand and type of match we tried was unreliable as a survival tool. But if forced to make a recommendation, I’d say the best match choice is the REI Stormproof matches. They work well under many adverse circumstances, but you can only carry a few (10, with striker strip) in a standard match case.

waterproof match case: Always keep survival matches in a waterproof case, and rotate them.

Always keep survival matches in a waterproof case, and rotate them regularly.

The advantage is that most people can strike a match, and you can get them anywhere.

The disadvantages are that matches deteriorate over time and fail, even if they’re waterproof. While coating the heads with paraffin or other sealants will work for awhile, that doesn’t make the matches dependable. Most regular book matches are useless if damp, or if they’re even exposed to moisture.

Another critical aspect is the abrasive strip on the match box or book. If it gets damp, wet or worn out, the matches won’t work. And one brand of match may not ignite on another’s abrasive strip!

Even strike-anywhere matches don’t necessarily light when struck on an abrasive surface. Try standing in knee-deep snow, during a snow and sleet storm and finding a dry, abrasive surface to strike a match on!

Butane lighter: I carry a butane lighter in my pants pocket, another in my jacket pocket and a third in my pack. If I need a fire quickly, I hope to flic a Bic and get the job done. A standard Bic lighter, according to my tests, will have about an hour’s worth of flame in it. But I don’t trust any butane lighter, and you shouldn’t either.

The Achilles heel is temperature. The boiling point of Butane is approximately -0.5 C at sea level, according to answers.com (This boiling point will drop with an increase in altitude given the reduced pressure). This means that as the lighter nears freezing, less gas will be vaporized inside of the lighter and will make it hard to light. And the higher in elevation you are, the less chance you have for ignition!

lighted butane lighter: Butane lighters work great when they work! They can't be depended on in survival situations.

Butane lighters work great when they work!

My experiments show that placing a butane lighter in ice water (33 degrees) disables it almost instantaneously. If the lighter is removed from a one-minute ice water bath, and placed in a 70 degree area, several minutes will pass before it is warm enough to function.

This time varies on the size, brand, and make of the lighter. If you warm the lighter in your already warm hand, it can take at least  90 seconds under ideal conditions, and probably closer to four minutes, to make it functional.

So,  if you fall into an icy river, wade to shore and desperately need to make a warm-up fire, your butane lighter won’t work for what seems like an eternity. In a situation where your hands are freezing, you may not be able to warm the lighter quickly. Your cold, numb fingers may not be able to work the wheel, either. By the time the lighter is warm enough to fire, you may not be able to use it.

Any lighter’s durability is suspect. All it takes is one grain of sand in the wrong place and the machinery is disabled.

And don’t forget this little tidbit: if you inadvertently drop your butane lighter into a campfire, an explosion will follow!

A magnesium block, with a ferro stick attached on top, can be a reliable firemaking method. (Leon Pantenburg photo)

A magnesium block, with a ferro stick attached on top, can be a reliable firestarting tool.

Magnesium block:

A favorite of the survival shows, the magnesium block with a flint stick on top, has some merit. The idea is to shave off pieces of magnesium into a small pile, then ignite it with a spark from the flint stick. The magnesium block is waterproof.

The problem in the system is that it takes a long time to scrape enough shavings off the block to ignite, and it’s really easy to scatter the pile if you bump it or the wind comes up.

A magnesium block is OK, but not your best choice.

Zippo-style lighters: For a while, this appeared to be the winner. I filled my Zippo with lighter fluid to the saturation point, then sat down to see how many fires it would make before it failed. Over the next two days, (I suppose this is some comment on my social life), the total number of lights was 974!  When full of fluid, the Zippo worked immediately after a one-minute ice water bath. It came out the freezer overnight and fired on the second try. I sealed the hinge and opening with a piece of duct tape, and left it alone for a month, and it still fired.

The fuel supply of a Zippo-style lighter tends to dry out quickly, making it non-functional.

The fuel supply of a Zippo-style lighter tends to dry out quickly, making it non-functional.

