After prepping for weeks, Twirl Hair Salon excited to finally reopen – WLNE-TV (ABC6)

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SMITHFIELD, R.I. (WLNE) – With the start of Phase 2 Monday, comes the reopening of hair salons. Many of which have been prepping for weeks.

When we last checked in with “Twirl” Hair Salon in Smithfield, the owner was looking for detailed information from the state about Phase 2 health and safety requirements.

She says that guidance finally came this past Thursday evening. She says she tried to plan ahead as much as possible despite the unknowns and she can now say she’s excited and will be read to reopen on Tuesday.

“We didn’t know – you know – how many people could be in the building, so therefore we didn’t start booking clients because we didn’t know how many customers we could have. We didn’t know how we were going to be able to book staff, so that was really difficult. And we also didn’t know what services we were going to be able to provide.” Said, Sarah Turcone, Owner of Twirl Hair Studio.

She says they’ll be operating at about 30 percent capacity in Phase 2, but they may be able to increase that capacity by providing services in a tent outside the building.

Appointments are already filling up.

How One German Theater Is Prepping For (Re)opening Night – Vanity Fair

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The show must go on, but a little kleiner.

The Guardian reported on Friday from the Theater am Schiffbauerdamm, a 128-year-old Berlin theater that saw the premiere of The Threepenny Opera in 1928, closed after World War II, then reopened as home to Bertolt Brecht’s Berliner Ensemble in 1954. The company expects to be back on the boards on September 4th.

Audiences will notice some significant changes. For starters, lots of leg and elbow room. Five hundred of the auditorium’s 700 seats have been removed. Most of the remaining seats are in pairs, with some singles sprinkled in. “We simply could have blocked seats or taken out only entire rows, but that would have looked ghostly,” artistic director Oliver Reese said.

None of the seats will be too close to the stage, to allow a safe distance from the performers. Also, some doors to the auditorium will remain open, to keep the air moving.

Notably, none of the performances will have an intermission. This is meant to avoid choke points at rest rooms during the typical act-break rushes. While this may make for more people needing to dash-off mid-show to relieve themselves, the gaps in seating will likely make this far less disruptive than with the usual tight rows.

The programming schedule is currently unknown, but the report did say that a previously planned version of Macbeth that involved a great deal of “kissing and licking” has been scrapped.

If you are wondering how the Berliner Ensemble can plan for a fall season with a drastically-reduced seating capacity (and, importantly, no increase in ticket prices) while so many American producers have completely given up on 2020, The Guardian offers details about German subsidies for the arts.

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Prepping Your Bike for Spring and Summer Rides – 9 & 10 News – 9&10 News

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One of the countless things we love about northern Michigan is the endless bike trails and now is the perfect time to get your bike out if you haven’t already. Before you hit the trails it’s important

Prepping Your Bike For Summer

to do a checklist of bike preps.

Melissa Smith contacted the owner of City Bike Shop in Traverse City, Steve Basch for some basic pointers. Basch suggests people first check the air pressure on their tires if their bike has been in storage for the winter months. He says tires lose about half of their air over the winter.

Next, it’s best to check your chain on the bike. Run it backward with a rag and wipe off any dirt or oil from last year. Then take bike oil and go over each link and take the rag once again over the chain to wipe off any excess oil.

Basch recommends checking any bolts near the bike seat and handlebars. He says once you go for that first ride take notice of how your gears are changing and if the brakes are properly working. If anything seems off or not right, it’s best to contact your local bike shop.

During a tune-up at City Bike Shop, their bike experts will adjust things like bike brakes, shifting, tires, and check if adjustments need to be made to the hubs, bottom bracket, and pivot points. They will also check all bolts and nuts to make sure they’re tight.

City Bike Shop in Traverse City is open Monday through Saturday and hours dependent on the pandemic are posted on their website.  Their number is (231) 947-1312.

For a direct link to their website click here.

Allegheny, Westmoreland courts prepping for safe return to more normal schedules – TribLIVE

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Toyota prepping for gradual re-start in Mexico: spokesman – Reuters

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A logo of Toyota is pictured at Bangkok Auto Salon 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand, July 4, 2019. REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Toyota Motor Corp’s Mexico unit is in a preparation phase for the gradual re-start of its operations in the states of Baja California and Guanajuato, a spokesman told Reuters on Monday.

“This stage includes the implementation of protocols and health security measures, as well as training activities and production tests that allow us to adapt to new standards,” the spokesman said.

