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Be prepared: What to do if you encounter a marijuana cultivation site on public lands
Ah, nature… you are hiking through a pristine wilderness and enjoying the peacefulness and tranquility. Thoughts of danger are not on the radar. Then you stumble into an area that looks dramatically different. Your heart sinks as you realize you’ve entered an illegal marijuana growing site. Now what?
by Keith Riggs, U.S. Forest Service
The Two bow hunters recently discovered a marijuana grow site on the White River National Forest, one of the most visited forests in the country.
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Be aware of your surroundings when visiting National Forest System land. Deception Creek Trail. Willamette National Forest, Oregon. (US Forest Service photo)
The site, located near Redstone, Colo., contained 3,375 marijuana plants with an estimated value of $8.4 million. Forest Service crews removed the plants, dismantled the irrigation system and removed items left in a make-shift camp used by the growers. Helicopters assisted by airlifting the plants and other debris associated with the illegal growing site from the area. No arrests have been made and the case remains under investigation.
“Growing marijuana on national forest lands will not be tolerated,” said Scott Fitzwilliams, forest supervisor for the White River National Forest. “These cultivation sites cause significant resource damage and endanger visitors who may stumble upon a large amount of marijuana with a large street value.”
The vast majority of the national forests are safe for visitors and employees. And while only a fraction of the National Forest System is affected by illegal marijuana cultivation, drug growers connected to organized crime are active in the nation’s national forests and it’s important for your safety to be aware of your surroundings.
“If you encounter a drug operation, back out immediately. Never engage the growers as these are extremely dangerous people. Leave the way you came in and make as little noise as possible,” cautioned David Ferrell, director of law enforcement and investigations for the Forest Service.
If you can identify a landmark or record a GPS coordinate, that’s very helpful. The growers may be present and may or may not know that you have found their operation. Get to a safe place and report the encounter to any uniformed member of the Forest Service or to your local law enforcement agency.
Here are some clues that you may have come across a marijuana cultivation site:
- The smell of marijuana, especially on hot days, is like a skunk.
- Hoses or drip lines located in unusual or unexpected places.
- A well-used trail where there shouldn’t be one.
- Voices coming from an unusual place.
- People standing along roads without vehicles present, or in areas where loitering appears
unusual. - Grow sites are usually found in isolated locations, in rough steep terrain (typically between 500 to 5,500 feet elevation.)
- Camps containing cooking and sleeping areas with food, fertilizer, weapons, garbage,
rat poison and/or dead animals. - Small propane bottles (so that the grower avoids detection of wood smoke.)
- Individuals armed with rifles out of hunting season.
Disturbances and impacts to the forests from illegal marijuana cultivation can cause extensive and long-term damage to ecosystems as well as

impacting the supplies of public drinking water.
Growers destroy timber and natural vegetation to establish their gardens. They use dangerous rodenticides, herbicides and pesticides that are banned in the United States. They kill wildlife and destroy habitat and divert water from watersheds, streams, lakes and public drinking water supplies.
(Left) A small portion of the garbage and debris left in the forest at a drug trafficking organization’s marijuana grow site on the Shasta-Trinity National Forest in California. (US Forest Service photo)
To learn more about how to safely use National Forest lands click here.
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Oregonians warned to prepare for “The Big One” earthquake
Oregonians warned to prepare for ‘big one’ – roads cut off for 5 years, no electricity for 3 months, no gas for 6 months
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September 22, 2013 – OREGON – Sitting on a major fault line, Oregon is “like an eight-and-a-half-month pregnancy, due any time now” for a major earthquake, a geologist with the Oregon Office of Emergency Management told an overflow crowd Friday in Medford.
“We’re in the zone, and we’d darn well better get ourselves ready for it,” said Althea Rizzo, geology hazard coordinator for OEM. “A lot of you may have moved here from California to escape them, but the fact is, Oregon is earthquake country.”
About half the hands went up when Rizzo asked how many had been through a California earthquake. Rizzo said there’s a 37 percent chance the Big One will happen in the next 50 years. A major earthquake would cripple transportation on Interstate 5 as bridges and overpasses collapse from two to four minutes of ground shaking, possible very severe, with stressful aftershocks for weeks.
“It’s going to shake here,” she said. “Single-family homes will bounce off their foundations. Landslides will cause transportation between I-5 and (Highway) 101 on the coast to be cut off for three to five years.” A big quake will cause liquefaction, in which the ground, if saturated with water, will “turn to pudding,” causing hardware, such as sewer systems, septic lines and gas tanks, to rise up out of the earth. Lines from Washington state gasoline refineries cross 15 rivers, leaving them vulnerable to quake tremors, she says. Most of these were built in the mid-20th century, with no thought to making them quake-resistant, she says, adding that they would be offline for at least six months. Electrical power would be down from one to three months until transformers and the electrical grid get going again, she says.
A region’s markets have food enough for only three days, so families should store at least three weeks of nonperishable food — tuna, beans, freeze-dried items — and other vital commodities, such as toilet paper.
Rizzo advocates planning on the household, regional and statewide levels before the inevitable quake emanates from the “big, bad, ugly” Cascadia Subduction Zone, which runs 600 miles from about Eureka, Calif., to the north end of Vancouver Island. The North American tectonic plate, on which the Rogue Valley rests, is moving southwesterly a couple of inches a year, overriding oceanic plates and building up tension.
When the tension is released, she said, it causes far-reaching land quakes and lifts an enormous amount of sea water, which will slam the Oregon Coast with tsunamis. Partial quakes happen on an average of every 240 years. The last one was in 1700, so it’s been 213 years. Quakes of the entire length of the zone come every 500 to 600 years and governments should expect those to be 9.0 or more on the Richter scale — tremendously devastating. They cannot be predicted, Rizzo said.
Another blow to Oregon would come if vital utilities and transportation were cut off for so long that major businesses left the state and took jobs and money with them. A dozen years ago, Oregon authorized $2 billion in bonds to bolster infrastructure in schools, community colleges and emergency services, but the recession, she said, took that off-track.
Rizzo urged several hundred local residents to spread the word to family and friends to take first-aid and Community Emergency Response Team training, store supplies and get to know your neighbors and people who have training and tools. Communities must assess risks to buildings, roads, power, water and sewer lines, she said, adding that people should learn to “drop, cover and hold” and practice getting to safe places in their homes. Wall art should be screwed down, big furniture, water heater and bookcases secured, and heavy items kept close to the floor, not up high where they could fall on people. “You need to practice this over and over because when it’s happening you’re not going to be able to think,” she said. –Mail Tribune
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Survival skills focus of Holton expo – Topeka Capital Journal
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