But the Zippo-style lighter was wildly inconsistent in other areas. A fully saturated lighter dried out completely in three days in the desert. Having it sealed didn’t matter. And sometimes, for reasons I couldn’t figure out, the Zippo just wouldn’t light.

While you can fuel a Zippo with gasoline if need be, the system is too unreliable to recommend.

Ferro rods or sticks: I carry a ferrocerium stick on my key ring survival gear and have several in different parts of my gear. When used in combination with cotton balls saturated with petroleum jelly, the system is nearly foolproof.  Put the cotton balls in a plastic case or ziplock bag. (Click on custom ferro rod to buy a nice one.)

But it takes some effort to learn how to use it, and like anything, there is no substitute for practice. Using a flint stick with only one hand can be done, but not as easily as using a butane lighter.

At the end of all this research, Grenfell and I concluded that there is no ultimate firemaking tool, and you should never rely on just one type.

So here’s the best recommendation: take at least three different methods. Environment  factors that might disable one method should not  affect all of them. So, include a fire tool out of each of these categories:

Ferro stick, cotton balls and petroleum jelly: If  forced to pick just one method of firemaking, this would be

Cotton balls, petroleum jelly and a ferro rod are effective firemaking tools.

Cotton balls, petroleum jelly and a ferro stick are effective firemaking tools.

it. With practice, the combination is quick and reliable. But without a lot of practice and experimenting, you probably won’t be able to use it with one hand. If you’re disabled or unconscious, an untrained person might not be able to figure out how it works. (How well does it work? Read this unsolicited testimonial that was sent to survival expert Peter Kummerfeldt!)

Butane lighter: If you’re lucky and can keep your lighter warm and dry, a butane lighter may take care of all your firemaking needs. I’ve noticed many kids can’t operate a butane lighter without practice, so some training  may need to be done with your juvenile outdoor partners.

REI Stormproof matches: Most folks don’t need instruction on how to light a match, so that’s why it’s a good idea to include matches. Invest in premium matches that may work when you need them, and rotate your stock regularly. Be sure to take along the abrasive strip from the match box, and store all matches in a waterproof container!

No matter which firemaking methods you use, take along charcloth and firestarter in a waterproof plastic bag! If your Zippo or butane lighter leaks or runs out of fuel, you can use the wheel and flint to make a spark that can be caught on a piece of charcloth. Also, any other ignition methods that involve sparks can be used with charcloth.

Firestarter should be compact, durable and easy to carry. It can make the difference between dying of hypothermia or getting a fire going with damp tinder and kindling!

One last suggestion: Include a road flare in your survival gear. It is a fantastic signaling tool, burns for at least 15 minutes and will ignite virtually anything!

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The content of Survival Tips is in some ways similar “Doomsday Preppers,” but while that show illustrates the extreme prepper, Edwards focuses his show on eminently practical ways to prepare – without selling the house and moving into a bunker.

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Bird Flu spreads to Hong Kong
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Doomsday prepper: Obama readies insurance bailout – Fox News

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Do-It-Yourself emergency preparedness gifts kids can make for Christmas


As far as I’m concerned, a home-made Christmas gift with some thought behind it trumps the most expensive thing you can buy. And, this is guaranteed:  If  a child makes a survival and/or prepper gift for a loved one, that item will be cherished, included in a survival kit and used! And  if you can save some money while making  a valuable  piece of survival gear, that’s even better!

by Leon Pantenburg

This 55-gallon trash can liner can provide a quick emergency shelter.

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When my daughter, Mary was 12, she decided to make all her Christmas presents. Starting in October, she painted pictures, ceramic plates and coffee cups, decorated photo frames and made jewelery for loved ones. All the recipients cherish those gifts, and I wouldn’t trade my handpainted coffee cup for the most expensive item from the Cabala’s catalog!

Here is a list of do-it-yourself survival gear that kids can make. The materials are free or don’t cost much, but they can really provide some quality items. Have the youngster hand-write or draw simple directions along with the SurvivalCommonSense.com links on how to use them. Then, put these under the tree, or use them as stocking stuffers.

