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Pioneer recipe: Hoe cakes or Johnnycakes How To
Talk about a time-tested recipe! Hoe cakes, or Johnnycakes, have been used as trail food for pioneers, Indians, soldiers and anyone who needed to carry food while traveling.
by Leon Pantenburg
The small cooking campfires created little domes of light and heat in the dusk. All around me, the Civil War re-enactors were cooking their meals. These guys were hardcore – if everything wasn’t authentic, you could get thrown out of camp.
One of my favorite parts of living history presentations is how people back then dealt with everyday life. Cooking, in particular, always seemed to be a challenge. Ingredients and culinary utensils could be in short supply, and sometimes, a lot of imagination was required to put a meal together. In this case, many re-enactors were using old time recipes, cooked as they would have been over a campfire.
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My favorite this evening was the soldier who mixed up a cornmeal concoction, and baked it on a hoe – a real garden hoe – in front of his campfire. By the time the cornmeal was done, he had quite a crowd watching to see how it came out.
Americans have been eating hoe cakes since they discovered corn. There doesn’t appear to be a set recipe, but really more of a statement of purpose and a general direction.
The first recipe for this dish came out in 1796, according to Bob’s Red Mill Baking Book, when Amelia Simmons published what is believed to be America’s first recipe for Johnnycakes. She called them “Johnny Cake or Hoe Cake.”
This recipe comes from Bob’s Red Mill Baking Book, and it is a good place to start from for creating your own traditional recipe.
Johnnycakes (Gluten Free)
1-1/2 c cornmeal
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
2 c boiling water
1/3 c milk, room temperature
Combine dry ingredients in a large container, then pour the boiling water over the mixture and let it stand about 10 minutes. Stir in the milk. If necessary, keep adding milk until the mixture is the consistency of pancake batter.
Ladle out the cornmeal meal mixture, about 1/4 cup for each cake. Cook over fairly low heat for about five to ten minutes until brown. Bubble should appear on the surface, and then it’s time to flip and brown the other side.
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Review: Lightning-Strike Fire Starter
At the time of this publication, Lightning-Strike Fire Starter is not an advertiser with I was not reimbursed for this review.
During a backcountry emergency, you may stake your life on your firemaking tools. Here is a system worth considering.
by Leon Pantenburg
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It has been well over 12 years, and thousands of fires, since I used anything but traditional flint, steel and charcloth to start a campfire in the wilderness: I enjoy practicing survival skills.
As a Boy Scout and community volunteer, I have done extensive research on what survival firemaking tools and techniques work best. In the past 12 years, I have helped teach well over 12,000 scouts, students, outdoorspeople and others the flint and steel technique. In 2007, I received a Boy Scouts Fremont District Award of Merit for the survival firemaking teaching program I designed and helped implement.
The point of this bragging is that I can claim some expertise in survival firemaking. Typically, SurvivalCommonSense doesn’t do fire tool reviews, because, many of the “new” products are nothing but re-organized and re-packaged versions of the same old techniques and tools. And it would be really, really hard to improve upon my go-to survival firestarting standard of cotton balls infused with petroleum jelly, ignited with a ferrocerium rod.
So Darrell Holland, inventor of the Lightning-Strike Fire Starter, had a sales job before I would agree to review the product. The product came into existence after Holland and his son, an Eagle Scout decided to come up with a new and improved firestarting tool.

The Lightning-Strike contains firestarter in the handle, and disassembles to allow the ferrocerium rod to be used with the striker.
Here are the advantages of the Lightning-Strike, according to Holland.
- Completely self-contained: A Lightning-Strike is light (about 8 ounces) compact and easy to pack. It provides everything you need to start an emergency fire.
- Waterproof: The Lightning-Strike Tinder is kept in a waterproof container that also serves as the handle.
- Hotter sparks: The sparks produced by the ferrocerium rod in the unit are between 4,000 and 5,000 degrees, according to the company, and the focused stream makes for better and faster ignition.
- Works in any environmental situation.
No sale so far. The same could be said of just about any other firestarting method, I thought. But the clincher for me was that Holland claimed the Lightning-Strike could be used one-handed, and that it was a completely self-contained, with ample firestarter for about a dozen fire starts.
If all that was true, then this method was something new and different.
In my experience, a common problem with survival firestarting is making the transition from ignition to smaller twigs. Generally, most people can light a match or lighter to produce the initial flame. Where they fail is lack of transition time, which would allow the flame to light the twigs or other tinder.
A match may be good for a few seconds of flame, and a lighter for longer. But during nasty, rainy weather, if the wood is wet or damp, that may not be enough time. I always carry emergency firestarter along just because of that. In a survival situation where hypothermia is a possibility, time is critical.
