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That plan begins this Wednesday, as limited operations will be offered in the College Welcome Center, the Lifelong Learning Center, and the Library on the Norfolk campus. President Leah Barrett says plexiglass will separate the public from the staff at those facilities, and signage regarding proper hand hygiene and mask-wearing will be posted on-campus as well.
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MANCHESTER — City officials announced Sunday that plans are being finalized to deploy two additional mobile COVID-19 testing sites in Manchester later this week.
These include a second day of testing near the intersection of Union and Spruce streets on Thursday and a testing site (location being finalized) organized in coordination with the organizers of a Juneteenth event and the YWCA on Friday.
Tests at these two locations will be offered by appointment only. Anyone interested in being tested at either of these sites, or who wants to explore other testing options, is asked to call the Manchester Hotline at 668-1547.
Last week the Manchester Emergency Operations Center oversaw two other mobile testing sites, one at the Varney School Apartments senior housing location, where 58 people were tested, and one in partnership with several community organizations in the area of Union and Spruce, where 59 were tested. Partnering organizations included Centro Latino, St. Anne’s/St. Augustin’s Church, Hope Tabernacle, GSOP, Don Quijote Restaurant and NeighborWorks Southern NH.
The state reports 96,421 residents have been tested for COVID-19 as of June 13, and 15,631 have undergone antibody testing.
The Manchester Hotline operates Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. for individuals seeking testing appointments, general questions related to COVID-19 and for assistance with basic needs, such as food.
Last week, the hotline fielded approximately 100 phone calls.
For the past month and a half there has been a steady flow of residents and staff in and out of the Lewiston Armory all day, such as a rainy Wednesday afternoon June 11. The Central Avenue facility has served as an emergency shelter and is tentatively planning to close June 30. Russ Dillingham/Sun Journal Buy this Photo
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LEWISTON — Officials are planning for transitioning people out of an emergency homeless shelter as a rough deadline for closing the facility approaches.
With a planned closing date of June 30, those operating the emergency “wellness” shelter are attempting to find permanent housing or other accommodations for the nearly 60 individuals staying there during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The shelter, which opened April 22, has been funded by MaineHousing, which contracted with the Lewiston-based Community Concepts to run day-to-day operations.
Shawn Yardley, CEO of Community Concepts, said officials would like to have solid plans in place by early next week in order to give firm dates to both employees and those staying at the shelter. The shelter population has been hovering around its capacity of 60 beds.
No determination has been made on whether to do a “hard stop” on June 30, or a gradual transition, he said. Yardley said they will not accept any new guests after June 30, and the armory would only be available for “some part” of July for a transition period.
“We want to make sure there’s appropriate time for folks to transition to something more appropriate than back on the streets,” he said.
He said some individuals will hopefully end up in permanent housing through Section 8 housing vouchers, and that several agencies are working together to organize transitions.
The city has also been in on the discussions from the beginning. The Lewiston Armory is run by the city’s Recreation Department, which has been largely closed during the pandemic.
“The shelter operators and its partners have been and will continue to work to find more permanent housing for those who have been using the temporary wellness shelter,” City Administrator Ed Barrett said.
He said the Lewiston Housing Authority, the Maine Department of Health and Human Services and the city’s General Assistance program are assisting Community Concepts in the transition.
The effort, which began at a time when case counts were still rising, was aimed at limiting the amount of close interactions and potential overcrowding at the city’s existing shelters. With a large gymnasium, the armory was able to host 60 beds separated by more than 6 feet, along with food service and access to showers.
While some shelters across the state have dealt with outbreaks of the coronavirus, the armory has reported only one confirmed case. Additional tests were negative.
Yardley said other time and facility restrictions include when schools will be back in session. The shelter has been using shower facilities at Lewiston Middle School, while conducting “aggressive cleaning” there.
Despite being the second-largest city in Maine, Lewiston does not have a city-run shelter like those in Bangor and Portland.
Earlier this month, officials at MaineHousing said the state is working with homeless advocates on a plan to restructure the state’s network of shelters and emergency housing programs, due to health concerns at crowded shelters.
During a City Council meeting Tuesday, councilors also asked about the shelter winding down operations, and transitioning planning.
Deputy City Administrator Denis D’Auteuil, who has been leading the city’s pandemic response, said several meetings were taking place this week to come up with a transition plan.
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From the Red Cross
As we all deal with challenging demands of the coronavirus, the June 1 start of hurricane season is coming and it’s important to get prepared. Because of COVID-19, getting prepared will look a little different than in other years. With that thinking in mind, the American Red Cross in Greater NY has tips to help you.
