Prepping For An IPO, Postmates Raises Another $225 Million – Forbes

Postmates is receiving another cash injection as the San Francisco-based delivery service prepares to go public, raising an additional $225 million from private equity firm GPI Capital that boosts Postmates valuation to $2.4 billion, up from $1.85 billion in January.

The funding round comes at the eleventh hour of a possible IPO for Postmates, a rare move and one that hasn’t been foreshadowed by the major tech IPOs that hit the markets this year. The No. 4 delivery service had been expected to publish its prospectus this month after confidentially filing for the offering in February and after reports it might be in talks with an acquirer, which the company has shrugged off.

Pre-IPO funding rounds sometimes act as bridge financing, signaling the company could be running out of cash. Or it could reflect’s a company’s desire to raise its valuation to benchmark it higher ahead of the IPO, University of Florida professor Jay Ritter says. Postmates declined to comment on its IPO plans or timing. The company had reportedly booked $400 million in revenue in 2018 and is not profitable.

“We are excited to have GPI as a partner and the lead of this round during such a pivotal year for Postmates,” said Postmates CEO Bastian Lehmann in a statement.

New York-based private equity firm GPI Capital says it often invests in late-stage, private companies, taking stakes up to 20%. (Its stake in Postmates couldn’t be learned.) GPI Capital partner Khai Ha, who joined from Brazilian investment bank BTG Pactual, will join the Postmates board, which includes representatives from investors from Founders Fund, Tiger Global and Spark Capital.

Postmates road to the IPO has taken longer than some tech companies this year. The company confidentially filed to go public in February. Since then, consumer tech IPOs from Uber, Lyft and Pinterest debuted, and Peloton (which announced its confidential filing in June) is already doing its roadshow. Recode previously reported that Postmates held sales talks with other companies in the intervening six months, but Lehmann recently dismissed the acquisition talks in a statement to Forbes. “People talk so much shit about us at the barber shop, they forget to get a haircut,” he says.

Founded by Lehmann as a way to deliver any product from a local store, the company has capitalized on its early following from actors and musicians, who would share outrageous or silly takeout orders on social media, to build a 11.5% of the U.S. market in July, according to Second Measure. However, it continues to trail rivals like DoorDash ($12.6 billion valuation) and publicly traded rivals Grubhub and Uber Eats. Like its rivals, Postmates continues to spend heavily on marketing ahead of its IPO to continue to gain both local marketshare in key footholds like Los Angeles and broader national market share.

Prepping for the ultimate time-management challenge: parenthood – Fast Company

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So you’re thinking about starting a family but feel like you already don’t have enough hours in the day. What can you do to prepare for this life transition?



I’m glad you asked. As a time-management coach, I’ve found that wanting to start a family, or having a child and adjusting to that change, is a major reason that people reach out to me for help. Having a little person’s life to manage in addition to your own requires a serious leveling up of time-management skills.

There’s no perfect way to prepare—surprises and adjustments are inevitable—but here are four strategies that can help, as you consider this life change:

Clarify what you want

Different individuals have massively different views of what they envision in terms of parenting. There’s not a right or wrong scenario as long as your children are safe and loved. But you need to figure out what works for you (and your partner, if applicable). For example, you’ll want to think about how much you’ll want—and need—to work: full-time, part-time, or potentially not at all outside of the home.

You’ll also want to think about what you feel comfortable with in terms of travel, evening, or weekend activities. You’ll want to think about what kind of childcare situation makes you comfortable, and feels feasible, given your financial situation. Maybe even drill down to specifics like how often you want to eat dinner at home or participate in bedtime. It’s very possible that your answers to these questions may change, but it’s good to consider them in advance.

Assess your circumstances

Once you have clarity on what you want, then you’ll need to determine what possibilities exist within your current situation and which don’t. For example, if you have an hour or more commute, that may have an impact on how much you can participate in certain family activities. Or if you have a job that requires a high percentage of travel or always expects evening and weekend work, this will also limit family time.

