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Chiggers are masters of making you itch
With all the television programs about preppers these days, it’s confusing about what type of person is actually a prepper. Wacko might come to mind for some, or fanatic or looney bird. Yes, some of them may be, but it’s only because those occur in

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Five reasons normal people shy away from the prepper world


How many times have people looked at you kinda funny when they find out you store food in your home? I get that frequently, and when that’s combined with my hobbies/passions of hunting, hiking, camping and fishing, I sometimes get lumped in with the nut cases.  

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Lisa Bedford is well-known in the preparedness world as the Survival Mom, and author of the best-selling book “Survival Mom. In this article she explains why some people are turned off by the whole preparedness idea.
By Lisa Bedford

The Survival Mom
I don’t believe I’ve ever started an article with an apology, but before I go any further, my apologies to preppers for this headline! I’ve met hundreds of you over the past year or so and you are all so normal!
A tornado could destroy roads and bridges and strand people on the disaster scene.

A tornado could destroy roads and bridges and strand people on the disaster scene. Being prepared for emergencies can help a lot!

I hope my apology is accepted! Now on to my story.

Last week I recorded an episode of my show and included 6 lessons kids should learn from the Trayvon Martin case. #6 was, “Be aware of how others perceive you,” and it included some great quotes from a black minister who works with kids of all races.
As I thought about perception, I remembered a conversation with an Oregon woman who displayed a dramatic negative reaction to the term, “bug out bag.”
“Don’t use that term!” she said. “It makes you sound like a crazy survivalist.”
Well, I’m not crazy and I don’t consider myself to be a survivalist in the traditional sense, but if we hope to draw others into the ranks of preparedness, our loved ones in particular, then maybe we should consider how others perceive us.
Here are a few reasons why I think “normal” people shy away from anything related to the prepper world.
1.  Our terminology has negative connotations. “Bug out bag” begs the question, “Exactly why do you think you have to bug out?”
“Bug out location” sounds a lot like a robber’s hideout or the stereotypical 500-square-foot log cabin in the wilds of Idaho, home to toothless refugees from “Deliverance.”
“Bug out vehicle” — getaway car, anyone?
“C-Day” — Collapse Day, as in the day the United States of America collapses.
See what I mean? And I don’t think it’s a strike against anyone outside the prepper world who hears these terms and thinks, “What the heck?” If you’re not a religious person, this is akin to being around people who talk church-speak all the time. It can be a big turn-off.
2.  Ditto for our acronyms. 
  • SHTF: Sh*t hits the fan. 
  • TEOTWAWKI; The end of the world as we know it.
  • WROL: Without rule of law.
  • GOOD: Get out of Dodge

In the real world, who talks like this? If your friends need an acronym dictionary to figure out what you’re talking about, they may decide the prepper world is some sort of secret society with “special” handshakes and creepy initiation ceremonies.

3.   They think we’re too negative. 
When conversations naturally veer toward topics related to preparedness, that’s one thing, but if your stream of emails consist of doomsday alerts from Alex Jones and the like, they will begin to steer clear of you, guaranteed.
4.    Negative portrayals on TV.
Let’s face it. “Doomsday Preppers” didn’t exactly do any favors for the prepping world. Too many of their preppers aren’t relate-able. Many are downright weird. If this is what your circle of friends and acquaintances see as the norm for preppers, do you blame them for not wanting to join the club?
5.   Preppers scare them.
Nearly every prepper website focuses on topics like pandemics, collapse of civilization, the U.S. becoming just like Somalia, FEMA body bags, guillotines…well, sometimes people just want to think about the fun they’re going to have this weekend at the bowling alley. Who wants to be around people who scare them all the time? 
5.   They really don’t see the need to prepare.
This one you can’t do anything about. Until a person is motivated by their own observations, they will likely not do anything. People believe their own data and will act accordingly, thus the popularity of Home Depot hours before the arrival of a hurricane!
Now, in no way am I saying preppers are crazy and that we shouldn’t prepare. My point is to consider how others perceive us. If we come across as scary, obsessed, or weird, then it’s no wonder that they shy away from the prepper world when it’s possible that being prepared has been on their minds!
You can’t do anything about Doomsday Preppers or all the fear-filled websites out there, but you can demonstrate by words and actions what a rational, completely sane prepper looks like!