Reporting by Anthony Esposito; Editing by Daina Beth Solomon

Saint Joseph Hill Academy prepping for virtual graduation ceremony –

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STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — Although this year’s graduation ceremonies have been forced online due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, one Staten Island high school is making sure its seniors’ last weeks are memorable.

In recent days, small groups of seniors from Saint Joseph Hill Academy, Arrochar have been making their way back to the school, while maintaining safe social distance, in preparation for the school’s virtual ceremony.

Students received their caps and gowns, as well as special Hilltopper care packages that include various Hill-related goodies.

The school has said it is “filming something special” for the virtual graduation ceremony and posted behind-the-scenes footage on Facebook of what appears to be a socially-distant graduation procession.

“Stay tuned for more creative, social distancing graduation activities we have planned,” the school posted to Facebook.

Winston County Sheriff prepping for busy Memorial Day weekend – WCBI

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WINSTON COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – Memorial Day weekend starts Friday and with the state of Mississippi easing up on some COVID-19 restrictions, more people are ready to hit the roads.

The holiday weekend is the unofficial start of summer and one of the busiest weekends of the year for travelers and law enforcement.

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Winston County Sheriff Jason Pugh will have his hands full this weekend, as this holiday weekend could be like no other due to COVID-19.

Many people who are staying close to home – are ready to venture out.

“I asked our citizens to remember to do things that are safe,” said Sheriff Pugh. “You know these numbers are still not good in the state. To try to social distance and do things that they need to do to say safe. My guys will be out in force just like they are every Memorial Day weekend nothing changes there. Deputies will be out Friday night Saturday night and Sunday night.”

With curfew in Winston County from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m., Pugh said he hoped that would help cut down on the amount of crime.

“That is for the protection of personal property,” said Sheriff Pugh. “You know we are not necessarily out trying to get a guy going to work or get the guy to have to do this, or an emergency or something like that. What we are more concerned about and have been since the beginning is people that are looking to break into businesses that are closed.”

But there’s another concern – crowds.

“I feel like there will be a lot of families congregating,” said Sheriff Pugh. “A lot of barbecue. A lot of that sort of thing. A lot of people heading to the river and places like that. Obviously you see some drinking and you know that’s a common Memorial Day weekend problem that you see some people drinking.”

Higher ed leaders prepping for uncertain future – GazetteNET

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BOSTON – Instituting a change at a college or university has been compared to “trying to move a cemetery,” Emerson College President Lee Pelton said during a Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce panel Wednesday.

But the demands of the COVID-19 pandemic have forced a series of swift changes across higher education – most notably, the widespread abrupt transition to remote learning in the middle of spring semesters – and the college leaders who participated in Wednesday’s panel said schools will need to be nimble as they look ahead to the still-uncertain fall term.

“We’re going to have to be more flexible than we’ve ever been in the way we offer education,” Boston University President Robert Brown said.

Colleges, universities and their thousands of students, faculty and staff members make up a major part of both the Boston area economy and its cultural identity. The five presidents who joined the chamber’s panel said things will look different on their campuses when fall arrives.

The state’s four-phase reopening plan calls for higher education institutions to each craft their own individual reopening plans, with safety guidelines and health monitoring protocols to be implemented “across all elements of campus life – including classrooms, housing, dining, facilities and services.”

The first phase of the state’s plan, launched Monday, allows colleges and universities to repopulate their research laboratories and clinics and to restart functions necessary to prepare their campuses, with social distancing measures in place.

Pelton, who moderated the panel, said Emerson is in the process of “trying to determine the structure of the fall term” with the hope of having some in-person classes that would likely be complemented by remote learning. He said the school plans to make an announcement within the next two and a half weeks.

Northeastern University President Joseph Aoun said his school’s goal is for a “full reopening” in the fall, which would involve Northeastern doing its own testing and tracking for COVID-19, along with looking “at the density of everything in the university.”

Testing for the coronavirus will also be an “essential part” of the return to campus at BU, which is working to set up its own testing facility, Brown said.

“The biggest changes are going to be in the living conditions, the way our residential campuses are going to work, how our students are going to have to segregate themselves into what I would call households, smaller groups, and try to decrease the amount of mixing among our students,” Brown said.

The dynamics of reopening at Bunker Hill Community College, a commuter school with campuses in Charlestown and Chelsea, will be closely linked to what happens with the MBTA and how the city of Boston’s reopening process unfolds, President Pam Eddinger said.

