Emergency Preparedness Fair urges family preparation
Your Houston News … as 72-hour kit assembly, legal preparation, pipeline safety, water storage, hurricane and natural disaster preparation, basic first aid, food storage, community emergency response involvement, financial preparation and alternative cooking methods. |
Extension Agent: Keep food, water stored for emergencies – Victoria Advocate
Extension Agent: Keep food, water stored for emergencies
Victoria Advocate For emergency food supply, you can buy pre-assembled kits or make your own. Keep in mind that you need enough food for each person for at least three days. Choose foods that can be stored for several months at a time and can be eaten cold if there is … |
Growing number of people believe it’s best to be ready for the worst – Detroit Free Press
Growing number of people believe it's best to be ready for the worst
Detroit Free Press Top: Robert Sarnes of Puyallup, Wash., is a prepper. He's a citizen who believes in being prepared at all times for disaster. / Photos by ALAN BERNER/MCT By Erik Lacitis ABOVE: Sarnes has stocked his house and garage with enough supplies to keep a … |
LOA KIRK ANDERSEN | Onward and upward: Food storage for three weeks to three … – Kitsap Sun
LOA KIRK ANDERSEN | Onward and upward: Food storage for three weeks to three …
Kitsap Sun Remember, emergency groups generally hand out basic foods: rice, beans, powdered milk, and MREs. Thank you very much, but I'd rather have au gratin potatoes with ham, green beans with onions, bacon and mushrooms, with peach cobbler for dessert. |
Preppers do their best to be ready for the worst – Bellingham Herald
Preppers do their best to be ready for the worst
Bellingham Herald Sarnes, 43, married, with two young daughters, is a prepper, part of an ever-growing group here in the Northwest and throughout the country who have decided that if they haven't stocked up that pantry shelf for a long emergency, nobody else will. |
Doomsday ‘preppers’ stockpile food, arms, tools – AZ Central.com
Doomsday 'preppers' stockpile food, arms, tools
AZ Central.com Ralston, 49, is a prepper — or, more accurately, a "doomsday" prepper, one of a growing number of people for whom a pantry filled with canned food and bottled water is just the beginning. Fearing the end of days, be it from a massive earthquake to the … |
Preppers do their best to be ready for the worst – The Seattle Times
Preppers do their best to be ready for the worst
The Seattle Times In the latest incarnation of getting ready for disaster, preppers are stocking up with nine months' worth of food and other essentials in case of … you name it, economic collapse, a huge earthquake, an electromagnetic pulse attack that takes out our … |
‘Doomsday Preppers’ Prepare For Worst – WMUR Manchester
'Doomsday Preppers' Prepare For Worst
WMUR Manchester So-called "doomsday preppers" are people who stock up on food, clothing and other items out of concern not just for a potential disaster, but for more cataclysmic events. And some can be found in New Hampshire. A search online brings up websites, … |
Preppers do their best to be ready for the worst – The Seattle Times
Preppers do their best to be ready for the worst
The Seattle Times In the latest incarnation of getting ready for disaster, preppers are stocking up with nine months' worth of food and other essentials in case of … you name it, economic collapse, a huge earthquake, an electromagnetic pulse attack that takes out our … |
Preppers Special Report: In-depth look at the prevalence of ‘prepping’ in the … – KSPR
Preppers Special Report: In-depth look at the prevalence of 'prepping' in the …
KSPR Those numbers are backed up by a recent proliferation of doomsday websites and TV shows like National Geographic's Doomsday Preppers. They're devoted to those who believe the Mayan calendar supposedly ending this year means the world will end on … |