Armstrong-Potomac athletes prepping for the season | Sports – Rantoul Press

ARMSTRONG — Boys and girls athletes at Armstrong Township High School have been getting back in shape in recent weeks, prepping for the seasons they hope will happen.

Girls basketball players have been working out in the mornings, and boys basketball players in the afternoons.

“We’ve had about two-thirds of the girls showing up so far,” girls coach Nick Hipsher said. “We’ve have around 11, and we’re expecting around 17 this year.”

Workouts have lasted 45-50 minutes. Coaches have been allowed in the weight room. The athletes have also done box jumps and speed ladders for agility in addition to weight training.

Circle drill July 1

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Armstrong-Potomac’s Brody Howard does a circle drill last week.

Armstrong finished 4-22 last season with a young team. The Trojans graduated just three seniors, “so we have 15 of our 18 coming back,” Hipsher said. “I think we should see a big improvement this year. We were playing a lot of freshmen and sophomores.”

First-year boys basketball coach Wade Rogers said the boys players have been working out in the afternoons with 30 minutes of agility drills and 30 minutes of weight lifting.

“We’ve had a good turnout of 16 to 17 show up,” Rogers said.

Due to social distancing restrictions, they show up in three groups from noon to 1 p.m., 1 to 2 p.m. and 2 to 3 p.m.

“I have been really pleased” with the progress, Rogers said, noting the players had been doing a great deal of weight lifting during the winter prior to the COVID-19 quarantine.

“We were really making big strides,” he said. “You can tell they have definitely lost muscle, but it’s easy for them to get it back. You can kind of see they’re realizing they’re gaining the muscle back rather quickly.

“Now that I’m able to see them again, they can get back to their stretches and their diet. They were (starting) to get that quarantine body. Their cardio was running to the fridge and back.”

Rogers said while it was difficult for the players to be out of action during the layoff, it was difficult for him as well.

Box jump July 1

Armstrong-Potomac’s Jayce Townsend does a box jump last week.

“I’m excited to where we can actually do some basketball stuff,” he said. “I’ve been pretty frustrated with it. I have to remind myself everybody is in the same boat. We have to go with what the governor and the state say we can do. I know the kids are wondering whether we will have a season.”

Cross country coach Darren Loschen said preparing his runners is an easier job in the beginning.

“All I’ve told them is to just find a time to run three miles,” Loschen said.

“My kids, it’s basically through P.E. in the fall when we run. We usually have five to seven boys and only a few girls.”

Loschen said most of the cross country runners are three-sport athletes.

Armstrong co-ops with Hoopeston in football.

Football assistant coach Nathan Gayheart said five Armstrong players have been working out consistently, and he hopes to have “seven or eight” ultimately as part of the 40-man Hoopeston squad.

Workouts have taken place twice a week — 90-minute sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays. He said he had hoped the team could move to Phase 2 training, which would have allowed workouts three days a week, but the Illinois Department of Health didn’t approve it, so the twice-a-week workouts continue for now.

Like the basketball players, workouts have consisted of weight lifting, agility drills, conditioning and one football-related skill per session.

Hoopeston finished 0-9 last season with a young team, including some freshmen playing varsity. Gayheart said it has been traditionally difficult for Hoopeston to keep its senior athletes out for the sport. They drop out because there hasn’t been much success in the program.

He said Armstrong has several good athletes who will contribute. The team also has a move-in from a suburban Chicago private school.

Volleyball coach Caroline Franzen did not return phone calls to talk about her team.

Prepping for Fourth of July celebrations – Times Record

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Indoor entertainment venues prepping to open safely on July 1st – WABI

BANGOR, Maine (WABI) – Re-opening day for indoor entertainment spots in Maine is just a few days away – and lots of local businesses are getting ready.

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Movie theaters, bowling alleys, and other indoor entertainment venues will be allowed to reopen on July 1st according to CDC guidelines. But a trip to anyone of these places won’t look the same.. But a trip to anyone of these places won’t look the same.

“People will see a completely different change when they walk in. What were going to encourage is everybody to purchase tickets online ahead of time. That way you’re not getting here to find out it’s a sold out show. A lot of the concession stuff can be purchased ahead of time online too,” said Shawn Ryder, the General Manager of the Bangor Funplex.

“So it’s going to be every other row of seating. Families per the state are allowed to sit together. And then have to skip two seats for other families or other individuals,” said Ryder.