What gift is more thoughtful than one that might save your life?

55 gallon plastic trash bag: This plastic bag can provide a quick shelter for getting out of the weather, and be used for many other purposes. A hole can be cut in the bottom, and the bag can be worn for emergency rain gear.  It can be split along the seam  to make a sheet of plastic for catching rainwater, or as a shelter from the sun. Strips can be cut off it and braided into a rope or cord.

Plastic Bread Sacks: Yeah, those sturdy, clear plastic bags that come as bread wrappings should be included in a survival kit. Fold two of them, and place in a plastic sandwich bag. The bags can be used to make transpiration bags for gathering water, as vessels to transport water, or as foot coverings.

In a pinch, take off your boots, put your stockinged foot in the bread sack, and put the shoe back on. Secure the top with duct tape or cord, and you have a reasonably effective method of keeping you feet dry.

The bags can also be used for a variety of  survival techniques: Put your dry tinder in a bread sack as you gather it in the rain. On damp ground, use a bag as a sit-upon.

cotton ball and petroleum jelly firestarter containers

These free containers work well for storing firestarter.

100 count bag of cotton balls and 12 oz of petroleum jelly: This is the raw material for one of the most effective firestarters available. Just gob the cotton balls with the jelly, fluff as much as possible and ignite with a magnesium stick, lighter or match. The system works great, and is virtually foolproof.

Free Containers for Infused Cotton Balls: Put the infused cotton balls in a free container, such as a 35mm film canister/ diabetic test strips container or Red Bull energy shot container, and you have an effective and reliable firestarter system for pennies. And talk about a great stocking stuffer for that hunter, hiker or outdoorsman who is hard to buy for!

Waxed firestarter: Melt  old candles and dip worn-out 100 percent cotton Teri-cloth in the wax to make a very serviceable, waterproof firestarter.  Tear off small strips and pack them in your survival kit.

It took some duct tape and paracord to make these quart Gatorade containers into serviceable canteens.

Quart Gator Aid container: These rugged plastic water containers are free with the purchase of a quart of GatorAide and they can be reused for a long time. The containers are a great backup for other water storage systems, and can easily be replaced. Affix a loop of paracord with duct tape, and you can carry the water bottle on a belt or affixed to a caribinner.

Insulite Sit-Upon: This is an old Girl Scout  tip: Take that old insulite sleeping pad in the garage nobody will ever use again and cut it into squares about 14 inches  by 14 inches. Take it along with your survival gear. If you’re hunting, the pad will allow you to sit  on a cold, wet log without soaking the seat of your pants. Use the sit-upon in combination with your trash bag survival shelter to get through a cold, wet night.

The insulite is easily written upon with a permanent marker. It’s a great place to put holiday greetings!

Hardtack: The original survival ration, hardtack is a hard cracker that works very well as an addition to the survival kit. The recipe is simple and if the kids like to bake Christmas cookies, they’ll probably enjoy making hardtack.

Notebook and pencil: I learned how to make pocket notebooks several years ago, when my daughter’s elementary school project was to find a way to recycle commonly-used stuff. Since I use a lot of notebooks,  Mary and I figured out a way to make note pad fillers out of  standard writing paper. All you do is fold and cut the used paper three times, then staple the pieces to a piece of  cardboard. It make a great pocket-sized notebook that will fit in a pocket or survival kit. A notebook is a necessity for leaving notes, recording compass bearings, GPS locations and taking map notes.

School or Family Photo with Message on Back: This is probably the best gift. Have the youngster write something on back, such as “Be Safe,”  and make sure that picture gets stored in the survival kit. Then, if that loved one gets in a tight spot, he or she can look at the photo and recall why it’s important to never give up!




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Winter is coming — grasshoppers fiddle while the nation burns – RenewAmerica

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Winter is coming — grasshoppers fiddle while the nation burns
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