Lisa Bedford

Lisa Bedford

 Lisa Bedford is the author of the wildly-successful website, hosts The  Survival Mom Radio Network, and is the author of the best-selling preparedness book Survival Mom: How to Prepare Your Family for Everyday Disasters and Worst Case Scenarios
Check out Lisa’s website here.


History revisited: Survival lessons from the 1845 Meek’s Cutoff Wagon Trail through the Oregon desert


We can learn a lot about survival/preparedness from history. One of the most desperate survival tales associated with the westward expansion was about a lost wagon train in 1845 in the Oregon desert. Here’s what I found when I went searching.

By Leon Pantenburg

The Oregon Badlands are superb for practicing land navigation skills (Pantenburg photo)

The Oregon Badlands are superb for practicing land navigation skills, but moving covered wagons through the area was a major challenge. (Pantenburg photo)

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The desert near Bend, Oregon has been desolate, isolated and arid since time immemorial. In some areas, the terrain looks much like it did during the mid-1800s, when settlers headed west on the Oregon Trail.

In the summer of 1845, about 800 settlers, with 200 or so wagons left Vale, Oregon on a reported shortcut through the desert to The Dalles on the Columbia River. The guide, a mountain man named Stephen Meek, claimed to have found a shortcut, and he was hired by a wagon train to show the way to the promised land of Oregon.

You can imagine the rest – the wagon train got hopelessly lost. I’m guessing the only thing that kept settlers from stringing up Meek was the lack of tall trees.

After a great deal of time spent wandering, the company got to The Dalles in October. Twenty four never made it, and were buried along the trail.

There is an excellent book: Terrible Trail: Meek Cutoff 1845 by Keith Clark and Lowell Tiller, that is well worth reading.

Today, part of the area the Meek Cutoff party went through is south of Bend, in the Badlands Wilderness. I generally avoid the desert until the cooler months, but wanted to partially experience the area as the wagon train people might have. Recently, I went along the trail route looking for a grave from the Meek’s Cuttoff wagon train.

Today, the gravesite can be found by GPS coordinates. Naga, my black Lab office supervisor, and I decided to go crosscountry.

Here’s what I learned about the trail during our short trek:

It’s dusty: The only dust on my trail is what Naga or I kicked up. But the settlers had a much rougher time:

       “….Since crossing to this side of the snake river again the road has been fearfully dusty. In fact, a person who has never crossed these wormwood barrens can form  no idea as to what depth dust may be cut up in them by the passing of a few wagons. To a person walking in the road, it is frequently more than shoe deep, and if the wind happens to blow lengthwise of the road, it raises such a fog that you cannot see the next wagon in front.” (Page 19 Terrible Trail: Meek Cutoff 1845 by Keith Clark and Lowell Tiller)

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This seasonal water hole will capture spring rains, and dry up during the hot weather. You can’t depend on such places to supply water.

There’s not much shade: While there are many juniper trees in the area now, in the 1840s there were fewer trees because the periodic range fires thinned them out. I’m guessing that in the 1840s, the area was mainly sagebrush with a few junipers in rocky areas that escaped the fires. When the sun beats down at mid-day, there are not many places to escape the heat. I took along a tarp, and could have used it to make some shade.

There isn’t any water: Today, an irrigation ditch flows on the north side of the Badlands, taking water to crops. But that ditch wasn’t dug and put into operation until 1904. In all my wanderings in the 33,000 acres of the Badlands, I’ve never found a spring or heard of one. The best place to find water in the desert is in your canteen!

It’s really hot: Big revelation there! It was in the upper 90s in town, and in the desert it felt much hotter. The sun and heat reflected off the sand and rocks, creating some super-cooked air. My broad-brimmed straw hat and white, 100-percent-cotton shirt were good choices for desert travel. I wore leather hiking shoes to insulate my feet from the high heat of the sand. The high tops (like the pioneers wore) kept dirt from getting inside and rubbing my toes raw.