The arcade at the Bangor Funplex will remain closed for the time being.

“It’s going to be a challenge for everybody at first. But hopefully we can work through it,” said Ryder.

Bowling alleys face increased challenges with a high number of touch surfaces, and the summer months being the slower season.

“We’ve been down for three months, we lost a lot of our good season. What we plan on doing with our open bowling customers is we’ll be at least keeping one lane distance. Every person that comes in, any group they’re gonna have their own set of balls,” said Chip Carson, Manager of Bangor Brewer Lanes.

Balls are thoroughly disinfected after each group is done using them.

Similar protocols for the Family Fun Bowling Center in Bangor, where the owner reassures customers they are taking every precaution.

“We gotta see what happens. And if the tick goes up then we’ve gotta back down. We’re just kind of following the lead of where Maine is and what we have to do to all stay safe. Get on the ball! Here we go!” said Andy Meucci, Owner of Bangor Family Fun Center.

Western Schools Prepping for Graduation Ceremony on Friday – WKHM

Western Schools Superintendent Mike Smajda is preparing for the school’s drive-in graduation ceremony Friday which can be heard live on K105.3 and can be seen streaming on the K105.3 Facebook page.  Smajda says excitement is in the air at Western…

Mike is a Panther football junkie…

School Board busy prepping for 2020-21 year – Akron News-reporter

Akron School Board met Tuesday evening, June 16 for their regular meeting.  The work session started at 6 p.m.

New addition to school

Dave Wise, architect for the addition, gave his report first.  The walls are up and they are working on the inside.  Wise was in Akron last week to see how work was progressing and check out the addition after the storm.  There was no significant damage.  He also dealt with some minor changes and issues with the addition, and is working with Superintendent Brian Christensen and TCC on small changes to the project.

Technology Director Greg Clarkson said 200 Chromebooks have been ordered and should be here soon.  When the students turned in their Chromebooks after school was over, there were only three that couldn’t be used again.  He is working with Toby Gertge of Gertge Technology to install cameras for security.  Clarkson put an antivirus on the desktop computers and has been busy sanitizing equipment.  He will now be busy getting all the new Chromebooks ready for the students to use when school starts in August.

Elementary school principal Kendra Anderson said, “I want to again say I am so proud of all the staff, parents and students for all their hard work during this time.”

New school addition

Materials were returned and planning for the new year has started.  Anderson said they are carefully evaluating their work with Pre-K through first grade, as this is a group that would be difficult, if not impossible, to teach through a computer screen if needed for a significant length of time.  The school is going to hold another back-to-school night and will have a planned transition time for the students.   A committee is working on a three-year writing program and she thinks it will be very beneficial for the students.

Counselor Britney Weers is working on mental health supports and has ideas for teachers to see when school starts.  The Accountability committee met last week and planned their meetings for next school year and will be recruiting some new members.

In closing, Anderson said, “I want to thank the board, administration, staff and the community for all their support and help during this time.”

The board then went on a tour of the new addition.  Shawn Randel, principal of 6th – 12th grades, also thanked the board, staff and community for their support.  He said he was very pleased with how graduation worked out given the circumstances.  He believes some of the special things that were planned this year will stick for future years.  His favorite part of graduation for the students was the parade.   The schedule for the new year has still not been fully decided and some adjustments may have to be made.

Staff from NJC will be coming to talk to the administration about what they might have to offer through their new location in Yuma.  There may be some classes, such as welding, they can offer to students.  They are also working on credit recovery with students so that students can be caught up with their classes when school starts.

All photos by Brian Christensen

Continuing, Randel said they may have to re-evaluate the credit requirements for the seventh and eighth students.  They are also looking at attendance provisions for next year, as they know some parents might not feel comfortable about sending their kids to school.  There will be lots of things to consider for the new school year.  There will also be new state graduation requirements for students that will be put into place this coming year.  Students will only have to fulfill one of the requirements on the menu.

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Talking about the athletic director job, Randel has been working closely with Tyler Pickens, who will be the new AD.  The school has protocols in place that match the guidance of the health department and state.  Students are now coming into workout and practice sports.  They have also worked with the town to help get recreational sports and facility use ironed out with the requirements.  They have scheduled times for the coaches to use the facilities and are all on a different schedule.  The school is working with the Akron Clinic to schedule physicals for those students who play sports.  When arrangements are made for these, they will be announced.

