Prepping your home for near record-setting temps – WTMJ

Very cold temperatures settle in tonight, ones that could even be record setting for this time of year. 

According to Brian Niznansky of Storm Team 4, we’ll see temps around 10 degrees in Milwaukee and single digits inland, with the wind chill falling to around -10.

What can we do to prep our homes for this early onset winter?

Mr. Fix It Tom Feiza joined Wisconsin’s Morning News with some tips. Listen to the full interview in the player above.

Hutchinson Co. employees prepping move to new courthouse – The Daily Republic

Workers at the old courthouse are in the process of packing up files, furniture and other important items to move from the current courthouse, which has been in service with the county since 1881, to the new courthouse that is nearing completion on the west side of town, said Diane Murtha, auditor for Hutchinson County.

“The new furniture will be installed next week,” said Murtha from her office in the current courthouse.

The wet spring and summer slowed down construction on the new courthouse, which was originally slated to be completed in October. Murtha said there is still some work to be done before the new building is completely ready. The parking lot has yet to be paved, there is landscaping to be done to help with erosion and drainage and the phone system needs to be transferred over. Murtha said construction crews will complete as much of that work as they can as soon as they can considering the weather.

It’s been a tough building season for the crew working on the new courthouse, Murtha said. They’ve kept pace as best they could, but the weather has not been cooperative.

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“(It slowed down construction) big time. … We’re trying to get some landscaping done so we have some erosion control,” Murtha said. “If it would just quit raining we can get that done. Otherwise, the weather has had a major impact or it would have been done in October. Mother Nature had other plans.”

Jenaya Brengle, a 4-H youth adviser with the Hutchinson County Extension Office, packs up materials to move to the new Hutchinson County Courthouse, which is under construction on the west side of Olivet. The current courthouse, located in the middle of Olivet, has been in use by the county since 1881. (Erik Kaufman / Republic)

Jenaya Brengle, a 4-H youth adviser with the Hutchinson County Extension Office, packs up materials to move to the new Hutchinson County Courthouse, which is under construction on the west side of Olivet. The current courthouse, located in the middle of Olivet, has been in use by the county since 1881. (Erik Kaufman / Republic)

Hutchinson County voters approved the construction of the new courthouse in April 2018. County officials had started discussion about a new building in 2013 but initially faced opposition from the community and some officials in surrounding towns. During the years leading up to the vote, the county set aside $2.7 million in a construction fund to alleviate taxpayers being shouldered with the cost. The new structure measures 23,000 square feet and will provide more office space, a larger courtroom, will be accessible to those with disabilities and have a security system.

The county reviewed 25 bids for a projected cost of $4.5 million for the new building. Much of the loading up and moving of crucial materials to the new building will take place Nov. 19, 20, 21 and 22, when the courthouse will be closed and employees will haul the contents of their offices to their new homes. Murtha said phone service for county business will be down at that time as technicians transfer the phone system to the new building.

But everyone is ready to begin the move to the first truly new courthouse structure for the county in over 130 years, Murtha said. Staffers have been putting together boxes of materials throughout the year in anticipation of the move. And some of what is not being moved it being readied for destruction, such as paper files that the county is no longer legally required to keep.

“I have records that go back to the 1990s that we’ve been shredding. We only keep certain things and some we have to keep for so long, and we’ve been getting rid of that,” Murtha said.

The current Hutchinson County Courthouse in Olivet was originally constructed in 1881 and has been in use by the county ever since. Employees at the courthouse are preparing to move to a new building that is under construction on the west side of town. (Erik Kaufman / Republic)

The current Hutchinson County Courthouse in Olivet was originally constructed in 1881 and has been in use by the county ever since. Employees at the courthouse are preparing to move to a new building that is under construction on the west side of town. (Erik Kaufman / Republic)

Other items that will not make the journey to the new building include some vintage furniture and county property that will be sold to the public at auction after the move is complete.

“Next spring, we’re going to have a surplus auction. We have a chairlift, and there are quite a few things in here, including the 1970s furniture in the courtroom that someone may like,” Murtha said.