Don’t go without a map and compass: This advice would have really have benefited the Meek party. The Badlands are a great place to practice land navigation because it’s so easy to get lost. The land is undulating, and there aren’t many landmarks to help you stay found.

Meeks cutoff grave near Alfalfa, OR

This site may mark the final resting place of a child who died on the trail in 1845.

I found the grave without much trouble. The site was originally marked with an inscription on a juniper tree, according to the Deschutes County Historical Society, and nobody knows who is buried there, or if it is even a grave. Best information, a curator said, is that the site marks the final resting place of a child.

A standard occurrence, the curator added, was that a body would be buried in one of the ruts in the trail, and the wagons would roll over it. A marker might be placed alongside the grave, the curator said, much like people place crosses along highways today to mark where people died.

This Sept. 9, 1845 diary entry from James Field mentions the protocol for burial on the trail.

Last evening a child of E. Packwood, of Illinois, which had been ill a few days died suddenly…The child was buried in the dry wormwood (a variety of sage barrens), and as we left camp the wagons filed over the grave, leaving no trace of its situation. The reason for our doing this was that the Indians in this part of the country are very fond of clothing, giving almost anything they possess in order to obtain it, and fearing they might disturb the grave after we left, we took the precaution of leaven a beaten road across it. I cannot say they would do anything to a grave, were they to find one, for we have passed several made by the emigrants at various times and none appear to be disturbed.” (Ibid Page 42)


The back of the stone lists the date the marker was placed and contributors to the effort.

It’s easy to image that the wagon train camped all over the relatively flat area around the grave. Someone dug a grave, then the body was laid to rest while hymns were sung and a short service was held. The grave was carefully filled, then, most likely, all the wagons were driven over it.

The original marker was a juniper tree and it undoubtedly had a complete name on it. The marker apparently split off, or was damaged, so all that remained was the inscription “Scared to the memory of Je_ie”. There is also another reported grave in the area, but it is also lost to time.

The Je_ie marker was replaced with a stone in 1974. Today, the grave is well-marked and gets infrequent visitors. It’s a lonely and desolate, but beautiful scene. It’s a peaceful place to visit and enjoy, and I spent some time there just absorbing the atmosphere.

RIP, Je_ie.

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Wilderness survival tools: My ten favorite knives for all occasions

A  perpetual question and topic for debate around campfires has something to do with “If you could only have one knife, what would it be.”  But what is your top ten favorite knife list? Here’s my choices.

by Leon Pantenburg

Swiss Army Knife Classic

Swiss Army Knife Classic

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Swiss Army Knife Classic: This tiny knife goes with me everywhere. I first got my first Classic years ago as a performance award on the job. I appreciated the thought, but privately wondered what good the dinky knife would be. After carrying it for a week, I wondered how I ever got along without it.

I’ve used a Classic at weddings, when helping someone move, for cutting string, opening packages, slicing cheese etc. The knife has a fantastic tweezers, a very-useable 1-1/2-inch blade and a great scissors and toothpick. It will do about 80 percent of what you need a everyday carry pocket knife to do. Read the review.

The Master Hunter served me well on a couple of elk hunts.

This Master Hunter served me well on a couple of elk hunts. (Click on the photo to read the review.)

Cold Steel Master Hunter:  The Master Hunter’s name says it all.

The four-inch drop-point blade design is just about perfect for big game hunting. The non-slip smooshy  handle with hilt is just right for keeping your hand from slipping when the knife is covered with blood or guts.I would be hard-pressed to improve on the overall design. If you could only have one knife for big game hunting, the Master Hunter just might be the best bet.

(Click here to read a field review.)


From left: Cold Steel SRK, Forschner six-inch boning knife and Forschner five-inch sheep skinner

This trio had ridden in my daypack on many hunts. From left: Cold Steel SRK, Forschner six-inch boning knife and Forschner five-inch sheep skinner

My backcountry hunting trio: These knives have proven themselves time after time over the years. With the addition of a folding saw and some paracord and game bags, they are all the tools I need to handle a deer or an elk in the backcountry.