“Disasters won’t stop, even during a pandemic,” said Stephanie Dunn Ashley, CEO, American Red Cross Metro NY North Region. “Hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30 and early reports predict an ‘above average season’ with three to six storms reaching major hurricane strength. Make your preparations now, thinking about the coronavirus situation as you do.”
MAKE A PLAN In light of the coronavirus, you may have to adjust any previous plans you made.
If authorities advise you to evacuate, be prepared to leave immediately with your evacuation kit (see below).
Plan now if you will need help leaving or if you need to share transportation.
Ask friends or relatives outside your area if you are able to stay with them. Check and see if they have symptoms of COVID-19 or have people in their home at higher risk for serious illness. If they have symptoms or people at higher risk in their home, make other arrangements. Check with hotels, motels and campgrounds to see if they are open. Find out if your local emergency management agency has adapted its sheltering plans.
Plan ahead for your pets. Keep a phone list of pet-friendly hotels/motels and animal shelters that are along your evacuation routes. Remember, if it’s not safe for you to stay home, it’s not safe for your pets.
BUILD A KIT Assemble two kits of emergency supplies and a one-month supply of prescription medication. Some supplies may be hard to get, and availability will worsen in a disaster, so start gathering supplies now. Start with this basic supply list:
Stay-at-home kit: Include everything you need to stay at home for at least two weeks with items such as food, water, household cleaning and disinfectant supplies, soap, paper products and personal hygiene items.
Evacuation kit: Your second kit should be a lightweight, smaller version that you can take with you if you must leave your home quickly. Include everything you need to be on your own for three days:
Food and water
Personal hygiene items
Cleaning and disinfectant supplies that you can use on the go (tissues, hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol and disinfecting wipes)
Cloth face coverings for everyone in your household who can wear one safely. Cloth face coverings are not a substitute for physical distancing. Continue to keep about 6 feet between yourself and others in public. Cloth face coverings should not be placed on young children under age 2, anyone who has trouble breathing or is unable to remove it without help.
Infant formula, bottles, diapers, wipes and diaper rash cream
Pet food and extra water
Cash or traveler’s checks
Important family documents such as copies of insurance policies, identification and bank account records saved electronically or in a waterproof, portable container
1-month supply of prescription medication, as well as over-the-counter medications like cough suppressants and fever reducing drugs and medical supplies or equipment. Keep these items together in a separate container so you can take them with you if you have to evacuate.
BE INFORMED Have access to weather alerts and community notifications. Be sure that you can receive official notifications even during a power outage. Always follow the directions of your state and local authorities.
Use the Red Cross interactive map to identify likely disasters in your area.
Learn about your community’s response plan for each disaster and determine if these plans have been adapted because of COVID-19.
Find contact information for state, local and tribal governments and agencies, and for state emergency management agencies.
Because of COVID-19, stay current on advice and restrictions from your state and local public health authorities as it may affect your actions and available resources and facilities.
Preparedness for Kids: The Pillowcase Project – The Pillowcase Project is an interactive preparedness education program, typically taught in a classroom setting, for children in grades 3 through 5 that teaches kids how to prepare for emergencies, practice what they have learned, and share their knowledge with family and friends. The idea is that when an emergency occurs, everyone in the child’s family knows what to do and how to help each other stay safe. As part of this age-appropriate lesson the kids will also learn skills to help them cope with the emotional brought on by these different emergencies. The Pillowcase Project virtual classes are offered via Webex weekly.
Preparedness for Adults: Prepare, Respond, Recover: What to do When Disaster Strikes – The training gives a comprehensive overview on how to prepare for natural and man-made disasters and how to respond to and recover from them.
Virtual classes are offered via WebEx weekly.
Visit for full information about what to do before, during and after a hurricane.
LONDON (Reuters) – G7 government bonds? Check. Gold? Check. But that may not be enough as the coronavirus crisis accelerates a hunt for a wider pool of assets to better balance investment portfolios during stressful times.
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FILE PHOTO: Traders wear masks as they work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange as the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continues in the Manhattan borough of New York, U.S., May 28, 2020. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson
Corporate and Chinese government debt are among alternatives being explored by multi-asset portfolio managers with mandates to invest across sectors, currencies and countries.