The process of moving will also involve cataloging the current courthouse through photographs. Murtha said employees have been encouraged to document their workspaces and the building as they prepare to leave it behind. Despite the excitement of finally moving into a new structure, everyone is keenly aware that it is the end of an era.

“As we’re packing up, I told a deputy that I wanted pictures. Every office is packing up and doing this. This is history,” Murtha said.

And as employees begin the last few weeks of occupying the old courthouse, further modernization efforts are underway. The courthouse recently established its own Facebook page — — to help keep the public updated on events, and work on an official dedicated website for the courthouse continues, Murtha said.

Tony Dewald, director of equalization for Hutchinson County, packs up items in his office for the move to the new Hutchinson County Courthouse, which is under construction on the west side of Olivet. The current courthouse, located in central Olivet, has been in use by the county since 1881. (Erik Kaufman / Republic)

Tony Dewald, director of equalization for Hutchinson County, packs up items in his office for the move to the new Hutchinson County Courthouse, which is under construction on the west side of Olivet. The current courthouse, located in central Olivet, has been in use by the county since 1881. (Erik Kaufman / Republic)

The new building will allow county employees to better serve the interests of its patrons, Murtha said, and there will be plenty of challenges to tackle after the move. Like many counties in the region, Hutchinson County suffered heavy infrastructure damage from the rains and flooding this year. Roads and bridges are in need of repair, and it will be one of the top priorities for county officials as they break in the new building.

“We don’t have one road that wasn’t damaged,” Murtha said.

And when the dust finally settles and Hutchinson County staff are comfortably occupying their new offices, it will be time to officially invite the public for an open house in the spring. As a public institution, Murtha said it’s appropriate to have a special time for patrons to come in, walk around and familiarize themselves with the new courthouse.

It is, after all, a building for residents of Hutchinson County to come and conduct their county business.

“We want to have something in the spring, because if we have it in the winter, we’re going to run the risk of having a blizzard. That’s how our luck has been, and then we’d be stuck with all the cake,” Murtha said. “It will be in the spring. We’d rather people come when there aren’t piles of snow. You want to make it so everyone can come.”

Michael Bloomberg Is Prepping a Possible Presidential Bid, Filing Paperwork For At Least One Primary – SFist

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Former New York City mayor and self-made billionaire Michael Bloomberg is reportedly inching toward declaring his candidacy for the 2020 presidential campaign, and is making moves that include filing paperwork calling himself a candidate in the Democratic race in the Alabama primary.

Bloomberg has reportedly not made a final decision to run, as the Associated Press and New York Times are reporting, but the move is a signal that he is now seriously considering a run that would place him as a centrist challenger to Joe Biden. Alabama, which is part of the Super Tuesday primary group that will be holding primary elections on March 3, has an especially early filing date of November 8 for candidates. There are no filing requirements for the Iowa caucuses, which happen on February 3, and candidates can enter the race for those at any time.

Howard Wolfson, a close adviser to Bloomberg, said in a statement on Thursday that the former mayor viewed President Trump as an “unprecedented threat to our nation,” per the New York Times. “We now need to finish the job and ensure that Trump is defeated — but Mike is increasingly concerned that the current field of candidates is not well positioned to do that,” Wolfson said.

The move adds a new wrinkle to the story of this already crowded election, and it follows on a New York Times/Siena College poll published three days ago that showed Trump winning in three to five key battleground states if his opponent were Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders. If Biden were the Democratic nominee, the poll showed Biden had just a slim lead over Trump in four out of six battleground states (Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Florida, and Arizona), with the results even for Biden and Trump in Michigan.

Bloomberg is likely to make up his mind within days, according to his advisors. The 77-year-old former mayor had previously ruled out a run for next year.

Despite his personal wealth for use in campaign funding, Bloomberg would likely face a difficult road to getting on primary voters’ radar at this late date. A Fox News poll of Democrats last month found that only 6 percent said they’d definitely vote for him, and about a third said they’d never vote for him.