Cold Steel SRK: The initials stand for “Search and Rescue Knife,” and it would work well for that. But when I bought my SRK  in the early 90s, I was looking for a rigid blade hunting/survival knife that could do it all. Over the years, the SRK has never let me down, and I use it mostly for gutting and splitting the ribcage. This is my nomination “If you could only have one…”

 Forschner flexible-blade, six-inch boning knife: This is also my favorite fishing fillet knife. I have several of these Forschner boning knives in different lengths for meat cutting, but the one everyone seems to reach for is the six-inch.  The Forschner handles work well and don’t slip, even when covered with blood or fish slime.

Forschner sheep skinner: This is a superb skinning tool and the cost is reasonable. I filed the blunt end into a point, to make the design more versatile. I’ve gutted a couple deer with a sheep skinner, and got the job done.

These are three of my favorite Mora-style knives: Top, Mora model 840; Mora utility knife and Forschner four-inch semi-rigid blade meatcutting knife.

These are three of my favorite Mora-style knives: Top, Mora model 840; Mora utility knife and Forschner four-inch semi-rigid meatcutting knife.

Mora: Mora is a brand name. I define a Mora style as a knife with a  rigid, three-to-four-inch blade, a Scandinavian grind and overall length of about eight inches. The handle typically doesn’t have a guard, and the knife is intended to be an all-purpose, general-use cutting tool. It is hard to come up with a better, overall all-around knife. Here are my favorite Mora-style knives.

CT Fischer Nessmuk: Nessmuk was the pen name of George Washington Sears, an outdoorsman who  canoed the Adirondacks in the 1880s and wrote about it. Sears knew his tools: he carried a small, double-bitted hatchet, a two-blade jackknife, and a fixed blade of his own design.

The C.T. Fisher Nessmuk knife comes shaving-sharp with a quality sheath.

The C.T. Fisher Nessmuk knife comes shaving-sharp with a quality sheath.

A Nessmuk is a thin 5-inch blade with a pronounced skinning curve and a dropped point, no hilt, and an antler or wood handle. I got mine from C.T. Fischer, of Elk City, Idaho, and like it very much. Fischer’s knives are custom made out of a special steel he gets from recycled sawmill blades, and they stay sharp! See Nessmuk review

Leatherman Wave: I include this multi-tool since it is so very useful. The steel is high quality and the tools on the Wave fit my needs to a T. I carry mine in my daypack for wilderness survival, but my son Dan, the musican, carries his Wave in his guitar case. Dan uses the tool on a regular basis for setting up sound equipment.

The three-inch blade has a drop point design, and it holds an edge very well.  I wouldn’t want to try getting along without my Wave.

Puma Bird Hunter: This folder is known is a premium stock knife design. It had a saber, sheepsfoot, and a spey blade made of excellent steel. It’s

(From top) the Opneil, Cattlimus fish knife and Puma Bird Hunter could all serve as small game knives.

(From top) the Opinel, Imperial fish knife and Puma Bird Hunter could all serve as small game knives.

one of those wonderful tools that works all out of proportion to its price and size. I have used mine for years for skinning and cleaning small game. When you have a limit of squirrels, ducks, upland birds or rabbits to process, you don’t want to spend much time re-sharpening blades.  It’s really nice to be able to switch to a different blade on some tasks. See small game knives.

My machete collection is used mostly for making snow and brush shelters. The top 14-inch blade is most commonly used, but the others have their place.

My machete collection is used mostly for making snow and brush shelters. The top 14-inch blade is most commonly used, but the others have their place.

Machete: This long-bladed knife is commonly associated with jungles and South America. But the versatility is amazing. One Christmas in Mississippi, I borrowed a machete to cut bamboo fishing rods. Two weeks later in the Oregon Cascades, I used my machete to cut snow blocks for an igloo.

There are some great machete designs on the market. But but if you look around at flea markets and garage sales, you can find some good deals. My most recent find was at a gun show, where I got a name brand machete for $3.

A machete is a garden or backcountry tool., and most people don’t think much about them. But once you start using a machete regularly, you’ll realize how useful one can be. See machetes.


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