It’s been a moot point for years now whether U.S., Japanese and German bonds can adequately offset equity volatility. Given how relentlessly yields have fallen, many fear these bonds can no longer rally much when stocks fall – effectively losing the inverse correlation that made them a valuable defensive asset.
In fact Treasuries’ hefty rally in the recent crisis showed their safe-haven credentials remain intact. And U.S., German and other developed government bonds will always have a role as portfolio ballast, backed by conviction that these debts will never face default and can easily be bought or sold.
But the crisis has shown that even the safest of assets can succumb to panic — as global stocks tumbled during the volatile March 9-19 period, 10-year U.S. and German bond prices slid 9% and 7% respectively.
Compare that to Bunds’ 10% price rally during the worst of the 2011 euro debt crisis between end-May and early-August.
“We do have a sense that things are shifting,” said Wouter Sturkenboom, who helps to formulate investment strategy for $350 billion in client assets at Northern Trust Asset Management.
He has reallocated 7% of his equity portfolio towards U.S. corporate debt, inflation-linked bonds and cash, instead of government debt as he would have done earlier.
“You can’t just rely on (government bonds) in this environment, you need to go through the whole risk-control bucket,” Sturkenboom added.
Similarly, Gavin Counsell, a multi-asset fund manager at Allianz Global Investors, said he had roughly halved exposure to UK gilts since early March and favours precious metals.
The traditional multi-asset strategy – an equity-dominated portfolio alongside a big dollop of government bonds – appeared to function less well this year than during past crises.
During the 2008 global financial crisis for instance, a portfolio comprising equity and government bonds in a 60:40 ratio would have lost 2%. But in March-April this year, a similar portfolio lost 13%, according to investment advisory firm BCA Research.
The reason bonds find it harder to move inversely to equities is that German and U.S. 10-year yields are 500 bps and 350 bps lower than they were on the eve of the 2008 crisis.
“A stronger cross-asset correlation is the worst nightmare for any portfolio manager, and this has been a defining feature of this crisis, prompting the search for alternative assets,” said Dhaval Joshi, chief European strategist at BCA.
GRAPHIC: Correlations: Stocks, Bonds and Commodities – here
Luckily for investors, the U.S. Federal Reserve’s decision to include company debt in its stimulus programme has sharply expanded the pool of potential ‘safe’ assets, adding $7 trillion in top-rated corporate bonds to the existing $20 trillion in government debt, Fed and IHS Markit data show.
In Europe too, $2.4 trillion of top-rated credit is eligible for European Central Bank purchases – on top of $8 trillion in government debt.
Investors pumped a record $20.8 billion into investment grade corporate bonds in the week to June 3, according to BofA.
“Investment-grade paper … is the new Treasuries as it has the backing of the Fed,” said Jack McIntyre, fixed income portfolio manager at Brandywine Global.
“I would bypass some of these traditional safe haven markets to buy (IG) debt. Treasuries have an explicit guarantee from the government but IG credit has an implicit guarantee from the Fed.”
Some are casting their net wider.
Stuart Rumble, an investment director at Fidelity Investments is exploring Chinese government bonds as a diversification strategy – noting their lower correlation to global equities.
They also pay a reasonable income – at 2.8% for 10-year paper they provide a 250-300 bps pickup over U.S. and European debt.
GRAPHIC: Government bond yields during crises – here
BlackRock’s head of Asian Credit, Neeraj Seth, predicts a greater shift towards Chinese debt for portfolio diversification.
While emerging market bonds usually move in line with equities and other risk assets, Chinese government bonds increasingly go in the other direction – behaving like Treasuries or Bunds.
In the first quarter of 2020, they gained nearly 5%, contrasting with a 15% drop in emerging market bonds. They have also outperformed U.S. Treasuries and German Bunds this year on a volatility-adjusted basis, Refinitiv data shows.
What about parking cash in money market funds?
Investment advisers say that in countries such as Germany where one literally pays to hold cash, even conservative investors are increasingly willing to deploy the cash in equities and use option hedges to protect those positions.
“I had a call last week with a traditional German family office CEO who has never used options,” said Christian Mueller-Glissmann, managing director of portfolio strategy and asset allocation at Goldman Sachs.
“And he essentially said it’s time to start talking about put options.”
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The 202 year-old clothing retailer Brooks Brothers is in talks with banks about raising financing for a potential Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing amid the coronavirus pandemic, according to a report by CNBC.
The bankruptcy filing could come as soon as July, the report said.