You may be okay with these limitations, or you may be able to find creative strategies to make things work. For example if you have a long commute, you may leave really early so you can still be home for dinner, or you may figure out a way to have some work-from-home days. But if you take a good, hard look at your circumstances and realize they’re incongruent with what you want for your family, you may want to consider changes like moving closer to the office or getting a different position.


Remember: There’s no perfect time to start a family, and you can make things work in almost any situation. But certain circumstances can make the situation easier or harder.

Get your work in order

Often pre-baby individuals work until their work is done. But once you have a little person who you want to see—and need to pick up before daycare closes—getting out of the office on time becomes a much bigger deal. Also, obviously, babies take energy and tend not to sleep through the night. So you’ll likely not have as much energy to do work at night as you might have had before.

What this means for you is that having clarity on what needs to be accomplished and organizing your time in such a way that you can get it done during the day becomes essential. If you haven’t done so already, start to keep a list of your tasks and projects, begin to plan your day, and then execute on those activities, preferably ahead of schedule. Staying late or trying to work on the evenings or weekends can still happen. But it typically feels like it has a higher cost, post-baby.

Start practicing your new life

Once you’re better organized, start practicing your new way of life. Even before you have a baby, see if you can start to leave the office earlier. Challenge yourself by making a commitment to your spouse or friend to meet at a certain time after work or sign up for something like an exercise class after work.

This practice will help you see what it takes to leave work on time and to try to get everything done before then. If you’re currently working on the weekends, experiment to see if you can reduce or even eliminate this work. This practice to contain your work will help you to have more skills in place before your bundle of joy arrives and will also give you an accurate assessment of what is possible within your current circumstances.

You can’t completely prepare for becoming a parent. Unexpected things will come up, and you will experience a big adjustment. But with these four strategies, you can be better equipped for the change.

It’s Never Too Early To Start Prepping Your Pipes For Winter –

Drug with standard strength of sildenafil citrate Whether it is a tablet or other form, all forms have their own tadalafil tablets in india significance for ingestion. Men with these health conditions are on higher risks cialis soft uk of developing mild erectile dysfunction are quite higher. Find out generic uk viagra the browser applications and the softwares that are compulsory for downloading the drivers ed online course and then start your online education. There are two large categories that give rise canadian viagra 100mg to development of erectile dysfunction.

To be fair, I saw this post on the Bangor Water District‘s Facebook page about two weeks ago. So before you think I’m putting the cart before the horse, they were on it way before that. And, let’s face it. the temps are falling all the time. Sure, we’re supposed to have a pretty warm weekend, but there’s a frost warning up north tonight!

And it’s only downhill from here. So the BWD put out a reminder that there are a few things you can do while the weather is still balmy. Once the freezing temps hit, it’ll be too late.

  • Disconnect and drain your outside faucets. As well as shut the inside valve off for the season.
  • Repair any damage around the pipes so that cold air can’t find a way in.
  • Insulate any pipes exposed to the outdoors. Also check it from time to time to make sure it’s in good shape.
  • If you have pipes running through closets and such, make sure heat can get to them.
  • Older furnaces heat less efficiently, so they tend to warm a basement. Newer ones don’t, so keep an eye on your basement pipes as well.
  • Maybe most importantly, make sure your emergency shutoff works before you need it. This seems like a no-brainer, but….

So let’s say at that point, you’ve done all these things, and you still end up with some frozen pipes… What should you do?

If you don’t know how to properly deal with it, absolutely call a professional. Otherwise, use a hair dryer on low, and move the heat up and down the pipe. Never use a blowtorch or open flame of any kind. Also, be aware that when the pipe thaws, it could leak all over the place if it’s cracked. Be ready for that mess!

Sure, most of this is common sense, but repair guys talk all the time about having to deal with people’s bad decisions and mistakes because they get cocky about how to handle things. Don’t be that guy. Or girl. Doing it the right way, the first time, will save you big bucks later.

In the meantime, begin collecting your various winter weather witticisms for letting everyone know how much you hate winter. That’s the kind of winter prep I can actually get behind. Everything else seems like work.

