Book Review: The Disaster Diaries by Sam Sheridan

Apocalypse books generally lose me when the zombies show up. But this book combines end-of-the-world scenarios with some practical advice on how to prepare for a drastically-altered lifestyle.

by Leon Pantenburg

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Sam Sheridan put himself through a variety of training sessions to learn how to take care of his family during various end times situations.

Sam Sheridan is a world traveler, amateur boxer and mixed martial arts competitor. He had held a variety of jobs, including  EMT, wilderness firefighter, sailor and cowboy. He appeared to be pretty well prepared for just about anything.

Despite an array of skills that put most of us to shame, Sheridan’s outlook changed when he became a father. Sheridan started having real concerns about his ability to take care of his son in a variety of emergency situations.

So Sheridan devised a variety of potential survival scenarios. These ranged from real life situations, such as being on the freeway when an earthquake hits, to various wilderness and urban setting that involve the undead. Then Sheridan set out to systematically learn the real life survival techniques skills that would help him and his family survive.

This became the basis of his book: “The Disaster Diaries: How I learned to stop worrying and love the apocalypse”.

Sheridan did everything from learning to survive in the jungle, to learning how to shoot, hunt and gather food. He spent some time with Inuits, learning arctic survival. At a stunt driver’s school, Sheridan learned how to come out ahead in a car chase. A former convict taught him how to hot wire and steal a car.

Along the way are some great tales of adventure. Sheridan is a good writer and it is clear he is passionate about the topic of survival. But even though Sheridan did his best to prepare himself in the classroom and field, he points out there are some things that can’t be duplicated.

Sheridan admits there was no practical way to include the stress of a survival situation, and stress may be the deciding factor in surviving or not.

disaster diaries cover photo

What skills do you need to learn to survive the apocalypse?

  “Training is the primary way to handle stress hormones and the subsequent loss of  cognitive ability,” Sheridan writes. “You perform a task a million times so that when the stress hormones shut down your cognition, you can do it on autopilot.”

Cody Lundin, who taught Sheridan desert survival, provided this insight.

“Unless you feel pain in the field, unless you draw blood, unless you get rained on and shit on and are really out there, I don’t care how well you do with a bow drill. Because you will get shocked in the real situation,” Lundin told Sheridan. “There are a lot of people out there with survival training who are going to be corpses because they don’t know what they think they know.”

So did Sheridan find all his varied survival training worthwhile? After all, if training can be over looked or forgotten because of panic or the reality of a survival situation, what is the point?

It was Sheridan’s mindset that emerged from all this diverse training that would probably prove to be the most valuable.

“As I learned new skills for surviving a post apocalyptic world, I began to feel a change in my own way to thinking,’ Sheridan writes. “I was becoming like the survivalists I met. Not paranoid, just prepared. Wise, savvy, even slightly superior to to the unaware around me.”

If you’re looking for an educational book, The Disaster Diaries is a good read that provides a lot of valid information. The scenarios Sheridan provides, with the exceptions of the zombie crap, could happen. When Sheridan discusses living off the land, I think he is spot on about the difficulties of gathering food and trapping small game. His discussion about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and how it could affect survivors is excellent.

For the seeker of knowledge, this book is full of practical, realistic survival observations from someone who walked the talk. It is an interesting read, and you might learn something. Just ignore the zombies.

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Survival Mom: How to prepare for a really unexpected emergency


Many of us preparedness types believe that an emergency and/or crises can happen at any instant. Recent events bear this out, and Lisa Bedford, the Survival Mom explains some ways to get ready for an out-of-the-blue emergency event.

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by Lisa Bedford

The reports and photos coming out of Colorado last week brought home the reality of a crisis, a sudden emergency that happens so quickly that there’s no warning and no time to prepare. Likewise, the deadly shootings that occurred just this week at the Navy Yard in Washington D.C.
The recent New Zealand earthquakes caused widespread devastation.

Earthquakes can cause abrupt, widespread devastation. You may have to evacuate, and the only tools available will be those with you.

Usually when we think of preparedness and survival, we have the luxury of time. Time to read books, forums, and articles. Time to research the “best” survival knife, the “best” freeze dried food, and so on.

But when time’s up and the crisis is happening right NOW, what do you do?
First, in such a scenario, everything that you have done to prepare up to that point is all that’s going to get done, at least for that particular scenario. If floodwaters are seeping into your home and all escape routes are closed, you are left with whatever measures you’ve put into place, such as: emergency foods, communication alternatives (ham radio, shortwave/emergency radio), stored water and water purification supplies, first aid kits, etc.
Every plan, tool and supply should be in place already, whether it’s a wall of water headed your way, an active shooter, an earthquake, or an out-of-control wildfire. 
  • Supplies/tools should be packed in easily identifiable containers and stored in convenient locations.
  • Every strategy and plan should be rehearsed so your reaction is swift and automatic. This is absolutely vital when preparing for a sudden emergency.
  • Simplicity reigns supreme. If any prep becomes too complicated, set it aside. It might come in handy for a different scenario, but if you’re planning for the SUDDEN crisis, go for the simplest route, the simplest plan, the easiest foods to carry and prepare, and so on.
  • DO carry small items on your person at all times for scenarios in which you cannot even  grab the emergency bag stashed by the back door. This Everyday Carry (EDC) kit should include a small light source (tiny LED keychain flashlight is great), a small multi-tool and/or Swiss army knife, tightly folded bandana (try sealing it in a Food Saver bag and then trimming the edges), a sturdy whistle, and a flint and steel fire striker. 
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Your goal is to have a procedure in place that is as brainless as possible. You do not want to be making last-minute decisions about which firearm to pack or which relatives you’ll be staying with.  In fact, the time spent in making decisions could endanger your family.

Simple and brainless, pre-planned and prepared. Those are the keys to preparing for that sudden emergency you didn’t see coming.
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Lisa Bedford, the Survival Mom

Lisa Bedford, The Survival Mom


Lisa Bedford is the author of the wildly-successful website, hosts The Survival Mom Radio Network, and is the author of the best-selling preparedness book Survival Mom: How to Prepare Your Family for Everyday Disasters and Worst Case Scenarios.
She is also one of the nicest, friendliest people you will ever meet. She’s the type you want to hang out with. Check out Lisa’s website here.

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