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Dandelions: The weed you need
If dandelions were hard to grow, they would be most welcome on any lawn: Andrew Mason quotes.
It seems like common sense to know what common plants are edible and available for the picking. This post from the Survival Mom explains some of the ways the dandelion can be used.
Guest post by Donna Miller, host of Surviving on Shoestrings and co-owner of Miller’s Grainhouse
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The dandelion is usually thought of as a pesky and annoying, yet remarkably resilient weed. It is the arch nemesis of the landscape artist and gardener alike. The battle rages on from spring to fall with this resilient weed. But, instead of attempting to eradicate them, let’s take note of their benefits.
Apart from being a beautiful yellow and fun for kids to blow the seeds once the bloom dies, this misunderstood plant is actually beneficial in practically every way in which a plant could be. The dandelion:
- replenishes top soil
- is entirely edible
- has a long history of being a medicinal herb.
Dandelions are actually little yellow flags that pop up to tell you there is some type of imbalance to your top soil. Not a weed that is bent on taking over your tomatoes, but actually an attempt to help aid in their growth by replenishing the soil of what it is missing.
They are actually the initial step in the improving and restoring of a stripped or ruined area of soil back to its balanced and hospitable growing environment. Their wide-spreading roots loosen hard-packed soil, aerate the earth and help reduce erosion.
The tap root of the dandelion, which is what makes them so hard to kill, reaches deep down into the depths of your dirt to bring vital nutrients to the top soil. The sun, rain, other elements to which the soil is over exposed due to tilling or over growing has removed these nutrients such as calcium. The tap root of the dandelion brings calcium from deep in the soil and makes them available to other plants. Wherever you see dandelions peering out over green turf and turning it gold, the earth is being rejuvenated!
Go ahead! Eat a dandelion!
Dandelions are actually much more nutritious compared to many of the veggies in your garden. They contain even more Vitamin A than spinach, even more Vitamin C than tomatoes, and are a powerhouse of additional nutrients including Vitamins B and D. They additionally include the vital minerals of iron, calcium and also potassium.
Every component of the dandelion is edible. The yellow flowers make a delicious treat, while the leaves possess even more nutritional content (including Omega 3 as well as 6 fatty-acids) compared to any kind of leaf lettuce you’ll locate in a produce section of your grocer. Dandelion leaves are used to add flavor to salads, sandwiches, and teas. The roots are used as caffeine-free coffee substitutes, and the flowers are used to make wines and jellies.
Nature’s medicine
Dandelions are a green and growing first aid kit. Native Americans boiled dandelion in water and took it to treat kidney disease, swelling, skin problems, heartburn, and upset stomach. In traditional Chinese medicine, dandelion has been used to treat stomach problems, appendicitis, and breast problems, such as inflammation or lack of milk flow. In Europe, it was used in remedies for fever, boils, eye problems, diabetes, and diarrhea.
The main use has been as a diuretic and liver/bloodstream purifier. It stimulates production of bile, which can help break down gall stones. Choline, one of the dandelion’s main constituents, is essential to healthy liver function. The dandelion also contains hydrochloric acid, which helps the digestive system. The milk in the stem can be used as a skin softener, and it has an anti-fungal agent which can help control yeast infections. As a tea, it has anti-inflammatory properties.
The dandelion is your new BFF!
Like many things in life that keep showing up unexpectedly, we may need to take a second look at the benefits found in something so persistent. There are so many uses for the dandelion that was once thought as a weed that I have now taken to cultivating them right alongside my salad greens. When I see one pop it’s little yellow head in the midst of kale or spinach, it becomes a welcome member of the family. It nourishes my other plants, often graces our table and is in the sustainable first aid kit.
Helpful links
University of Maryland Medical Center, “Dandelion” (health benefits)
Learn more about Donna Miller and listen to her radio show, “Surviving on Shoestrings” here!
© 2013, The Survival Mom. All rights reserved.