Essex police department prepping for car show | Local News – Gloucester Daily Times

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ESSEX — There will be a slew of unusual cars parked in Essex along Martin Street, at Town Hall and in the municipal lot behind the police and fire station next weekend, and Essex police want residents to be prepared for some road closures and detours.

The officers are dotting their i’s and crossing their t’s as they prepare for the sixth annual Essex Police Department Car Show on Sunday, Sept. 22, from 1 to 4 p.m. The public is invited to join them in checking the cars out.

Officer James Romeos, one of the organizers, said he expects owners of more than 300 vintage and classic cars, trucks and motorcycles to show off their vehicles, including retired police Chief Peter G. Silva.

“We couldn’t keep him away,” quipped current Chief Paul D. Francis.

There is no charge to enter a car in the show, and those wishing to exhibit a vehicle need just arrive by 1 p.m., Romeos said.

There is no fee to check the vehicles out, either, he added.

Police will accept donations for the department’s gift account, used to help officers in need and for scholarships, Francis said.

The antique, muscle, classic, American and European cars, motorcycles and trucks will be displayed on Martin Street between Main and Maple streets, including in the First Ipswich Bank and post office lots; in the municipal lot off Shepard Memorial Drive behind the Memorial Building police and fire station, 24 Martin St. (Route 22); and in both parking lots at Town Hall, 30 Martin St. 

Essex Lions Club members will be on hand selling hot dogs, hamburgers and drinks and a disc jockey from J&C Entertainment will spin classic tunes. 

Police are asking anybody who uses the municipal parking lot to remove all private vehicles and boat trailers no later than 10 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 21, when the lot will close until after show Sept. 22 at 5 p.m. 

There will be no through-traffic on Martin Street during the car show.

To make it safer for those attending the show to view the cars, the Martin Street ends of Pickering, Winthrop and Maple streets will be closed to traffic and residents of those streets should enter and exit off Western Avenue (Route 22). Brook Pasture Lane, Prospect Street, Evans Way and Walnut Park residents will be directed to turn right toward Western Avenue, while those on Landing Road will be asked to go left toward Western Avenue.

Drivers traveling from Hamilton will be directed onto Western Avenue, heading toward Route 133 to Ipswich or Gloucester.

Those coming to see the cars may park behind the tennis courts, the dirt lot or in the middle field at Shepard Memorial Park, off Shepard Memorial Drive, or in any legal spots around town.

Questions or concerns about the show may be directed to Romeos at 978-768-6628 ext. 5019, or Francis at 978-768-6628.

Rain date for the show is Sept. 29, same time, same place.

Andrea Holbrook may be contacted at 978-675-2713 or


Who and what: Sixth annual Essex Police Department Car Show.

When: Sunday, Sept. 22, from 1 to 4 p.m.

Where: Municipal parking lot off Shepard Memorial Drive behind the Memorial Building police and fire station, 24 Martin St. (Route 22), Essex.

How much: Free to attend or show a car; donations accepted.

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    Canterbury Park and Running Aces prepping for big final weekend – Star Tribune

    In fact, it cheap viagra is as powerful as the men’s formula. It is however easier to obtain at cialis de prescription get rid of ED. It’s called cialis for sale uk “pattern baldness” as a result of the condition. However, the uses sildenafil canada view here of progesterone and infertility treatments are both required to bring about the fertilization of the egg.

    In another sign of summer’s end, Canterbury Park and Running Aces both conclude their live horse racing seasons Saturday. The thoroughbreds at Canterbury and the harness horses at Running Aces will be chasing rich purses and season titles, with large fields expected at the tracks in Shakopee and Columbus.

    Canterbury Park

    The schedule: 14 races on Friday (5 p.m.), 14 on Saturday (12:45 p.m.)

    Admission: $7 (17 and under free)

    The highlights: A whopping 307 horses have been entered for the final two days of the 66-day meet, with an average field size of 11 horses per race. Closing weekend includes a pair of stakes races each day. Friday features the $50,000 Tom Metzen HBPA Sprint and the $50,000 John Bullit, while Saturday has the $75,000 Shakopee Juvenile and the $60,000 MTA Stallion Auction Stakes.