My first impression of the Lightning-Strike out of the box is that it shows quality materials and workmanship. About the size of a mini-maglite, it weighs a few ounces, and doesn’t take up much room. The ferrocerium rod throws showers of sparks, and it is positioned in a tube that concentrates them. This makes for a much hotter ignition.
I was amazed – my old reliable ferro rod that I have been carrying for a couple years only appeared to be about half as bright as the Lightning-Strike. I’m assuming this means the Lightning-Strike produces about twice the heat.
A special firestarter comes with the Lightning-Strike, and it is designed to fit in the handle. The material appears to be some sort of petroleum product, that is infused into a cotton (?) pad. The firestarter can be ordered from the company. My thought is to continue carrying a separate container of cotton balls and petroleum jelly, and use that first.
And the system can be used one-handed. All you do is remove the firestarter from the handle, and position it at the end of the tube. Stand on the end of the Lightning-Strike to hold it in place, and scrape the ferro rod with the striker. Fire.
All in all, I really like the Lightning-Strike. It seems eminently practical, and it produces a hot spark stream that lights tinders quite well. The quality workmanship means the product should be reliable, and pretty much foolproof. A Lightning-Strike could be a valuable addition to a bug out bag, daypack or any other emergency/survival kit. This product is a keeper.
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How to: Set a bearing with a magnetic compass
A bearing, or sighting, on a compass determines the direction to an object, and/or helps a hiker identify his position in the backcountry. Here’s how to set one.
By Blake Miller
Taking a bearing or sighting with a compass is an important skill that can determine direction to an object or
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help the hiker locate and identify his position in the backcountry. A compass is an important part of the backcountry navigator’s kit. The knowledge of how to use a compass is still important; do not underestimate this skill.
Sighting with a compass allows the hiker to determine the direction to an object such as a mountain peak or lake. The compass direction to an object is known as the “bearing” or azimuth. Bearing is the more common term in outdoor recreation and is a term used heavily in GPS navigation. For example, if a mountain peak is due north of you, the bearing to the peak is 000° (spoken as zero zero zero degrees.)
Taking a bearing with a compass allows the hiker to do several things.
First, sighting on a distant object can provide direction to that object and repeated sightings can provide course corrections along the way. Secondly, with several sightings on different objects a person’s position can be triangulated. (Triangulation will be the topic of a later post.)
This post will focus on using a standard baseplate compass such as the example pictured below. (The lensatic and military compass will not be discussed.)
Figure 1: An example of a good baseplate compass.
Key features include:
• Declination adjustable – I don’t recommend a compass that can’t be adjusted for declination. The packaging will state “declination adjustable.” Some cheap compass packaging states that the compass has declination scales; this is not the same thing.
• Liquid filled housing to dampen the magnetic needle
• 2° increments on the bearing dial of the compass housing.
• A clear baseplate of adequate size with map scale information and a small magnifier.
The picture below offers a quick review of the components of a baseplate compass.
To sight or take a bearing do the following:
1. Using the owner’s manual, adjust the compass for declination.
2. While holding the compass at waist level, turn squarely toward a distant object.
Hold the compass so that the direction of travel arrow points directly at the
object. (Point the direction of travel arrow away from you; perpendicular to your body.)
3. While holding the compass, turn the compass housing (the dial) and align the orienting arrow (engraved in the rotating housing) underneath the red magnetic needle.
The bearing data is found where the direction of travel arrow intersects the compass housing. At this point the hiker can walk towards the object (e.g., a mountain peak, a building, etc.) on a bearing.
While heading out on the new bearing, consider walking to an object that is in-line with the destination. For example, perhaps there is a distinctive tree or rock out cropping half way between the hiker and the destination. Simply verify the bearing to the object and walk directly towards it and place the compass in a pocket. Homing in on an intermediate object prevents fixation on the compass and keeps the navigation simple.
Consider using multiple intermediate bearings in route. Remember, a quality topographic map should always be taken in the field with the compass.

Blake Miller
Blake Miller has made a career out of staying found and knowing where he is at all times. His formal navigation training began when he joined the U.S. Navy in 1973. He served as an officer aboard several Navy ships over his twenty-year career; many of those tours included the duty of Navigator. Blake began working with satellite navigation systems at sea in 1976, culminating with the then-new Global Positioning Systems aboard the Battleship WISCONSIN in early 1990.
In 1998 Blake started Outdoor Quest, a business dedicated to backcountry navigation and wilderness survival. Blake has taught classes to wild land firefighters, state agency staffs, Search and Rescue team members, hunters, hikers, skiers, fishermen and equestrians. He regularly teaches classes through the Community Education programs at Central Oregon (Bend) and Chemeketa (Salem, OR) Community Colleges.
As a volunteer, Blake teaches navigation and survival classes, to students in the local school district and conservation groups. He is a member of a Search and Rescue team.
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