“We are planning that a majority of our classes will be hybrid, remote, or online, with a smaller number of on-ground classes and of course our on-ground labs,” she said.

Chelsea has been the Massachusetts city hardest hit by the pandemic, in terms of infection rates, and Eddinger said she’s “never seen such stresses on students.” Some students, she said, are grappling with things like lack of technology, internet access, or a quiet place to study and participate in online classes, while also juggling child care and struggling to meet basic needs around food and housing.

“We’re finding that students sometimes just disappear because they can’t get online, so we ended up purchasing a lot of the technical equipment and delivering groceries to these students,” she said. “My fear is that the students who are truly in stress, we’re not hearing from and they will go away and they will go away permanently.”

The University of Massachusetts has also taken steps to provide laptops to students who need them, system president Marty Meehan said. Meehan, a former congressman, said he worked with the state’s Congressional delegation to see support for colleges and their students included in the $2 trillion stimulus package known as the CARES Act.

“I’m worried about how we’re going to meet these students looking into the future, because I don’t think the state is going to have the money to invest in that,” Meehan said.

He continued, “This represents a major challenge for this country. If we leave these folks behind, we’re not going to have economic prosperity in this country.”

During the panel, Meehan’s office announced that he plans to propose a tuition freeze for the 2020-2021 academic year.

The UMass system is “preparing for all options” this fall, Meehan said, including opening its five campuses with social distancing guidelines in place, online education and hybrid models.

He said he expects “dramatic changes” to the higher education landscape as a result of the pandemic and that, while there will always be some students who want the four-year, on-campus experience, he sees online education as becoming more and more important.

Higher education “needs to be more nimble,” Meehan said, particularly as it confronts demographic changes in the region that will translate to a smaller student population.

“If you look at Massachusetts in a whole, or New England, I don’t think there’s any way demographically to support the same number of colleges and universities, and in fact, I think this crisis is going to accelerate the challenges of many tuition-dependent institutions that don’t have large endowments,” he said. “I think that Massachusetts needs to figure out a way to make sure that those changes and the consolidation or closing of colleges and universities is done in a way that’s effective for the people of Massachusetts, but also that we collaborate more to prepare for that, because that day is coming.”

How San Diego Restaurants Are Prepping For Dine-In Customers – KPBS

KPBS Midday Edition Segments podcast branding

Going out to eat in the coronavirus era will be a very different experience, with spaced out tables, temperature checks for staff and perhaps giant stuffed animals.

Aired: May 19, 2020 | Transcript

Restaurants across San Diego are preparing to open for dine-in service as soon as they get the go-ahead from Gov. Gavin Newsom. But dining out in the coronavirus era will look very different with servers wearing masks, tables spread apart or empty and maybe even plexiglass between bar stools.

On Monday, Newsom said counties could soon get state approval to allow restaurants to reopen. Last week, the state published a list of guidelines for restaurants as they get ready to invite diners back.

At Raglan Public House in Ocean Beach on Monday, one of the owners, PJ Lamont, was furiously getting ready. It is one of five New Zealand-themed restaurants he co-owns and operates in San Diego.

“Tables will be six feet apart, bar seating we’re probably not going to be able to do period,” he said as he showed the new restaurant layout he’s preparing. “That’s one of the pending items right now.”

At first, he planned to sanitize all menus and silverware between customers – but after the state guidelines were published last week, he realized that was a non-starter.

“So everything will be in a sealed container, the host will bring that as well as rolled silverware to the table, more than likely with either gloves or tongs,” he said.

The restaurants have been open for takeout since March, when the stay-at-home orders were first implemented. And because social distancing only allows room for a few patrons to dine in, Lamont expects takeout to continue to be the majority of his business in the coming months.

“When we are going to be open for dine-in, it’s going to be about 30% is what we’re anticipating, so going to to-go business is really a giant shift for us,” he said. “We’ve always done it in the past, but now it’s going to be on the forefront. So we want to make it as much of a gift as possible as opposed to just food in a bag.”

They’re also making preparations for employees.

“For staff, we do face coverings, gloves and temp checks when they come in,” he said. “Anything over 100 (degrees) and they go home.”

Public health vs. privacy

But Lamont said he’s not ready at this point to require temperature checks for customers, or to collect their contact information so they can be reached if COVID-19 cases are traced back to the restaurant. Such measures have become the norm in other places around the world – including South Korea and Hong Kong.