As the AP notes, Bloomberg still has an advantage in attracting independents and those who are alienated by the left-leaning policy agendas of Warren and Sanders. Bloomberg is a former registered Republican turned Independent, and he only registered as a Democrat last year — though he actively supported Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election and had been a lifelong Democrat before deciding to run for mayor in New York. And perhaps, the argument goes, voters who are impressed with Donald Trump’s purported credentials as a businessman (who still believes that fiction??) could be attracted to another successful businessman who doesn’t necessarily share his views on social issues, and has some actual experience in government.

Bloomberg was elected for three consecutive terms as New York City mayor, serving from 2002 to 2013 — he took office after Mayor Rudolph Giuliani was termed out. For his third term he registered as an Independent, but ran on the Republican Party line of the ballot. He began his career in finance as Solomon Brothers, and founded his own firm in 1981, ultimately growing it into a global financial services, software and mass media company. He served as CEO of the company until being elected mayor, and he resumed his post as CEO in late 2014. He previously considered running as a third-party candidate in 2016, but elected not to.

He is said to be the 9th richest person in the United States, according to Forbes, and the 14th richest in the world, with an estimated net worth of $53 billion.

Photo: David Shankbone/Wikimedia

Prepping for Omaha: Emily Escobedo – SwimSwam

About Prepping for Omaha

The “Prepping for Omaha” series looks at Fike Swim ambassadors in the run up to Trials and the preparations they are making to earn the most coveted spot in sports- a place on the U.S. Olympic Team. In the first edition we looked at the technical and tempo changes Ali DeLoof is making to her backstroke. In our second edition, we look at elite breaststroker and National Teamer Emily Escobedo and the changes she is making in the wake of her first international meet, the 2019 World University Games.

Emily Escobedo

Emily Escobedo is a rising star within USA Swimming and the new International Swim League (ISL). The NY Breakers breaststroke specialist earned her first ISL win in Budapest in the 200 breast, beating a stout field that included Annie Lazor, U.S. Olympian Breeja Larson, and Aussie Olympian Taylor McKeown. This year also marks her third year on the U.S. National Team, representing the stars and stripes at World University Games (WUGs) where she won silver and a new personal best in the 200 LCM breast (2:22.87). Earlier this year in a 33 Meters story, we detailed Emily’s use of unconventional training to fuel her rise to the top of the breaststroke ranks. But her performance at WUGs, though good, made her rethink her training and make some changes in the run up to Trials.

Here’s what the National Teamer has tweaked:

1. Strategy
WUGs was Emily’s first international meet and the excitement of representing her country got to her. In prelims of the 200 the swimmers next to her took their races out fast. Emily, who normally likes to ride each stroke, pushed the first 50 and upped her tempo higher than normal. “I try to ride the glide for as long as I can, feeling the moment before deceleration as the queue to take another stroke, but if someone goes out fast, my instinct is to keep up with them.” She finished her prelims race in a new personal best of 2:22.87 and was the top seed by over three seconds. But for the first time in her career she had two more swims ahead of her (semis and finals) and hadn’t managed the first one properly. She was gassed by finals and just missed gold.

“When I race I race without thinking about conserving energy for future races, but going forward I have to think about how I’m going to save up enough to do the 2breast three times for Trials. Last year we worked a lot on speed because my hundred was slow relative to my 200, so now I need to go back to focusing on stroke count, aerobic base, and power.”

2. Weights
At the same time as she was working on speed for her 100 (2018 and early 2019), Emily also expanded her weight workouts and shifted towards Olympic lifts like pulls and cleans. She focused on legs and de-emphasized presses “because breaststrokers need less pec development and more lat.” Emily accomplished her goal of getting stronger, adding about 9lbs of muscle, and is now shifting her weight program back a bit.
“I feel stronger now, so I’ve replaced a day of heavy lifting with more body weight exercises. Mondays and Fridays are heavier lift days, and Wednesdays will be some lifting but include high-energy, high-intensity exercises to augment my aerobic conditioning, like jumps, hill sprints, and biking.”

