Where I live in Bend, Ore., there are a lot of opportunities to get in really serious trouble in the backcountry. Thankfully, the Deschutes County Search and Rescue is here. This is the update on their most recent rescue, aired on the local KTVZ station yesterday.
BEND, Ore. – If it wasn’t for more than 70 searchers, many of them with the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue, a mission to find a father and son could have ended very differently. One volunteer said Tuesday to be a part of the team is rewarding day after day.

Don’t underestimate Mother Nature! The weather can change dramatically, for the worse, in a very short time. You need the best survival tools available. (Pantenburg photo)
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“You know, if you’re going to get lost, Deschutes County is a pretty good place to get lost,” said long-time volunteer Al Hornish. “We have an incredible community, and Search and Rescue is a community event. We really come together.”
Click on Rescue to read the rest of the story and view the video.