Bill Dorrenbacher then gave the scripture reading and the prayer, followed by the “Pledge of Allegiance”.

Christensen gave department reports and reviewed his superintendent report.  The maintenance department has aerated, top dressed and fertilized the fields.  During the macroburst, one of the score boards was damaged, the roof was taken off the bathroom down by the field and the school track and building had some damage from the wind as well.  Maintenance Director Jason Collins and Randel have met with the insurance adjuster.  Weers is working on schedules and on mental health issues and how the teachers can help their students as they start the new school year.  Training for bus drivers has been arranged and is taking place on-line.

Christensen felt that graduation was done well considering the many regulations and guidances the school was given for the event.  The past two months have been extremely busy.  He has been a part of numerous virtual meetings dealing with insurance, budget updates, COVID related topics, BOCES, CDE, CASB and Rural Alliance.  He referred to his past written reports that included the roller coaster ride of school finance with the cuts coming from legislature, dealing with the recent storm, work on the addition and plans for next year which he mentioned would be discussed during the regular meeting.

The regular meeting then began.  There was no BOCES report and with CASB, board member Nathan Quick mentioned a few legislative bills that CASB has mentioned.

Christensen said the school finance act has passed.  He also discussed some of the plans for the 2020-21 school year and the encouraging information he has received about school resuming in person and the current downward trend of COVID cases and hospitalizations in our state.  He said he feels students need to be in school.

Business Manager Kelli McCaffrey discussed the budget.  There were a few changes, while the cuts to budget were still extensive, they don’t look quite as bleak as we planned at the last reading.  They will be able to maintain the preschool program agreements with Akron Head Start and ABC, which is good.  There will be no money to be added from the kindergarten and rural school programs.  Salaries have still been frozen, but the board did approve of the hiring of the fifth/sixth grade teaching position that had been frozen due to the uncertainty of the budget.  The per pupil count is under $10,000, which is lower than it has been for the past several years.  Their multi-coverage insurance decreased almost two percent.

The board approved a resolution to reduce beginning fund balance; adopted the 2020-21 budget; approved the budget allocation resolution; ARAC for Title IV funds; state evaluation assurances for 2020-21; approved CASB dues for the 2020-21 school year; and approved the second reading of policy IHBIB-R.  The ARAC form for the consolidated grant helps fund some of our paras and the counselor that is shared with neighboring BOCES schools.

Agenda items for the next meeting include approving the classified staff, bus drivers, coaches and extra duty assignments and the fee schedule.  The next meeting of the Akron School Board will be at 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 14 in the school library.

Cass teams taking next step in prepping for new seasons – Daily Tribune News

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There are just a handful of days to go until the GHSA’s mandated dead week, during which time no workouts of any kind can be held by member schools.

Despite the scheduled interruption, Cass High athletic teams are doing everything they can to make the most out of their final few workouts in June. Volleyballs and basketballs took turns flying around the school’s main gym Tuesday, while the football team also took advantage of the GHSA recently lifting its ban on sport-specific equipment at workouts.

It took until the third week of workouts for the football team to be able to have footballs at practice, but Colonels head coach Steve Gates is just happy to see his program inch closer to a full return.

“The GHSA has always been big on progression, with the acclimation periods and stuff like that they always do,” Gates said. “This is just like an extension of that.

“It’s been kind of OK. We got to do some things without a football for a while and just get into formations. Now, we can add a football, start running some concepts and getting the quarterbacks throwing the football. It’s actually kind of refreshing to let the kids get out there and play.”

While Gates went through two full weeks with no footballs, some of his Cass colleagues began their summer work this week without similar restrictions.

New volleyball coach Laura Hayes held her first workouts Tuesday. Even though volleyballs and nets were allowed, there are still plenty of rules and regulations to follow.

She admitted it was tough to remain compliant with all the restrictions in place.

“It was a challenge to maintain distance,” Hayes said. “We rose to the challenge. This is all new territory for us. [CHS athletic director] Dr. [Nicky] Moore went over what the guidelines were with the girls and introduced me. I think it worked out well.”

Likewise, both Cass basketball teams were in the gym for the first time in months. Girls basketball coach Burt Jackson was impressed with the turnout he had for his midday session.

“Every returning player who was in our program last year showed up to today’s conditioning,” he said. “They’re excited about the future.”