A Brooks Brothers spokesperson did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
CNBC reported Brooks Brothers launched a sale process of the company earlier this year and could still follow through without filing for bankruptcy. Brooks Brothers CEO Claudio Del Vecchio also told The New York Times earlier this week that bankruptcy was not out of the question.
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As Massachusetts prepares for the second phase of reopening, there is still concern across the region about how those who rely on public transportation will be able to safely and efficiently get to work amid the coronavirus pandemic.
For many, the answer is to use their bike, walk or take their cars. But for many in communities like Chelsea, East Boston and Revere, where many of the essential service workers live, the T’s buses and subways are the only way to get to work. And, as more people return to their jobs, those routes are expected to get more crowded.
The MBTA is currently running about 60 percent of its normal schedule of buses and subways, and officials plan on increasing service during Phase 2 of the opening, which is expected to begin on Monday. By Phase 3, which will start no earlier than June 29, the MBTA is expected to restore full service. As more people return to work and ridership increases, the T says it will add more buses and subways to corridors where crowding is observed.
General Manager Stephen Poftak is expected to provide more details Monday, but there is no doubt this is one of the biggest challenges the T has ever faced: how to provide the public transit service that people need in a way that makes them feel safe in the era of COVID-19.
While the T has increased service on some bus routes during the first weeks of the pandemic, many riders have said they don’t feel comfortable on public transportation. In May, a WGBH News/Boston Globe poll found only 18 percent of respondents would feel comfortable riding buses, subways, or commuter trains once we are allowed to again.
As a member of the T Riders Union, Mela Miles of Roxbury says she hasn’t taken the T since the pandemic shutdown began. “I do not feel safe at all. I didn’t feel like they would thoroughly clean the bus because they never did it before,” she said, noting that she sees crowded buses and trains with passengers wearing improvised, inadequate face coverings, or none at all. “People forget that they have to stay 6 feet away from you, and you can’t really keep a safe distance on the back of a bus.”
”There was overcrowding throughout the crisis, and we’ve seen that now being even more as more folks are going back to work,” Maria Belen Power, assistant executive director of Green Roots, an environmental and health organization based in Chelsea, told WGBH news. Power expressed concerns that the shuttle buses deployed during the recent Blue Line rehab work, which were supposed to be frequent enough to avoid crowding, didn’t work.
The MBTA has set occupancy limits that would allow people to maintain physical distance from each other on T vehicles. In general, safe occupancy will mean less than half the usual number of riders on buses, subways and trains. On a typical bus, that will be 20 passengers instead of 58. On a Red Line car, 57 people will be considered max occupancy instead of 142.
How the T will manage maintaining that limit remains unclear, but in addition to operating as many buses and trains as possible, T officials are exploring ways to communicate with riders in real time how crowded a vehicle is either on the on the vehicle itself or through the T-Alert smartphone app. To alleviate crowding by the backdoors of buses, the T will once again allow for passengers to board through the front door.
Jarred Johnson, the chief operating officer of TransitMatters, an organization dedicated to improving public transportation in Boston, praised the MBTA for its responsiveness to rider concerns thus far.
“They’ve been responding to people’s complaints about the buses being too crowded and are adjusting frequencies and adjusting headways in real time and that’s been great and the T needs to keep doing that,” he said.
As more riders return to buses and subways, enforcement of regulations requiring masks will be an issue.
“You are not permitted to ask someone who is not wearing a mask are they not wearing it for medical reasons because that violates their privacy from a medical perspective,” Transportation Secretary Stephanie Pollack recently said at a meeting of Regional Transit Authority administrators. Pollack added that bus drivers should not be responsible for enforcing the facial covering requirement since it distracts from their job and could potentially lead to contentious and even violent confrontations with unruly passengers.
To avoid the problem on MBTA buses, prerecorded public service announcements will be played to remind passengers they are required to wear face coverings.
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UTEP spring practice keeps going through virus scare Wochit
The UTEP athletics department has been planning for months for a safe return from the coronavirus lockdown and now they are ready to implement it.
Miner football coach Dana Dimel is hoping for a mid-June return with an all-volunteer group of 45 athletes to resume off-season conditioning that was put on hold in mid-March.
The volleyball team will conduct physicals for half the team starting on June 11 but won’t hit the gym until June 22.
The hope is that 45 will become 90 by July, the team will be a full-go by August and the Sept. 5 opener with Texas Tech will be played as scheduled.
“We’re going to start to bring kids back on a voluntary basis on June 15,” Dimel said. “We’re going to keep our numbers in the 40s, right now 45 guys are coming back. It will be 45 guys better served being here, the other ones will be better served being at home.