Last week, Washington State’s governor announced that restaurants will have to keep logs of customer phone numbers and email addresses as part of a statewide contact tracing program.

RELATED: It’s Public Health Vs. Privacy As San Diego County Considers Contact Tracing App

As of now, that’s not part of California’s guidelines for restaurants to reopen. Lamont said he’d do it if the state requires it, though he’d rather not.

“It’s one of those things, once you give up one more little piece of freedom, are they always going to be doing that?” he said. “I personally don’t want to be the one holding all that information of other people.”

Yet, a log of restaurant customers would be helpful to quickly stop transmission, said Eyal Oren, an epidemiologist at San Diego State who used to run the contact tracing program for King County in Washington State.

“We know that highly effective contact tracing and case isolation is paramount to controlling this kind of outbreak,” he said. “And the probability of effective control decreases as you have a longer delay in someone being symptomatic to their being isolated to people around them are not quickly found, traced,” he said.

Still, he said, the privacy concerns would be difficult for Americans.

At Stone Brewing, plans are also underway for reopening. Gregg Frazer, the vice president of hospitality, said the company will comply with whatever state and local mandates are implemented. However, Stone has no plans to collect customers’ contact information unless it’s a requirement.

“You do get into some privacy issues when you start keeping track of who’s coming in the doors,” he said. “So I don’t think we’ll go above and beyond, because we want to ensure we’re not breaking any rules in the privacy piece.”

Stone has developed detailed plans for its spacious restaurants in Liberty Station and Escondido, including spacing out tables and posting marks every six feet in walkways to ensure proper social distancing—with Stone branding, of course.

“In Escondido, even at 50% that’s north of 600 people, and at Liberty Station that’s north of 1,000 people, we have huge footprints,” Frazer said. “So we can do 50% capacity and have a significant amount of room for social distancing.”

They’re also using reservations to pre-order some meals and are planning to use an app called GoTab, which allows customers to order without going to the bar or seeing a server.

Most restaurants don’t benefit from Stone’s spacious grounds, which means less room inside for seating customers. To help with this lack of space, some advocates are proposing shutting down streets to traffic to allow restaurants to seat more customers outdoors.

Regardless, PJ Lamont is preparing to do the best he can with the space inside his five restaurants. At Dunedin in North Park, he has a plan to keep a good atmosphere even with social distancing.

“Instead of removing tables and spacing them far apart, we’re just going to fill up the other tables with giant stuffed animals,” he said.

Listen to this story by Claire Trageser.

Photo of Claire Trageser

Claire Trageser
Investigative Reporter

opening quote marksclosing quote marksAs a member of the KPBS investigative team, my job is to hold the powerful in San Diego County accountable. I’ve done in-depth investigations on political campaigns, police officer misconduct and neighborhood quality of life issues.

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Prepping more food at home? Your food processor can help – WITI FOX 6 Milwaukee

With millions of people unable to head out to their local restaurants and self-quarantining in full effect in many parts of the country, you’re probably cooking a lot more homemade meals.

Consumer Reports says a food processor can help you with all of that chopping and prepping.

We’ve got expert recommendations to help you conquer all those kitchen tasks!

Smaller food choppers are helpful when you need to prep only a handful of something like
herbs or nuts.

Consumer Reports ran a series of food-prepping tests to find the best of each variety.

Testers grated Parmesan cheese to check for consistency.

Bricks of cheddar cheese and bunches of carrots were fed into the appliances to assess their shredding capability.

Onions and almonds were used to check the chopping feature.

Different tasks posed different challenges and yielded different results.

If chopping, grating, and pureeing in small batches is your priority, you can save some money
by considering the Ninja Master Prep Professional.

It scored very well in Consumer Reports’ tests and costs $60.

If you want capacity and performance, you’ll have to pay a lot more.

The Breville Sous Chef outperformed all of the larger processors Consumer Reports tested but costs $400.

For less money and noise, Consumer Reports also recommends the Cuisinart Custom for $180.

While many food processor parts are dishwasher-safe, Consumer Reports recommends hand-washing each part separately.

You can also use a toothbrush for bits of stuck-on food.

An all-purpose cleaner and a soft cloth dampened with water are enough to clean the base.

All Consumer Reports material Copyright 2019 Consumer Reports, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Consumer Reports is a not-for-profit organization which accepts no advertising. It has no commercial relationship with any advertiser or sponsor on this site. For more information visit

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