3. Kicking
As we noted in the 33 Meters article, Emily’s training was a bit unusual in her low amount of kicking relative to other breaststrokers. It sometimes only amounted to 300 or 400 yards. However, “going forward I will try to incorporate more fast, high-intensity kicking after main sets.” Here’s a set that shows how she is focusing more on kick:
2 Rounds:
Broken 200 breast with :10 rest after each 50
:30 to :45 rest
100 fast kick
200 easy

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4. Long Course Prep
Unfortunately Emily doesn’t get to train long course on a regular basis the way most, if not all, of her competition does. But whereas some swimmers might need weeks or months of long course training to acclimate, Emily settles in quickly. “New York doesn’t have many long course pools and the ones we have are generally tied up with other activities like high school swimming. Luckily for me I find it easier to do long course, because it takes me awhile to get going, so it’s nice to have a long pool to get going before I have to turn. But in practice to help simulate the longer distance, instead of 50s we might do a bunch of 75s, or 125s instead of 100s. Plus, we’ll use parachutes and wear mesh bags on our ankles or arms, which also improves my technique and my power.”

Making adjustments to your stroke and your training is filled with ups and downs, but Emily tries to stay focused on the big picture. “Once a practice is over I learn from it and move on. It might have been terrible but what I learn from it helps me do better the next practice.” And judging by her improvement over the last two years, Emily seems to be doing a good job of learning to SWIM DIFFERENT!

You can support Emily on her journey to Tokyo by following her Instagram and Facebook pages, and you can get the latest Fike Swim news, product updates, and videos by subscribing to our newsletter and YouTube channel and liking us on Facebook. And you can get a candid look at Fike Swim’s journey to help swimmers SWIM DIFFERENT by following them on Instagram.

About Fike Swim

“We design products exclusively for the toughest sport in the world.  We unapologetically place swimmers on a pedestal.  The rigors they embrace on a daily basis can only be understood by another swimmer and they deserve a company focused 100% on helping them succeed.  Whether you’re just starting out or training for Tokyo, we stand behind you.”
– James Fike, Founder

Fike Swim Products was born when founder James Fike put a brick on top of a kickboard and transformed just another legs-only kick set into a total body workout felt into the next day. Since then it’s been our mission to create unique swim equipment with the single-minded goal of making you faster. We don’t sell toys. We create tools to help you reach your potential.

Swimming news is courtesy of Fike Swim, a SwimSwam partner.

Prepping for Snow: How Technology Helps Plow drivers – Spectrum News

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Days before the snow starts falling, the state Department of Transportation is preparing to clean up.

“Trucks have been prepped, the salt’s in the barn, we’re good to go,” said DOT Region 6 Director Brian Kelly.

“In an early season storm like we’re facing this week, there’s no salt on the road. So we might go out and salt ahead of the storm. So that when the snow and ice starts falling, it doesn’t turn into ice it stops it from binding with the roadway, and forming a hardpack.”

Like it or not, that winter weather is just around the corner, with Thursday being the first significant snowfall of the season. And you’ll see big snow plows all over the roads.

“Fifty years ago … there were still agencies putting out by hand, off the back of the truck, or they had no salt or sand at all,” said David Orr, the director of Cornell Local Roads Program.

Now, salt is coated with brine, making it sticky, and preventing it from bouncing off the roads. An extra plow attached to the back allows the clearing of a second lane “to make it, you know, as efficient as we can,” said Kelly.

Even the driver’s seat looks different.

“[It’s] an incredible amount of information the drivers are responsible for. Every wing, every piece of that truck, aside from putting it in gear and driving it down the road, they’ve got to be responsible for. There’s a lot of technological change inside the truck, too,” said Kelly.

A device on the side of the truck can measure the road temperature, aiding in salt distribution.

Prepping for early 2020 West Pogo drilling – North of 60 Mining News

Millrock Resources Inc. Nov. 4 reported that all the pieces are falling in place for an early 2020 drill program at West Pogo, one of nine blocks of claims that make up the company’s district-scale Goodpaster gold project in Interior Alaska.

In mid-October, Australia-based Northern Cobalt Ltd. cut a deal to earn up to a 60 percent interest in the Goodpaster project by investing US$20 million in exploration, plus paying US$200,000 in cash and issuing 38 million in Northern Cobalt shares to Millrock over four years.