Although normalcy or even a new normal, for that matter, is slowly getting closer, there are still several obstacles coaches in all sports have to overcome.

Starting this week, workout groups can include up to 50 players and coaches.

Gates, though, decided to keep his five separate sessions of roughly 20 individuals. He had several reasons — including the still-instituted ban on scrimmage activities, such as seven-on-seven drills.

“I weighed out all the positives and negatives, and the negatives actually outweighed the positives just for this one week of workouts,” he said. “It wasn’t efficient to change 94 players’ parents schedules of drop-off and pick-up times. … It’s also kind of erring on the side of caution with COVID.

Regardless, Gates hopes he has the ability to combine all of his players into one group come July.

“What we were getting out of our small groups was tremendous,” he said. “I didn’t see the need to jump to 50. I would rather get to the dead week, and hopefully, the GHSA will release us to have some full team activities.”

For basketball, the 50-person cap doesn’t curtail anything. However, Hayes had to split her players into two groups due to the large number of new players showing interest in the program.

Having served as the Colonels JV coach the past two seasons, Hayes is familiar with several of the athletes, making her comfortable enough to split the two groups into “new players” and “returners.” She even worked the two groups out a little differently.

“I wanted to see their stamina, their athletic ability,” Hayes said of the new players. “At the end of practice, they did a passing exercise to each other.

“My returning group, we did less conditioning and more working on communication. That’s one thing they always need to work on, because when they get on the court during a game, they get quiet, don’t communicate and don’t talk to each other.”

Overall, she was impressed with what she saw out of the players, particularly having positive attitudes.

“From what I saw, the girls looked good,” Hayes said. “Based on the way they looked just today, which was the first day, we should have a pretty decent year.”

Jackson was also pleased with what he saw. Sure, his players were a tad bit rusty, but they brought good energy, which he liked.

His players worked mostly on dribbling and shooting. Like several of the coaches in Bartow County, Jackson will eagerly be awaiting word from the GHSA about what to expect when workouts resume July 6.

“The hope is after the GHSA dead week, they’ll really loosen the restrictions and we can get to scrimmaging,” he said. “I’ve had a few teams reach out to ask, ‘If we’re able to scrimmage in July, would you be interested?’

“Originally, I had 23 games for our varsity scheduled for June to scrimmage and 15 games for our JV. When that got scrapped, I wasn’t sure what would happen.”

Whether or not scrimmages with opposing schools are able to take place in July, Jackson should feel as though his team is still slightly ahead of most others, due to the number of players he has on travel ball teams.

“It makes my job easier, obviously, having seven returning varsity players off last year’s team playing AAU ball,” Jackson said. “That just shows you how much they love the game. If we can stay healthy, obviously, I’m excited about what the upcoming season could hold.”

Chicago Sky Prepping For Challenge Of Playing Shortened Season In Florida, Coach And GM James Wade Says – CBS Chicago

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CHICAGO (CBS) — The Chicago Sky are getting ready for a training camp, and all the league games, to be played in Bradenton, Florida.

Coach and General Manager James Wade told CBS 2’s Luke Stuckmeyer he is prepping for the challenge. Wade was WNBA Coach of the Year in 2019, and Stuckmeyer asked him what his biggest challenge was in a 2020 that he could never have imagined.

“The biggest challenge, I think, is for us to weed through all the obstacles, because there’s going to be obstacles. Us not being able to be in Chicago is an obstacle. Us being away from our family and friends is an obstacle,” Wade said. “I think what we have to compromise with is the season is shorter, so people on the outside are going to say it’s a sprint, but for us it’s a marathon, because their health is important, so we don’t have the time. It’s weird, because we have to take more time to get into shape in less time, so it’s kind of like putting, I guess, a circle in a square peg, but it’s something that you just have to do, so we have to see it as a marathon, and you know, make sure that we’re healthy.”

The WNBA is saying the players – despite the shortened 22-game season – will get full pay and benefits this season. Wade said that is “really important.”

“I salute them for coming to a solution, and we have to think in today’s times – with almost 15 percent unemployment rate and almost 17 percent for women – and they’re living in a time where a lot of people are taking pay cuts, and for them to be able to not get 100 percent, but earn 100 percent, is something that I commend both parties for coming for,” Wade said. “But I’m happy with whatever makes them happy because I know that they deserve it.”

