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Breaking Bad Season 5, Episode 15 Recap: Waiting Out the End in ‘Granite State’
Grantland (blog)
But when the newly christened Mr. Lambert arrived at his prepper cabin in New Hampshire, he looked anything but flammable. He looked exhausted. His legend had gone viral, but he was too sick to notice. It turns out living free and dying aren’t mutually 

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Box office hit ‘wages war with God’
He’s a Christian, a prepper, a patriot and all-around stereotype. But that isn’t to say the dad is simple. In fact, he’s quite complex, and actor Hugh Jackman turns in an outstanding performance as a man whose fierce love for his daughter stirs in him

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Blue Streaks school Preppers – The Star Beacon

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Blue Streaks school Preppers
The Star Beacon
HUNTING VALLEY — Because there are no lights at Scovil Field, University School generally plays its games on Saturday afternoons. The resulting difference in routine, as well as a historically strong Prepper squad, has cause opponents, including

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Review: How good is the Boker Magnum Nordic knife?


I use Scandinavian style rigid blade knives for most of my outdoors activities. So I was very interested in the Boker Nordic. Here is what I found out about it.

By Leon Pantenburg

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There is a difference between cheap and inexpensive. “Cheap,” when it refers to an object, means it is worth very little, according to the Urban dictionary.  “Inexpensive” means something doesn’t cost much, and generally doesn’t refer to a compromise in quality. In other words, you get a good product for less money.

In survival gear, I recommend you go with inexpensive when possible and within reason. Don’t let a celebrity endorsement be the deciding factor in equipment choices.

Subsequently, my nomination for the best all-around knife for the average person is an inexpensive rigid blade Mora-style knife. Mora is a brand name. Generally speaking, I define a Mora as a knife with a  rigid, three-to-four-inch blade, a Scandinavian grind and overall length of about eight inches. The handle typically doesn’t have a guard, and the knife is intended to be an all-purpose, general-use cutting tool.

In this case, I decided to compare the Boker Magnum Nordic with the Mora model 86o. I’ve carried my particular 860 for several years, and it has seen hard use. My Mora is used for cleaning fish, small game processing, utility purposes and anything I need a knife for. My 860 rides in my briefcase and goes to the office, where it is used for opening mail and packages, slicing bagels and, as needed, spreading peanut butter and cream cheese.

As far as I’m concerned, the 860 sets the standard for inexpensive, over-all utility knives.

Here are some physical comparisons:

Boker nordicBoker Magnum Nordic

  • Overall length: 9 1/8″
  • Blade length: 4 1/2″
  • Weight: 3.7 oz.
  • Handle material: Rubber
  • Made in China
My Mora 860 has an extensively-modified sheath.

My Mora 860 has an extensively-modified sheath.


  • 8 3/4″ Overall Length
  • 4″ Stainless Steel Blade
  • Black Rubber Handle with Composition Trim
  • Molded Sheath with Belt Clip and Drain Hole
  • Made in Sweden

Steel: The Boker blade is 440A  steel, a relatively low cost, high corrosion resistant stainless steel. The material is about mid-range when it comes to knife steel quality, and is what the entire Magnum series is made of.

The Mora is made of 12C27 stainless steel, a grade with high hardness and good wear resistance. It takes a keen edge and has excellent edge holding ability. One of my hunting buddies uses his 860 almost exclusively on big game because of the knife’s ability to hold an edge.

Both knives came out of the box with a shaving-sharp edge.

Testing started in the kitchen, as I used the Nordic for everything I would use a kitchen knife for. The handle proved to be ergonomically comfortable for long cutting jobs. The handle didn’t get slippery when wet. The Nordic is OK for vegetables, but the blade is too stiff and rigid to effectively fillet fish. It is adequate, but not the best choice, for a slicing knife. Inevitably, the knife got dull, but a few swipes with my butcher’s steel restored the razor edge.

I don’t baton firewood as part of the testing process. (Click here to see why.) I am concerned about how easily a knife carries, and how convenient it is to take along, so the Nordic rode in my brief case for several days and was included in a daypack on a short hike. I also whittled sticks, cut rope, and split up some pitchwood. For a final dulling test, I cut up some cardboard until the edge was really dull. Restoring the edge was easy.

So here is what I don’t like about the Nordic:

The sheath sucks. An inexpensive knife can’t offer all the bells and whistles of a more spendy knife, but the sheath should be safe. The Boker’s  is not. The knife falls easily out of the sheath when inverted. The knife could be lost, leaving you without a vital survival tool, or, could possibly cause a serious injury. The Mora sheath was better than the Nordic’s, but both need extensive improvements

The blade is too wide: The Boker design might be a better hunting knife than my Mora, because the wider blade and more rounded tip design makes it better for skinning large game animals. You decide which feature you want. This blade design wouldn’t be my favorite for an all-around knife.

I like:

The handle: Ergonomically, it fits my average-sized hand better than the Mora’s, and the smushy texture is not slippery. It won’t get slippery and dangerous, even if it’s being used for cleaning fish or dressing game animals. This is an important feature – you don’t want to use a dangerous cutting tool.

The price: A Boker Magnum Nordic knife costs in the neighborhood of $20, which is about what you can plan on spending on a Mora 860. Either knife is a good deal.

