Survival Myth Busted: Finding directions by tree moss

One of the pervasive folk legends about finding directions  in the wilderness or woods, is that moss grows on a certain side of a tree or rock. Just find your way by observing where the moss is,  according to this theory, and you won’t get lost. According to my compass, the moss was on the west side of this stump. …

Survival Myth Busted: Finding directions by tree moss

One of the pervasive folk legends about finding directions  in the wilderness or woods, is that moss grows on a certain side of a tree or rock. Just find your way by observing where the moss is,  according to this theory, and you won’t get lost. According to my compass, the moss was on the west side of this stump. …

Survival Myth Busted: Finding Directions by Tree Moss

One of the pervasive folk legends about finding directions  in the wilderness or woods, is that moss grows on a certain side of a tree or rock. Just find your way by observing where the moss is,  according to this theory, and you won’t get lost. According to my compass, the moss was on the west side of this stump. …