Prepping on a new court, Serena Williams will enter US Open – WXYZ

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Here’s how all-in Serena Williams is on participating in the 2020 U.S. Open: She set up a practice area at her home with the new brand of hard courts being used at Flushing Meadows this year.

For all the doubts about which top players will actually enter the first Grand Slam tennis tournament of the coronavirus pandemic, the biggest name in the sport made clear Wednesday that she intends to be there when the main draw begins Aug. 31.

“Ultimately, I really cannot wait to return to New York,” Williams said in a video that was shown during the U.S. Tennis Association presentation of plans for its marquee event.

“I feel like the USTA is going to do a really good job of ensuring everything is amazing and everything is perfect and everyone is safe,” said the owner of an Open-era record 23 major singles titles. “It’s going to be exciting. It (will have been) six months since a lot of us have played professional tennis.”

The women’s and men’s tours have been suspended since early March because of the COVID-19 outbreak. The French Open was postponed from May to September, while Wimbledon was canceled for the first time in 75 years.

The USTA got the green light Tuesday from the New York state government to go ahead with its proposal for a scaled-down tournament. There will be no spectators, fewer events, fewer on-court officials and regular temperature checks and occasional nasal swabs for COVID-19. Most players — and their reduced entourages — will stay at two designated hotels, although more expensive private homes are also an option.

“I’ll certainly miss the fans, don’t get me wrong,” said Williams, a 38-year-old American. “Just being out there, and that New York crowd, and hearing everyone cheer. I’ll really miss that, getting me through some of those tough matches.”

Her backing for the tournament — she has won it six times and was the runner-up in 2018 and 2019 — is certainly a boost for broadcaster ESPN and perhaps will help sway other uncertain players to compete, too.

“It’s clear we’re extremely excited and appreciative she’s committed this early to play the tournament,” USTA CEO Mike Dowse said. “As we all know, she transcends tennis. She’s so much bigger than our sport.”

Defending men’s champion Rafael Nadal and both No. 1-ranked players, Novak Djokovic and Ash Barty, have expressed varying levels of concern about heading to New York. Simona Halep, a two-time major champion, said Wednesday she is leaning toward not playing.

“It’s a real mixed reaction right now,” Steve Simon, the CEO of the women’s tour, said in a telephone interview. “It’s going to be fluid, but we’re going to see an awful lot of players wanting to come back and play again if they can travel and obviously if they feel like it’s a safe environment to play in.”

New York was, at one point, the coronavirus epicenter in the U.S. — a facility housing indoor courts at the U.S. Open’s site in Queens was used as a field hospital with hundreds of beds at the height of the crisis — but cases have dropped significantly and the city has started reopening.

Tournament director Stacey Allaster said Williams was one of several people — including players, coaches and agents — she’s been in touch with via email, telephone or video calls about possible participation.

“Through the journey, and as word started to spread earlier this week that the event was happening, I did (hear) that they want to play and that they are training and that they’re comfortable with the plan,” Allaster said. “It will be an evolving journey and, ultimately, the athletes will decide. And we’re confident that who decides (to come) will put on a great show with great stars.”

Halep is currently ranked No. 2 and is the reigning champion at Wimbledon. She also won the French Open in 2018.

Her best showing at Flushing Meadows was a semifinal appearance in 2015.

“Given the conditions outlined in the U.S. Open announcement this morning, as of today I do not currently plan to play in NYC,” Halep said in a statement emailed to the AP. “However, as we know, this situation is fluid and that the conditions may change and improve before the entry deadline in mid July. I would like to underline that my decision is not set in stone.”

Another two-time major champion, Petra Kvitova, released a statement that indicated she has yet to decide whether to go to New York.

“Hopefully the COVID-19 numbers and conditions around travel restrictions continue to improve,” Kvitova said, “in order to make the decision to play an easy one.”

South Gibson prepping for start of school year –

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FORT BRANCH — South Gibson School Corporation Superintendent Stacey Humbaugh wants to start the school year with all students back in their classrooms.

The corporation has formed committees for each school building to work on re-entry plans for the 2020-21 school year based on guidance from the State.

“We’re just trying to take in the several pages of documents,” Humbaugh told the school board Tuesday evening.

The subcommittees were formed because re-entry will mostly look different per age group, with the K-8 schools varying from Gibson Southern High School.