    It’s Mac’s world: Trainer Mac Robertson’s horses already have won a Canterbury Park-record $1.98 million in purses this season. Robertson leads Robertino Diodoro by three victories in the race for leading trainer and has 37 horses entered this weekend. Robertson is pursuing his 13th training title in the past 15 seasons.

    Running Aces

    The schedule: 14 races Saturday (5:10 p.m.)

    Admission: free

    The highlights: The track’s annual Night of Champions will offer $543,500 in purses, the highest single-day total in its history. The card has attracted 111 Minnesota-sired horses, headed by MD Magic, who has $62,550 in earnings this season and is the favorite in the $40,000 championship trot for 3-year-old colts and geldings. Bunkerhill Phil, whose nine victories are the most of any horse this season at Running Aces, is favored in the $50,000 championship pace for 2-year-old colts and geldings.

    Two-legged champs: Dean Magee, with 84 victories this season, is poised to win the crown as leading driver after finishing second in each of the past two years. Kathleen Plested (40 victories) has the edge in the race for leading trainer, followed by Tim Maier (34) and Nick Roland (32).


    Prepping for Pregame: Episode 2 – UI The Daily Iowan

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    The Pregame staff discusses Iowa’s win over Rutgers and what the Hawkeyes have to do to keep the Cy-Hawk Trophy in Iowa City.

    On the second episode of Pregame’s official podcast, the Force recaps Iowa’s 30-0 win over Rutgers to kick off Big Ten play and gives its predictions for the upcoming Cy-Hawk game.

    With it being “Hate Week” the staff also gives its Mount Rushmore of things it hates.

    From then farm: Prepping for my 50-year reunion – Concord Monitor

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    For the Monitor

    Published: 9/8/2019 2:54:07 PM

    My 50-year high school reunion is approaching. On Sept. 21, a bunch of 67- and 68-year-olds will gather at a country club roughly in the vicinity of Lawrence High School in New Jersey. It’ll be the first reunion I’ve attended, and I’m a bit nervous.

    Some classmates have posted recent pictures on the reunion website. None of us look like we did in 1969. As you know, I’m proud to be a farmer. Fashion is not our strength, but I do want to look my best. So the ragged, stained clothes, and manure-cured boots will stay at home. High school garb in 1969 consisted of skirts, jumpers, or dresses (for the girls, anyway). I intend to continue that tradition. I haven’t worn a dress in recent memory, but they do still sell them, right?

    Makeup will be another out-of-character stretch. I used to buy potions and lotions and wear mascara, all of which were expensive and mysterious. At least they’d have been mysterious if I had wondered back then about their contents and possible side-effects. Alarmingly, the federal Food and Drug Administration does not require testing of cosmetics. The authorities ask the companies to self-test, and if an element is not safe, to voluntarily stop using it.

    Working outside in all weather can mess with a farm girl’s peaches-and-cream complexion to where it’s more a job for Sherwin-Williams than Revlon. But mine has been preserved with agriculture’s best moisturizer.

    While doctoring my cows’ cuts and scrapes with a particular medicated gel, I found that the greasy stuff softened my hands in the process. The gel had been created to soften and heal cows’ udders, and is inelegantly called “bag balm.” For years it has been my go-to, twice-daily moisturizer for hands, feet, and face. And unlike cosmetics, bag balm’s ingredients are listed on the container.

    Oddly, ingredients for livestock treatments must be listed, but not those for human cosmetics.

    Too bad cows don’t wear mascara, because I’d know what I’ll be applying to my eyes. And how about lipstick? Sure, they talk about putting lipstick on a pig, but it doesn’t happen often enough to require an honest accounting of what’s in it.

    So, wish me luck on dressing up and turning back the clock 50 years. Given that everyone there will be past middle years, at least no one will say, “You look good for your age!” Age aside, my personal-appearance goal is for no one to know that I’m a farmer until I tell them.