The deal also includes other considerations, including earning up to 80 percent interest in one of Millrock’s Goodpaster claim blocks. Further details on the agreement can be read in “Millrock cuts $20M deal for Goodpaster” in the Oct. 18 edition of North of 60 Mining News.

Northern Cobalt has made an initial US$250,000 payment to Millrock, which provides the Australian explorer exclusive rights to option Goodpaster as it completes due diligence. This can be extended by 50 days for an additional US$250,000 payment.

Millrock is applying this payment toward preparations for a planned US$5 million 2020 exploration program that will primarily be focused on completing a thorough test of drill targets established at West Pogo.

While most Interior Alaska projects shut down drilling during the cold months of winter, West Pogo has the advantage of being road accessible, a key to cost effective winter drilling.

This state-owned industrial road, which provides access to Northern Star Resources Ltd.’s Pogo gold mine, cuts across the West Pogo property.

Millrock plans to enter into a shared use agreement with Northern Star that helps ensure safe road use through communication and defined travel protocols and provides for pro-rata sharing of road maintenance costs. Millrock already has permits to travel the road with light vehicles, as well as semi-trucks and trailers.

Millrock Resources Inc.

A geophysics line cuts through the trees north from Mile 46.5 of the Pogo Mine access road on Millrock’s West Pogo property. The mill and other surface facilities at Northern Star Resources’ high-grade gold mine can be seen in the distance.

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Millrock recently received permits to build a roughly four-mile-long road lining the Pogo Mine access road to Aurora Creek valley, one of the primary drill targets at West Pogo.

A camp that will serve as the headquarters for West Pogo exploration has been established at Mile 39 of the Pogo Mine road. Additionally, a lay-down area has been cleared at Mile 45.5, roughly at the head of the Aurora Creek road, as a place to stage equipment and supplies for the planned first quarter 2020 drill program.

Once the drill road is completed a well will be drilled in the Aurora Creek valley. This will provide water for the drills, another key to winter drilling success during the cold winter months.

“Upon successful completion of the drill road and water well by Millrock’s team, the companies will be in a position to execute a $5 million drilling program beginning as early as the first quarter of 2020,” said Millrock Resources President and CEO Greg Beischer.


Smart Benefits: Prepping for a DOL Audit – GoLocalProv

Monday, November 04, 2019

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Rob Calise

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No one wants to receive a notice that they’re being investigated by the DOL. But health investigations are happening with increased frequency, and you should be prepared for when a letter arrives. 

Sources for an investigation can vary, and include everything from random selection and public statements like annual reports to participant complaints and private litigation. Once the DOL identifies a target, it will start the process with an inquiry letter. Before you receive one, it’s wise to get your documents in order.

A major component of the investigations involving a group health plan or service provider is a compliance review of ERISA’s group health plan requirements under ERISA parts 6 and 7 relating to applicable health laws, including:

  • Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
  • Mental Health Parity Act (MHPA)
  • Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA)
  • Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act (WHCRA)
  • Newborns’ and Mothers’ Health Protection Act (Newborns’ Act)
  • Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA)
  • Michelle’s Law
  • Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (CHIPRA)
  • Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Affordable Care Act)

The letters will seek information about your health plan like your ERISA-compliant plan document, SPDs, SBCs, Form 5500s; documentation that you’ve fulfilled notice requirements; and details about administration of the plan. Since the fines for violations can be significant, It’s a good idea to review every record now, address areas that need to be corrected, and maintain compliant versions in one location so that you can respond quickly in the event you receive a notice. 

If and when you do get a letter, assign one person to coordinate all communication with the DOL. That individual should make a list of what the DOL has asked for and provide exactly what’s requested — and nothing more. And a timely response is key to show your cooperation and avoid the risk of further action like an on-site interview. You may also want to notify your legal counsel if you have one to get their advice on how to proceed.