Book review: ‘The Darkness After’ by Scott B. Williams
Feeling inundated by the plethoria of EMP distopia books on the market? Well, take a look at “The Darkness After,” Scott B. Williams’ latest novel. You might learn something.
by Leon Pantenburg
I’m all for escapist, easy-to-understand shallow novels. Reading one is my reward when working out on the recumbent bike or elliptical
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machine at the gym. The combination of hard, sweaty exercise, with easy-to-understand entertainment works well and distracts me from the hard work that should be going on.
But I’m getting trifle jaded on the whole distopia genre related to electromagnetic pulses. Since “One Second After” came out, it seems many of the EMP books have started to follow a familiar pattern. The path goes something like this: EMP, chaos, whatever shall we do??!!, person with some training steps up, organizes, fights final battle with bad guys, rebuilds the culture.
And I have a vivid imagination – I don’t need descriptions of what happens when a high velocity bullet impacts a body, or how blood spurts when an artery is cut. I won’t read graphic descriptions of torture or death.
What I’m looking for is knowledge: Can I learn something while being entertained?
The plot of “The Darkness After” starts out like most EMP novels do: A massive solar flare fries all the electric devices, essentially shutting down the world. Stranded in New Orleans, 16-year-old Mitch Henley has to escape into backwoods Mississippi, using the skills he has learned from his game-warden father. He sets out on foot, to make his way back to his family farm. Along the way, he meets April Gibbs, who, of course, is beautiful, smart, lethal and alone. The two combine their efforts to reunite with their families.
So far, this book is not noteworthy. But there is probably nobody more qualified to provide information in such a setting as Scott B. Williams. Williams, author of the Bug-Out Survival blog and the survival-themed books “Bug Out,” “Bug Out Vehicles and Shelters; Build and Outfit Your Life-Saving Escape” and “Getting Out Alive” and numerous other publications has been a survival writer for several years.
A superb writer, Williams can tell a fascinating story, and you will be entertained. But here is where the learning comes in: Williams takes proven techniques and shows how they could play out in this imaginary EMP situation. Here are a few very valid survival tips from “The Darkness After” based on William’s experience:
Have a plan: Even though Mitch was a kid, he still had an idea of what he had to do, and where he had to go. His destination in the event of an emergency has already been figured out. His dad trained him well.
Have a bug out bag ready to go. Even though Mitch couldn’t take a firearm into New Orleans, he was still able to function well in the chaos of the city because of the other items he had along
Take the right maps: In addition to road maps, Williams is a big proponent of including topographical maps of the whole area. In this case, the topos helped Mitch to figure out ways to go around potential trouble areas. It can also help in a real-life scenario by helping you avoid low-lying areas that may flood, or to find alternate river crossings.
Use unconventional travel routes: Most people leaving a disaster area will get out on the highway, run out of gas, and not get very far. In this gridlock situation, it is just a matter of time before anarchy and violence breaks out. Williams advocates finding alternate routes, such as creeks, drainage ditches and railroads, and using them for foot travel. This idea played out very well for Mitch as he traveled along a gasline and used a canoe in a creek to get where he needed to go.
Multiple weapons systems that don’t duplicate each other. Mitch relied on a variety of weapons, ranging from archery to Mini-14 to stay safe. Each weapon was familiar, and Mitch used them to best advantage.
Living off the land: Mitch and April were ready to harvest any small game animal that crossed their path with a .22 rifle or bow and arrow. The concept of living off the land in the book was realistic – they didn’t devote a lot of time to setting up snares or traps for small game, but were able to stay fed.
People looking for violent, zombie-oriented crap fiction won’t enjoy this book. And if you want the gristly details of distophic torture, mayhem, killing and rape, you won’t find it here.
Rather, this is a family-friendly fiction account, geared for young adults, of what could happen in the event of an EMP, and potential skills and survival techniques that could be learned and adapted to this situation.
This book is well-worth reading.
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