“We looked at things like how well are they eating, how well are they training. If they are eating well, the gyms are open, they are training well, they will stay at home.”
If all of that goes well, and if players contract COVID-19 plans could change, the goal is to have 90 players (the full roster is typically between 100 and 105) back on July 1.
As for what the June workouts will look like and all the procedures around them, that has been the subject of much thought.
“They’ll get screened, then they’ll go to the field, then to the weight room, then to the locker room and the showers,” Dimel said. “There will be no group meetings, it will all be virtual on Zoom. If they want to do individual, one-on-one meeting with coaches, they can maintain social distance. We don’t want kids coming and going.
“They come to do their work, then go home.”
Dimel said there will be two workout groups of 22 or 23. Masks will not have to be worn outdoors, but will indoors so the athletes will be lifting weights wearing masks. New masks will be issued each day. A training tent will be set up outside.
Summer offseason conditioning is always non-contact, but now this will extend to things such as sit-ups and stretching, where players won’t be able to spot each other.
“We are leading the way on this,” Dimel said of the football program. “Everybody, (athletic director) Jim (Senter), (director of sports medicine) Dawn Hearne, (head trainer) Tony (Cordova), (strength and conditioning coach) Kevin Schadt have done a great job getting everything structured and ready to go.”
What is certain is that for the Miners to be ready for Tech on Sept. 5 they will have to be back in a fully normal routine by August.
“We have to have a restart by August 1, we’ve got to have a normal camp,” Dimel said. “It will take four weeks to get guys into shape. I think things are moving in the right direction.”
The timetable for volleyball is similar, with roughly half the 21-player roster checking in on June 11 and the other half on July 6. The first group will be players currently stationed closer to El Paso. That includes the only international player, Latvian Irbe Lazda, who stayed here during the lockdown and just moved back into the dorms.
“We’re hoping by mid-July we can play a little volleyball, maybe two-on-two, three-on-three, four-on-four eventually getting back to 6-on-6,” coach Ben Wallis said. “We’ve got a scrimmage set up for August 22 against Grand Canyon at Memorial Gym, that’s still on, and if all goes well, we’ve got Tulane and Incarnate Word and potentially (New Mexico) on the weekend of August 28-29.”
As is the case with football, Wallis said his team needs to get going by the beginning of August to be able to hit those playing benchmarks.
Late Thursday UTEP athletics made the reintroduction timetables official.
“It is important for us to bring student-athletes back to campus in a thoughtful and deliberate fashion, one that ensures we are following best practices and meeting CDC guidelines for the sake of everyone’s health and safety,” athletic director Jim Senter said.
“We know that until a vaccine is developed, we will have to live with the virus and must learn to mitigate the risk of catching it. Bringing Miner student-athletes back to campus is a huge step toward achieving some sense of normalcy.”
Per a press release, limited numbers of student-athletes from cross country, soccer and volleyball will be integrated for voluntary workouts beginning the week of June 22.
Limited numbers of student-athletes from men’s and women’s basketball and track and field will be integrated for voluntary workouts beginning the week of June 29. Student-athletes from all other sports will be eligible to return to campus for voluntary workouts starting the week of July 6.
As with everything else, all is subject to change, but UTEP has been preparing for the next step forward for some time.
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STARKVILLE, Miss. (WCBI) – Summer camps have made adjustments to provide students the best experience possible during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Virtual summer camps would be the next obstacle for the Starkville Oktibbeha Consolidated School District.
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Dr. Brandi Burton is the director of innovation for the school district. She said a lot of planning went into making sure students had the best hands-on experience.
“We wanted to offer a type of fun experience,” said Dr. Burton. “We pride ourselves with being able to do summer camps in Starkville. So we just try to sit down and think of how we can stay within all the rules and also offer something fun for the kids that will be learning and engaging at the same time.”
Dr. Burton said there would be four summer opportunities for students.
But one possible challenge they could face was keeping students engaged.
“We are trying to limit the time that they will be on a zoom based on their ages,” adds Dr. Burton. “Because there is research showing how certain ages can stay engaged for 15 minutes and 30 minutes you know we’re letting that come in to play.”
Dr. Burton said there was a possible solution.
“A teacher may work with five students for this time period,” said Burton. “So that they are not all doing it at one time. Just so that they can give them that one on one attention and not be such a group effort.”
The deadline for students to apply to these programs is Friday, June 5. To learn more, click here.