While an audit could happen at any time, here are some tips to avoid an investigation:

  • Respond to any participant questions or requests for information in a timely manner
  • File required forms like the Form 5500 fully, accurately, and on time
  • Distribute required notices to participants on time and maintain records that demonstrate they were provided
  • Update plan documents and SPDs to reflect legal and design change
  • Make sure the benefit plans comply with relevant laws
  • Have procedures in place for handling disputes and claims

Rob Calise is the Managing Director, Employee Benefits of The Hilb Group of New England, where he helps clients control the costs of employee benefits by focusing on consumer-driven strategies and on how to best utilize the tax savings tools the government provides. Rob serves as Chairman of the Board of United Benefit Advisors, and is a board member of the Blue Cross & Blue Shield of RI Broker Advisory Board, United HealthCare of New England Broker Advisory Board and Rhode Island Business Healthcare Advisors Council. He is also a member of the National Association of Health Underwriters (NAHU), American Health Insurance Association (AHIA) and the Employers Council on Flexible Compensation (ECFC), as well as various human resource associations. Rob is a graduate of Bryant University with a BS in Finance

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15 kitchen gadgets that will make prepping your next meal easier – Boing Boing

You don’t need to be a TV chef to take advantage of the same accessories they use – and if you’re still cooking with hand-me-down kitchenware from your parents, it might be time to trade up. Here are 15 kitchen accessories that will make dinnertime prep shorter and the results tastier.

Gemelli Twin Oven

This is no mere toaster oven. The Gemelli puts a full convection oven on your countertop, perfectly sized for family meals. There’s a rotisserie function for main courses, and a dedicated drawer underneath that makes homemade pizza a snap.

MSRP: $379.99

Sale Price: $279.99

Chefman 1.7L Color-Changing Electric Kettle

Stop listening for the kettle. With the Chefman, you can see your water reach its boiling point as the container changes from black to red. It comes with its own heating base which shuts off automatically when the pot is empty.

MSRP: $49.99

Sale Price: $37

StirMATE® Smart Pot Stirrer

Not everyone has the endurance to stir a potful of food for hours on end. That’s why the StirMATE® Smart Pot Stirrer exists. Just clamp this well-designed stirrer onto the side and go work on other prep – or just relax. A long arm stirs the pot, while a horizontal short arm gently scours the bottom to prevent food from sticking and scorching.

MSRP: $59.99

Sale Price: $49.99

Martha Stewart 8-Qt 7-in-1 Digital Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker

From the lifestyle guru herself comes this essential cooker. It’s got a large capacity and 14 presets that can handle any dish easily, from stews to yogurt.

MSRP: $109.99

Sale Price: $79.99

SmartPan® SlideChop Vegetable Chopper

Cooked or raw, veggies are no match for this versatile chopper. It works with a simple back-and-forth motion, and with a suction base, you can even do your chopping one-handed.

MSRP: $39.99

Sale Price: $19.99

SubSafe™ Sandwich Container

Sandwiches seem like a perfect fit for a beach day – until you figure in the sand and water. These modular, waterproof, BPA-free containers are great for keeping your lunch dry and delicious, and they can do the same for personal items too. They even float!

MSRP: $17.95

Sale Price: $15

Spoon Buddy™

The suction cup base on this ingenious yet simple device means you can have a handy holder for dirty spoons anywhere you need it. But it’s also flexible and heat-resistant, making it useful as a jar opener, among other things.

MSRP: $12.99

Sale Price:$9.99

Mellow Salt & Pepper Magnet Self-Open Set

Here’s a shaker set that opens its own lids. Thanks to a magnetized base, the lids on these salt and pepper shakers pop up for use as soon as you pick them up.

MSRP: $39.99

Sale Price: $17.99

AnySharp PRO Chef Knife Sharpener

This intelligent sharpener requires just a minimum amount of force to sharpen and extend the life of any knife – even those with a serrated edge. The tungsten carbide whetstone inside conveys an edge without shaving off more metal than necessary.

MSRP: $29.99

Sale Price: $24.99

11-Piece Stainless Steel Cocktail Bar Tool Set

If Batman tended bar, this would be his utility belt. The rustic bamboo stand holds not just the usual shaker and jigger but four wine mouths, a crushed ice hammer and more.

MSRP: $55.99

Sale Price: $34.99

Chefman Carbon Fiber Electric Smokeless Indoor Grill

Get those telltale grill marks and backyard flavor from the comfort of your kitchen. The carbon fiber grill heats up to 450 degrees safely, smoke-free, and quicker than that charcoal smoker on the back porch.