Humbaugh said there are a lot of moving parts right now, as they plan for the start of school as well as the July 6 start date for sports conditioning.

She said once the plan is set for the start of the school year, there could always be adjustments made as needed. The corporation will work with the Gibson County Health Department for guidance on its plan.

Humbaugh said she wants students back in the classroom, but safely.

She said the online learning can be hard, and there are some rural areas where students live that can add technical issues.

“You try to Zoom with a weak connection, there’s nothing easy about it,” she said.

With the start of school in mind, Humbaugh also looked back on the work teachers did to end the school year. Many got creative with their lessons for the e-learning space, as well as coaches keeping kids active at home.

“We had a lot of people step up to the plate,” she said.

Other businessExtracurricular hires: Pete Humbaugh, volunteer girls golf coach at Gibson Southern High School; Jeni Britton, eighth grade volleyball coach at Owensville Community School; Rick McKinney, eighth grade boys basketball coach at OCS; Phil Minnis, band director at OCS; Courtney Kuester, yearbook sponsor at OCS.

Hires: Jamie Malotte, part time Spanish teacher at GSHS; Whitney McManus, HQ Special Ed. Aide for 7.5 hours a day at OCS; Jessica Lucas, HQ Special Ed. Aide for 7.5 a day at OCS; Mahala Burger, HQ Special Ed. Aide for 7 hours a day at OCS; Sherry Wilson, HQ Special Ed. Aide for 7 hours a day at OCS; Shannon Hall, Non-HQ 1:1 Aide for 7.5 hours a day at OCS; Carla Kuhlenschmidt, HQ PK Aide for 7 hours a day at OCS; Aliyah Schmitt, HQ Aide for 7 hours a day at OCS; Ann Hackert, middle school math and computer technology teacher at Haubstadt Community School; Neil Beste, 12-month Custodian at OCS effective; Tiffany Absher, Life Skills Teacher at GSHS.

Retirement: Joyce Michel as a fourth-grade teacher at Fort Branch Community School. Superintendent Humbaugh made note of how outstanding a teacher Michel was.

The board approved the memorandum of understanding for the 4T Academy. All three school boards have now approved the agreement.

Colonial Belle Dry Docked in Lyons, Prepping To Return to Service – Spectrum News

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The famous Erie Canal tour boat the Colonial Belle is prepping for the start of a delayed canal season.

“We have a little extra time this year so we can do a few extra things that we may not have had time for,” said Captain Tammee Poinan Grimes.

What You Need To Know

  • The Colonial Belle has been dry docked in Lyons since last fall
  • The ship is undergoing maintenance to return to service in Fairport
  • Tours will be reduced from 140 passengers to 70 to start to comply with COVID-19 guidelines
  • Once the season begins there will be several cruises per day

The Colonial Belle, from Fairport, has been in dry dock in Lyons since last fall. Captain Grimes is overseeing preseason maintenance, painting, welding, and carpentry to get the 1961 vessel ready for public, private, and narrated tours of the Erie Canal. 

“Our season was scheduled to begin on May 15 however during the New York Pause, all the construction to get the canal ready for the season was stopped. They just recently filled the water on the west side of the gates so we have water over there so it shouldn’t be too much longer,” Grimes said.

Every season the Colonial Belle welcomes more than 10,000 passengers aboard. Things will be a little different this season. The tours will operate at half the passenger capacity to start. That’s about 70 passengers compared to the usual 140 due to COVID-19 health and safety guidelines.

“There are still a few more things to do and we will have a float date soon and we will be able to bring the boat back up the canal to the Fairport/Pittsford area. We are hoping to be cruising by the fourth of July and possibly a little bit sooner. We are a commercial vessel so if the canal is ready for us we will be cruising a little bit before that,” Grimes added.

“We are a family of life-long boaters and I have several generations before me that were boaters. Part of the reason my parents met is because they were on the water at cottages as next-door neighbors so it is a long family tradition of boating. We love the water. The people are incredible. When people come out for a boat ride they are coming out for a good time. It is just a whole different perspective from the water than it is from land.”

“We have a great plan in place but as everything — things change quickly right now so we are staying on top of that so that we know we are going to keep our customers and crew and captains very safe,” said Grimes.

There will be several two to three-hour cruises daily that depart to and from the Village of Fairport. 

For reservations call (585) 223-9470 or visit