    (Carole Soule is co-owner of Miles Smith Farm in Loudon, where she raises and sells pastured pork, lamb, eggs and grass-fed beef. She can be reached at

    Florida Homeowner: No Price-Tag on Prepping Home for Hurricanes – Bay News 9

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    ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — Hurricane Dorian barreling through the Bahamas and coastal Carolina cities is a reminder of the kind of destruction that unfolds from storm season.

    And almost a year ago, another destructive storm — Hurricane Michael — ravaged the Florida Panhandle.

    “The wind whistled by, you would see debris fly by. You would watch the eve of the roof literally seem to buck and shift,” said Dr. Lebron Lackey, who owns a home on Mexico Beach.

    Lackey’s home surveillance video showed the chaos along Mexico Beach during that category four storm.

    But when all was said and done, Lackey’s self-proclaimed “Sand Palace” still stood.

    “So our house is concrete steel all the way from the eve, to 28 feet below ground,” Lackey said.

    Lackey built the home six months before Michael hit, and every detail in the home was chosen to withstand a hurricane.

    It’s something St. Petersburg contractor Bill Covington, president of StormFitters, says you can do too.

    “In theory, what happens, is if the envelope of the building is breached, which means a window is broken or a door, the pressure during a hurricane is very low. The pressure rushes in, internalizes inside the building, and that’s what blows the roof off,” Covington said.

    Covington says securing those openings with storm windows or doors is your best bet at minimizing damage, and there are ways to do it on a budget.

    Dr. Lackey couldn’t put an exact price tag on the price of his hurricane upgrades, but he does have a word of advice for any other Florida homeowners.

    “Consider the idea that paying a little bit more in the short-term over the long-term will have a return on investment for your home and energy costs, and savings on insurance,” he said.

    And of course, Lackey said actually having a home to come back to after a hurricane is priceless.

    ‘That’s just his game’: Von Miller, Broncos prepping for Raiders’ quick-passing attack –

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    ENGLEWOOD, Colo. — When the Broncos hosted the Raiders in Week 2 of the 2018 regular season, Denver overcame a 12-point deficit and kicked a game-winning field goal with six seconds remaining.

    The Raiders built that initial lead for a number of reasons, but perhaps none was as important as this: When Oakland dropped back to pass, the ball hardly ever hit the ground.

    Aided by a series of quick passes, Derek Carr finished the game 29-of-32 for 288 yards, a touchdown and a 114.6 quarterback rating.

    His 90.6 percent completion percentage was easily the highest of his career, and his accuracy proved troublesome for the Broncos for most of the game.

    Carr’s accuracy, coupled with the Raiders’ quick passing game, negated Denver’s pass rush for most of the game. The Broncos recorded just one sack during the game.

    And as Von Miller noted Friday ahead of the Broncos’ season opener against the Raiders, there’s not a lot Denver can do to prevent the Raiders from using the same strategy on Monday night.

    “You’ve just got to play great defense,” Miller said. “You’ve got to play tight coverage, you’ve got to be aware of quick passes. That’s what Derek Carr is known for, getting the ball out quick, getting the ball out accurately. That’s just his game. You can’t really change it. You’ve just got to keep rushing and keep playing around and just wait for your open shot.”

    When an opponent completes those quick passes, picks up first downs and moves the ball, that sort of game plan can frustrate even the most veteran pass rushers.

    “It gets frustrating when throw they the ball quick and they complete it back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back all the way down the field,” Miller said.

    But there is a silver lining, as the Broncos found out last September. Many of Carr’s quick passes were also short passes, and the Broncos’ defense held up on third downs. Carr dropped back to throw six times on third down — and converted two of those six attempts. Twice, the Raiders were stopped short of the line to gain. Carr threw an incomplete pass on another attempt and also took a sack. The Raiders finished just 3-of-10 on third down.

    “[A] quick pass [that’s] incomplete is not [frustrating],” Miller said. “Quick pass, tipped ball — [that’s] not too frustrating.”

    If the Broncos can keep the Raiders’ third-down percentage low on Monday — and, obviously, their point total — Miller and Co. could negate Carr’s ability to control the game.