MSRP: $149.99

Sale Price: $109.99

The MeatStick® True Wireless Meat Thermometer: Xtender Set

Get perfectly cooked meat the truly modern way with this Bluetooth-enabled thermometer. Leave it in while you cook, go watch the game and wait for the alert on your phone that tells you when it reaches your preset temperature.

MSRP: $84.99

Sale Price: $59.99

Snapbit™ Handsfree Fits-All Strainer

Get one less strainer to clean with every meal, thanks to this clip-on silicone sieve. It attaches to any size bowl, cup or pan to allow you to strain easily and without the extra mess.

MSRP: $34.99

Sale Price: $12

Dockside Bakeware 5-Piece Ceramic Stoneware Baking Set

The cobalt blue trim and simple design make this an heirloom set, but they’ve got more than just looks. The non-stick enamel coating and quick-cooling exterior make them equally suitable for cooking in the oven or microwave.

MSRP: $149.99

Sale Price: $99.99

Hand-Forged Damascus Steel Chef Knife Set: 3 Pieces

There’s up to 200 layers of steel in these knives, and the mix of high and low carbon content in each of them account for the distinctive look. They’re extremely durable, and the pakka wood handles serve as the perfect complement.

MSRP: $89

Sale Price: $69.99

Prepping Bees for Mars, New Google Shortcuts, and More News – WIRED

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Scientists are raising interplanetary bees and Google is speeding up your keys, but first: a cartoon about obsessive Instagrammers.

Here’s the news you need to know, in two minutes or less.

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Today’s Headlines

Bees, please: Stop dying in your Martian simulator

The Mars simulator in Pila, Poland, is mainly for humans: It simulates what it’s like to live and work at a base on the moon or Mars. But now 90,000 bees live there. The reason is that scientists realize we will need pollinators if we are ever going to grow food in those space places, so they need to figure something out: Is it possible to keep the bees alive?

Google’s .New shortcuts are now for everyone

A year ago, Google introduced a function that allows you to type into your URL bar to start a new Google Doc. Now it’s expanding that to all kinds of things. Want to start a new Spotify playlist? That’s List a widget on eBay? Try Shorten a link with Type in That’s just a sample of Google’s first dozen outside .new domains; more are coming soon.

Fast Fact: 150 to 200

That’s how many transgender athletes are currently competing in NCAA sports. For the most part, you won’t hear much about these athletes. But as more and more transgender athletes take the podium, the controversy around fairness is heating up.

WIRED Recommends: Pumpkin Carving Tools

Carving pumpkins is actually a lot harder than it looks. Make your life easier (and your pumpkins better!) with some of these handy tools and tips.

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Local News How CDOT is prepping the roads for several days of snow Micah Smith 2 – The Denver Channel

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DENVER – Colorado Department of Transportation crews will work 24-hours a day, in 12-hour shifts to keep roads clear during the snow storm, according to a spokesperson.

“The number on goal is to make sure that all of the motorists are safe,” said CDOT Spokesperson Presley Fowler.

Fowler said Saturday night crews began pre-treating roads and on Sunday, in places where snow started to stick, crews deployed sand for traction.

“It’s all about allocating the resources we have to the areas that are going to be most impacted by this storm,” Fowler said. “We are fully prepared for this to be a several-day snow event. Essentially they’re on snow shift through Wednesday.”

MORE: CDOT urgest drivers to avoid travel, especially in the mountains, as winter storms moves in

MORE: How much snow to expect | Weather page | Radar | Live streams | Traffic |

Fowler said CDOT is encouraging everyone to avoid driving if possible.

“We encourage staying off the roadways during the storm as much as possible,” Fowler said, “but we’re out there trying our hardest to get the roadways clear.”

Fowler told Denver7 that even in places where the road appears clear, drivers should use caution.

“When you see wet pavement it could be ice so we just need people to be aware of that as well,” Fowler said.

Fowler said drivers can track road conditions and where plows are currently clearing roadways on .

Watch: Live cameras from around the Denver area

Live weather and traffic cams as snowstorm moves through Colorado