When I want a second opinion on survival equipment, I contact Karla Pantenburg Moore, an avid do-it-yourselfer, soaper, homesteader (and my kid sister).  Karla got her Boker as canning season was getting underway, and it was used extensively on a variety of vegetables.

Karla agreed with me on my assessment: She likes the Nordic for meat cutting and processing. But the Boker isn’t a very good choice for vegetables, she said, because the blade is too thick for easy slicing and peeling. As a small game processing knife, the Nordic’s blade is a little large.

So which is the better knife?

It depends on what you’re looking for.

  • Both knives will need sheath modifications. I recommend drilling a hole in handle of both knives so a lanyard can be attached and the knife secured to a sheath.
  • I think the Mora steel is better, but the Nordic’s blade is entirely adequate for most tasks.
  • Some people will like the Nordic’s handle better. It is wider, has a more pronounced guard and may fit your hand better.
  • I think the Nordic is a better design for a hunting knife, but the Mora is a better choice for an all-around utility knife.

My vote goes to the Mora over the Nordic. But both are very good, quality knives for not a lot of money.

As in all survival gear, pick out what will work for you. Either of these knives will serve you well.

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Movie Review: Promising premise, puzzling execution – Marine Corps Times

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As a man who strives to be ready for every possible disaster (and has a prepper’s fantasy basement to prove it) but finds himself impotent to protect his little girl, Jackman is every bit as ferocious as his other, better known alter ego — you know

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How to: Take care of your magnetic compass so it works correctly


The hiker arrived at the trailhead and was getting ready to start out on his journey. He powered up the GPS to mark his location and brought out the compass to double check his heading and first bearing. But after aligning the compass, the compass heading was 13° off.  The hiker correctly held up his movement until he could resolve the issue.

by Blake Miller

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So, just what could have caused a 13° degree error?  What can the backcountry traveler do?

Remember that the correct operation of the compass is dependent on the action of the magnetic needle to guide the hiker through the backcountry. A lot of items in a pack and clothing can affect the needle. Most understand that ferrous objects such as a belt buckle, and car keys will deflect the magnetic needle. Still, take a good look at what is in a pack. The batteries from the GPS receiver and a flash light may cause a compass needle to move too.

Check out your settings before ever leaving the trailhead.

Check out your settings before ever leaving the trailhead.

High tension power lines and a vehicle’s electrical system may also cause a magnetic needle to deflect. Moving a few steps from the vehicle should be sufficient. One may have to move over one hundred feet from the power lines to avoid deflection. (GPS Made Easy, Michael Ferguson.)

Some locations will have a high concentration of iron near the surface. This is known as “local attraction.”  Such concentrations will cause the needle to move too. Unlike declination, moving away from the immediate area may cause the deflection to stop. The local Bureau of Land Management or Forest Service Office should be able to identify areas affected by local attraction.

I recommend a compass be stored away from electronics (e.g., GPS, radios), batteries and many metallic (knives, saw) objects found in a pack. The hiker need not go overboard on this, but a compass could simply go in an exterior compartment, a shirt or coat pocket. Attaching a brake away lanyard to a compass so that is worn around the next is a viable option. This would apply during the off season too; a little separation is a good thing.

It is possible for the magnetic needle to lose its polarity. This is a function of time and manufacture.  With research, one can learn how to restore the magnetism. That said, with the modern liquid filled compass this is probably more trouble than it is worth.  Occasionally, check the alignment of the compass. In the small town where I live, residential streets are aligned true north and south.  Standing on the curb on such a street provides a quick verification of how the compass is working.  To me verification means that the compass direction will mirror that of the street; if the street tracks true north then the adjusted compass should provide a bearing to true north.


Invest in a good compass.

At the end of the season take a look at the compass. Flush away dirt or sand that may be on the baseplate or sighting mirror. Look for bubbles that may appear internally and adjacent to the compass needle. A small bubble may not be something to worry about but a large bubble may impact how the needle swings and moves. A compass with a large bubble should be permanently removed from the hiker’s kit. Contact the manufacturer.

Lastly, keep in mind that a quality compass will retail for $20 or more. Also, a quality compass can be mechanically adjusted for declination. Such a compass is a precision piece of equipment. This is especially true of the Silva Ranger style or the Brunton Eclipse models. Note that I am prejudice (won’t buy them) towards the cheap stuff found on the racks of the major box sporting goods stores. If a hiker is willing to spend hundreds of dollars on a pair of boots why not spend a bit more for a decent compass? It can make a huge difference.

Blake Miller: Navigation and GPS expert

Blake Miller

Blake Miller has made a career out of staying found and knowing where he is at all times. His formal navigation training began when he joined the U.S. Navy in 1973. He served as an officer aboard several Navy ships over his twenty-year career; many of those tours included the duty of Navigator. Blake began working with satellite navigation systems at sea in 1976, culminating with the then-new Global Positioning Systems aboard the Battleship WISCONSIN in early 1990.

In 1998 Blake started Outdoor Quest, a business dedicated to backcountry navigation and wilderness survival. Blake has taught classes to wild land firefighters, state agency staffs, Search and Rescue team members, hunters, hikers, skiers, fishermen and equestrians. He regularly teaches classes through the Community Education programs at Central Oregon (Bend) and Chemeketa (Salem, OR) Community Colleges.

As a volunteer, Blake teaches navigation and survival classes, to students in the local school district and conservation groups. He is a member of a Search and Rescue team.

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Phone: 541 280 0573;


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